R 在不同的数据帧中使用条件变量创建新变量

R 在不同的数据帧中使用条件变量创建新变量,r,dataframe,conditional,R,Dataframe,Conditional,我有以下数据帧 df1: df2: 我需要df1中的一列,p,如果round=1,它等于0,如果round=2,它等于p01的maxvalue,如果round=3,它等于p02的maxvalue 在实际数据中,在df1中我有38轮,380行,在df2中我有20行(每行代表唯一的mun)。我尝试了以下循环: p <-matrix(0, nrow=380,ncol=1) for(i in 2:38){ p <- if(round==i) max(p[[i-1]] %in% df2






p <-matrix(0, nrow=380,ncol=1)

for(i in 2:38){ 
  p <- if(round==i) max(p[[i-1]] %in% df2)


df %>% 
  left_join(df2, by = c("mun1" = "mun")) %>% #Merging the data
  mutate(P = ifelse(round == 1, 0, #Applying the condition
                    ifelse(round == 2, max(p01),
                           ifelse(round == 3, max(p02), NA))))

  round mun1 mun2 p01 p02 p03 P
1     1   SP   PA   3   4   7 0
2     1   RJ   PR   0   3   4 0
3     1   BH   BA   3   6   9 0
4     2   BA   SP   0   1   1 3
5     2   PR   BH   1   4   5 3
6     2   PA   RJ   1   2   3 3
7     3   RJ   BH   0   3   4 6
8     3   PA   PR   1   2   3 6
9     3   SP   BA   3   4   7 6

p <-matrix(0, nrow=380,ncol=1)

for(i in 2:38){ 
  p <- if(round==i) max(p[[i-1]] %in% df2)
df %>% 
  left_join(df2, by = c("mun1" = "mun")) %>% #Merging the data
  mutate(P = ifelse(round == 1, 0, #Applying the condition
                    ifelse(round == 2, max(p01),
                           ifelse(round == 3, max(p02), NA))))

  round mun1 mun2 p01 p02 p03 P
1     1   SP   PA   3   4   7 0
2     1   RJ   PR   0   3   4 0
3     1   BH   BA   3   6   9 0
4     2   BA   SP   0   1   1 3
5     2   PR   BH   1   4   5 3
6     2   PA   RJ   1   2   3 3
7     3   RJ   BH   0   3   4 6
8     3   PA   PR   1   2   3 6
9     3   SP   BA   3   4   7 6