
我想根据同一数据帧中其他列的条件,从R数据帧中的一列生成8个名称组合,r,dataframe,combinations,R,Dataframe,Combinations,我有一个数据框,有来自4支不同球队的20名球员(每支球队5名球员),每个人都从一份梦幻选秀中获得了一份薪水。我希望能够创建8名球员的所有组合,他们的工资等于或低于10000英镑&他们的总分大于x,但不包括来自同一球队的4名或更多球员的任何组合 以下是我的数据框的外观: Team Player K D A LH Points Salary PPS 4 ATN ExoticDeer 6.1 3.3 6.4 306.9 22.209



       Team      Player    K   D    A    LH Points Salary    PPS
  4     ATN  ExoticDeer  6.1 3.3  6.4 306.9 22.209   1622 1.3692
  2     ATN     Supreme  6.8 5.3  7.1 229.4 21.954   1578 1.3913
  1     ATN        sasu  3.6 6.4 11.0  95.7 19.357   1244 1.5560
  3     ATN eL lisasH 2  2.6 6.1  7.9  29.7 12.037    998 1.2061
  5     ATN       Nisha  2.7 5.6  7.5  48.2 12.282    955 1.2861
  11     CL Swiftending  6.0 5.8  7.8 360.5 22.285   1606 1.3876
  13     CL     Pajkatt 13.3 7.5  9.3 326.8 37.248   1489 2.5015
  15     CL  SexyBamboe  6.3 8.5  9.3 168.0 20.660   1256 1.6449
  14     CL         EGM  2.8 6.0 13.5  78.8 21.988    989 2.2233
  12     CL       Saksa  2.5 6.5 10.5  59.8 15.898    967 1.6441
  51 DBEARS         Ace  7.0 3.4  6.9 195.6 23.596   1578 1.4953
  31 DBEARS    HesteJoe  5.4 5.4  6.1 176.7 16.927   1512 1.1195
  61 DBEARS      Miggel  2.8 6.8 11.0 141.8 17.818   1212 1.4701
  21 DBEARS        Noia  3.0 6.0  8.0  36.1 13.161    970 1.3568
  41 DBEARS        Ryze  2.7 4.7  6.7  74.6 12.166    937 1.2984
  8      GB Keyser Soze  6.0 5.0  5.6 316.0 19.120   1602 1.1935
  9      GB      Madara  5.4 5.3  6.6 334.5 19.405   1577 1.2305
  10     GB     SkyLark  1.8 5.3  7.0  71.8 10.218   1266 0.8071
  7      GB         MNT  2.3 5.9  6.1  85.6  9.316   1007 0.9251
  6      GB   SKANKS224  1.4 7.6  7.4  52.5  7.565    954 0.7930


## make a list of all combinations of 8 of Player, Points and Salary
xx <- with(FantasyPlayers, lapply(list(as.character(Player), Points, Salary), combn,     8))
## convert the names to a string, 
## find the column sums of the others,
## set the names
yy <- setNames(
lapply(xx, function(x) {
    if(typeof(x) == "character") apply(x, 2, toString) else colSums(x)
names(FantasyPlayers)[c(2, 7, 8)]
## coerce to data.frame
newdf <- as.data.frame(yy)

splt.names <- strsplit(as.character(newdf$Player), ", ")
indices <- lapply(splt.names, function(x) match(x, FantasyPlayers$Player))
exclude <- lapply(indices, function(x) any(table(FantasyPlayers$Team[x]) > 3))
newdf2 <- newdf[!unlist(exclude), ]




xx    <- combn(as.character(FantasyPlayers$Player), 8)
mxx   <- setDT(melt(xx, varnames=c("jersey_no", "team_no"), value.name="Player"))

#     jersey_no team_no      Player
#  1:         1       1  ExoticDeer
#  2:         2       1     Supreme
#  3:         3       1        sasu
#  4:         4       1 eL lisasH 2
#  5:         5       1       Nisha
#  6:         6       1 Swiftending
#  7:         7       1     Pajkatt
#  8:         8       1  SexyBamboe
#  9:         1       2  ExoticDeer
# 10:         2       2     Supreme
FantasyTeams <- FantasyPlayers[mxx, on="Player"]

