Python 如何更新Wagtail页面

Python 如何更新Wagtail页面,python,django,wagtail,Python,Django,Wagtail,我使用wagtail_钩子更新页面对象,遇到了麻烦。更具体地说,当最终用户从浏览器点击“保存草稿”按钮时,我希望触发以下代码。此代码的目的是根据下面列出的条件语句的结果动态更改知识库id def sync_knowledge_base_page_with_zendesk2(request, page): if isinstance(page, ContentPage): page_instance = ContentPage.objects.get(


def sync_knowledge_base_page_with_zendesk2(request, page):
    if isinstance(page, ContentPage):
        page_instance = ContentPage.objects.get(
        pageJsonHolder = page_instance.get_latest_revision().content_json
        content = json.loads(pageJsonHolder)
        print("content at the start = ")
        kb_id_revision = content['knowledge_base_id']
        kb_active_revision = content['kb_active']
        if kb_active_revision == "T":
            if kb_id_revision == 0:
                print("create the article")
                content['knowledge_base_id'] = 456
                #page_instance.knowledge_base_id = 456 # change this API call
                print("update the article")
        elif kb_id_revision != 0:
            print("delete the article")
            content['knowledge_base_id'] = 0
            #page_instance.knowledge_base_id = 0
        print("content at the end = ")





from wagtail.wagtailcore import hooks
from .models import ContentPage
import json

# Allows the latest page revision JSON to be updated based on conditionals
def sync_kb_page_with_zendesk(request, page):

    # Sanity check to ensure page is an instance of ContentPage
    if isinstance(page, ContentPage):

        # this sets the user variable
        user_var = request.user 

        # sets the Content Page
        page_instance = ContentPage.objects.get( 

        # this retrieves JSON str w/ latest revisions
        pageJsonHolder = page_instance.get_latest_revision().content_json 

        # this takes the json string and converts it into a json object
        content = json.loads(pageJsonHolder) 

        # this sets the kb id variable for use in the code
        kb_id_revision = content['knowledge_base_id'] 

        # this sets the kb active variable for use in the code
        kb_active_revision = content['kb_active'] 

        # this is the conditional logic 
        if kb_active_revision == "T":
            if kb_id_revision == 0:
                print("create the article")
                # updates the kb id value in the JSON object
                content['knowledge_base_id'] = 456 
                print("update the article")
        elif kb_id_revision != 0:
            print("delete the article")
            # updates the kb id value in the JSON object
            content['knowledge_base_id'] = 0 

        # this takes the JSON object and coverts it back to a JSON str
        revisionPageJsonHolder = json.dumps(content) 

        # this takes your JSON str and creates the latest revision of Page 
        revision = page_instance.revisions.create(

# registers the function to fire after page edit
hooks.register('after_edit_page', sync_kb_page_with_zendesk) 

# registers the function to fire after page creation
hooks.register('after_create_page', sync_kb_page_with_zendesk)

您要将此函数附加到哪个钩子?hooks.register('after_edit_page',sync_knowledge_base_page_与\u zendesk2)hooks.register('after_create_page',sync_knowledge_base_page_与\u zendesk2)恐怕我无法从这个代码片段中提取特定于摇摆尾的细节-这段代码中似乎发生了很多事情(测试
kb\u active\u revision
from wagtail.wagtailcore import hooks
from .models import ContentPage
import json

# Allows the latest page revision JSON to be updated based on conditionals
def sync_kb_page_with_zendesk(request, page):

    # Sanity check to ensure page is an instance of ContentPage
    if isinstance(page, ContentPage):

        # this sets the user variable
        user_var = request.user 

        # sets the Content Page
        page_instance = ContentPage.objects.get( 

        # this retrieves JSON str w/ latest revisions
        pageJsonHolder = page_instance.get_latest_revision().content_json 

        # this takes the json string and converts it into a json object
        content = json.loads(pageJsonHolder) 

        # this sets the kb id variable for use in the code
        kb_id_revision = content['knowledge_base_id'] 

        # this sets the kb active variable for use in the code
        kb_active_revision = content['kb_active'] 

        # this is the conditional logic 
        if kb_active_revision == "T":
            if kb_id_revision == 0:
                print("create the article")
                # updates the kb id value in the JSON object
                content['knowledge_base_id'] = 456 
                print("update the article")
        elif kb_id_revision != 0:
            print("delete the article")
            # updates the kb id value in the JSON object
            content['knowledge_base_id'] = 0 

        # this takes the JSON object and coverts it back to a JSON str
        revisionPageJsonHolder = json.dumps(content) 

        # this takes your JSON str and creates the latest revision of Page 
        revision = page_instance.revisions.create(

# registers the function to fire after page edit
hooks.register('after_edit_page', sync_kb_page_with_zendesk) 

# registers the function to fire after page creation
hooks.register('after_create_page', sync_kb_page_with_zendesk)