#          Team      Player   K   D    A    LH Points Salary    PPS jersey_no team_no
#       1:  ATN  ExoticDeer 6.1 3.3  6.4 306.9 22.209   1622 1.3692         1       1
#       2:  ATN     Supreme 6.8 5.3  7.1 229.4 21.954   1578 1.3913         2       1
#       3:  ATN        sasu 3.6 6.4 11.0  95.7 19.357   1244 1.5560         3       1
#       4:  ATN eL lisasH 2 2.6 6.1  7.9  29.7 12.037    998 1.2061         4       1
#       5:  ATN       Nisha 2.7 5.6  7.5  48.2 12.282    955 1.2861         5       1
#      ---                                                                           
# 1007756:   GB Keyser Soze 6.0 5.0  5.6 316.0 19.120   1602 1.1935         4  125970
# 1007757:   GB      Madara 5.4 5.3  6.6 334.5 19.405   1577 1.2305         5  125970
# 1007758:   GB     SkyLark 1.8 5.3  7.0  71.8 10.218   1266 0.8071         6  125970
# 1007759:   GB         MNT 2.3 5.9  6.1  85.6  9.316   1007 0.9251         7  125970
# 1007760:   GB   SKANKS224 1.4 7.6  7.4  52.5  7.565    954 0.7930         8  125970



xx    <- combn(as.character(FantasyPlayers$Player), 8)
mxx   <- setDT(melt(xx, varnames=c("jersey_no", "team_no"), value.name="Player"))

#     jersey_no team_no      Player
#  1:         1       1  ExoticDeer
#  2:         2       1     Supreme
#  3:         3       1        sasu
#  4:         4       1 eL lisasH 2
#  5:         5       1       Nisha
#  6:         6       1 Swiftending
#  7:         7       1     Pajkatt
#  8:         8       1  SexyBamboe
#  9:         1       2  ExoticDeer
# 10:         2       2     Supreme
FantasyTeams <- FantasyPlayers[mxx, on="Player"]

#          Team      Player   K   D    A    LH Points Salary    PPS jersey_no team_no
#       1:  ATN  ExoticDeer 6.1 3.3  6.4 306.9 22.209   1622 1.3692         1       1
#       2:  ATN     Supreme 6.8 5.3  7.1 229.4 21.954   1578 1.3913         2       1
#       3:  ATN        sasu 3.6 6.4 11.0  95.7 19.357   1244 1.5560         3       1
#       4:  ATN eL lisasH 2 2.6 6.1  7.9  29.7 12.037    998 1.2061         4       1
#       5:  ATN       Nisha 2.7 5.6  7.5  48.2 12.282    955 1.2861         5       1
#      ---                                                                           
# 1007756:   GB Keyser Soze 6.0 5.0  5.6 316.0 19.120   1602 1.1935         4  125970
# 1007757:   GB      Madara 5.4 5.3  6.6 334.5 19.405   1577 1.2305         5  125970
# 1007758:   GB     SkyLark 1.8 5.3  7.0  71.8 10.218   1266 0.8071         6  125970
# 1007759:   GB         MNT 2.3 5.9  6.1  85.6  9.316   1007 0.9251         7  125970
# 1007760:   GB   SKANKS224 1.4 7.6  7.4  52.5  7.565    954 0.7930         8  125970

my_teams <- FantasyTeams[, max(table(Team)) <= 3, by=team_no][V1==TRUE]$team_no



xx    <- combn(as.character(FantasyPlayers$Player), 8)
mxx   <- setDT(melt(xx, varnames=c("jersey_no", "team_no"), value.name="Player"))

#     jersey_no team_no      Player
#  1:         1       1  ExoticDeer
#  2:         2       1     Supreme
#  3:         3       1        sasu
#  4:         4       1 eL lisasH 2
#  5:         5       1       Nisha
#  6:         6       1 Swiftending
#  7:         7       1     Pajkatt
#  8:         8       1  SexyBamboe
#  9:         1       2  ExoticDeer
# 10:         2       2     Supreme
FantasyTeams <- FantasyPlayers[mxx, on="Player"]

#          Team      Player   K   D    A    LH Points Salary    PPS jersey_no team_no
#       1:  ATN  ExoticDeer 6.1 3.3  6.4 306.9 22.209   1622 1.3692         1       1
#       2:  ATN     Supreme 6.8 5.3  7.1 229.4 21.954   1578 1.3913         2       1
#       3:  ATN        sasu 3.6 6.4 11.0  95.7 19.357   1244 1.5560         3       1
#       4:  ATN eL lisasH 2 2.6 6.1  7.9  29.7 12.037    998 1.2061         4       1
#       5:  ATN       Nisha 2.7 5.6  7.5  48.2 12.282    955 1.2861         5       1
#      ---                                                                           
# 1007756:   GB Keyser Soze 6.0 5.0  5.6 316.0 19.120   1602 1.1935         4  125970
# 1007757:   GB      Madara 5.4 5.3  6.6 334.5 19.405   1577 1.2305         5  125970
# 1007758:   GB     SkyLark 1.8 5.3  7.0  71.8 10.218   1266 0.8071         6  125970
# 1007759:   GB         MNT 2.3 5.9  6.1  85.6  9.316   1007 0.9251         7  125970
# 1007760:   GB   SKANKS224 1.4 7.6  7.4  52.5  7.565    954 0.7930         8  125970

mxx[.(team_no = my_new_teams), on="team_no"]

mxx[.(team_no = my_new_teams), .(roster = toString(Player)), on="team_no", by=.EACHI]

FantasyTeams[.(team_no = my_new_teams), .(
  roster     = toString(Player),
  tot_salary = sum(Salary),
  tot_points = sum(Points)
), on="team_no", by=.EACHI]

#        team_no                                                              roster tot_salary tot_points
#     1:    3716      ExoticDeer, Supreme, sasu, Swiftending, EGM, Saksa, Noia, Ryze       9913    149.018
#     2:    3720       ExoticDeer, Supreme, sasu, Swiftending, EGM, Saksa, Noia, MNT       9983    146.168
#     3:    3721 ExoticDeer, Supreme, sasu, Swiftending, EGM, Saksa, Noia, SKANKS224       9930    144.417
#     4:    3725       ExoticDeer, Supreme, sasu, Swiftending, EGM, Saksa, Ryze, MNT       9950    145.173
#     5:    3726 ExoticDeer, Supreme, sasu, Swiftending, EGM, Saksa, Ryze, SKANKS224       9897    143.422
#    ---                                                                                                  
# 40202:  125663         EGM, Saksa, Miggel, Noia, Ryze, Keyser Soze, MNT, SKANKS224       8638    117.032
# 40203:  125664                EGM, Saksa, Miggel, Noia, Ryze, Madara, SkyLark, MNT       8925    119.970
# 40204:  125665          EGM, Saksa, Miggel, Noia, Ryze, Madara, SkyLark, SKANKS224       8872    118.219
# 40205:  125666              EGM, Saksa, Miggel, Noia, Ryze, Madara, MNT, SKANKS224       8613    117.317
# 40206:  125667             EGM, Saksa, Miggel, Noia, Ryze, SkyLark, MNT, SKANKS224       8302    108.130

  • 如果省略了
  • 如果省略了
  • 如果

请给出dput(您的数据框)的结果。嗨,弗兰克,谢谢。几乎所有的一切都似乎都起了作用——我能够创建FantasyTeams,它反映了您发布的示例,然后能够将它们过滤到适当数量的团队。然而,当我去看我的新球队时,它只显示了一个球队的名单。不。我怎么能让它返回一个球员的名单,这些球员组成了这个球队的总工资和积分呢?@GodlikeRoy我刚刚在最后添加了一个部分,涵盖了这一点。哇,这真的很好!我对newdf2进行了子集筛选,筛选出工资>10000,积分>165,并获得了一个非常有用的样本,其中约20个团队符合我需要的所有标准。非常感谢。再次你好。我想知道你是否能帮我解决另一个问题。我尝试在一个新的数据帧上执行相同的代码,该数据帧有40行,列数相同。当我运行代码时,我收到了几条错误消息,说“无法分配大小为8.0 gb的向量”,现在每当我运行R时,我的计算机都会使用90%以上的ram(16gb)。我想数据框中有40个玩家,组合的数量太多了——那么你知道有什么解决办法吗?干杯。@GodlikeRoy你说得对。仅供参考,您可以使用