Warning: file_get_contents(/data/phpspider/zhask/data//catemap/3/reactjs/23.json): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 167

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/tag.function.php on line 1116

Notice: Undefined index: in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 180

Warning: array_chunk() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 181
Regex React-使用正则表达式突出显示HTML中的文本。工作不可靠_Regex_Reactjs_Replace_Highlight - Fatal编程技术网

Regex React-使用正则表达式突出显示HTML中的文本。工作不可靠

Regex React-使用正则表达式突出显示HTML中的文本。工作不可靠,regex,reactjs,replace,highlight,Regex,Reactjs,Replace,Highlight,目标是突出显示危险的HTML中的文本部分(字符串)。因此,我尝试在html中匹配所需的文本部分,并使用适当的样式将其包装在“span”中。我使用下面的代码来处理某些文本(html)是完美的,但对于某些文本则根本没有。请在下面找到一个有效和无效的示例。花了几个小时试图理解差异,或者为什么正则表达式不起作用。。。但我想不出来。我的头撞在墙上 我的问题是:为什么正则表达式在某些情况下失败,而在另一些情况下工作?即使在所有情况下,文本(“引用”)都存在 你知道我遗漏了什么吗?非常感谢你的帮助 突出显示组





import React from "react";

class HighlightQuote extends React.Component {
  render = () => {

    //zitat is for getting rid of any quotation marks in the beginning or end.
    var zitat = this.props.quotes.map(x => x.replace(/^[“”"’()]+|[“”"’()]+$/g, ""));

    if (this.props.quotes.length === 0) {
      var highlightedHtml = this.props.newcontent

    else {
      var zitat = this.props.quotes.map(x => x.replace(/^[“”"’()]+|[“”"’()]+$/g, ""));
      const regex = new RegExp(`(${zitat.join('|')})`, 'g');
      var highlightedHtml = this.props.content.replace(
          '<span class="hl">$1</span>'
       console.log ('highlightedHtml:');
       console.log (highlightedHtml);

    return (
        <div className="reader" ref="test" dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: highlightedHtml }} />


export default HighlightQuote;



 var contentDecoded = he.decode(this.props.content);

 var highlightedHtml = contentDecoded.replace(
    '<span class="annotator-hl">$1</span>'
var contentDecoded=he.decode(this.props.content);
var highlightedHtml=contentDecoded.replace(

const regex=new RegExp(`(${zitat.map(x=>x.replace(/[-\/\\^$*+.()\[\]{}]/g,\$&')。join('\\$})`g')
"The idea that an investor should hold on no matter what has always seemed ridiculous to me."

"Until then it is hard to get excited about buying anything in crypto."
<div><article id="story" class="Story-story--2QyGh css-1j0ipd9"><header class="css-1qcpy3f e345g291"><p class="css-1789nl8 etcg8100"><a class="css-1g7m0tk" href="https://www.nytimes.com/column/new-sentences">New Sentences</a></p><div class="css-30n6iy e345g290"><div class="css-acwcvw"></div></div><figure class="ResponsiveMedia-media--32g1o ResponsiveMedia-sizeSmall--3092U ResponsiveMedia-layoutVertical--1pg1o ResponsiveMedia-sizeSmallNoCaption--n--T0 css-1hzd7ei"><figcaption class="css-pplcdj ResponsiveMedia-caption--1dUVu"></figcaption></figure></header><div class="css-18sbwfn StoryBodyCompanionColumn"><div class="css-1h6whtw"><p class="css-1i0edl6 e2kc3sl0"><em class="css-2fg4z9 ehxkw330">&#x2014; From Keith Gessen&#x2019;s second novel, &#x201C;A Terrible Country&#x201D; (Viking, 2018, Page 4). Gessen is also the author of &#x201C;All the Sad Young Literary Men&#x201D; and a founding editor of the journal n+1.</em></p><p class="css-1i0edl6 e2kc3sl0">All authors have signature sentence structures &#x2014; deep expressive grooves that their minds instinctively find and follow. (That previous sentence is one of mine: a simple declaration that leaps, after the break of a long dash, into an elaborate restatement.)</p><p class="css-1i0edl6 e2kc3sl0">Here is one of Keith Gessen&#x2019;s:</p><p class="css-1i0edl6 e2kc3sl0">&#x201C;As for me, I wasn&#x2019;t really an idiot. But neither was I not an idiot.&#x201D;</p><p class="css-1i0edl6 e2kc3sl0">&#x201C;I hadn&#x2019;t been yelling, I didn&#x2019;t think. But I hadn&#x2019;t not been yelling either.&#x201D;</p><p class="css-1i0edl6 e2kc3sl0">&#x201C;Cute cafes were not the problem, but they were also not, as I&#x2019;d once apparently thought, the opposite of the problem.&#x201D;</p></div><aside class="css-14jsv4e"><span></span></aside></div><div class="css-18sbwfn StoryBodyCompanionColumn"><div class="css-1h6whtw"><p class="css-1i0edl6 e2kc3sl0">Sentence structures are not simply sentence structures, of course &#x2014; they are miniature philosophies. Hemingway, with his blunt verbal bullets, is making a huge claim about the nature of the world. So is James Joyce, with his collages and frippery. So are Nikki Giovanni and Samuel Delany and Ursula K. Le Guin and John McPhee and Missy Elliott and Dr. Seuss and anyone else who converts thoughts into prose.</p><p class="css-1i0edl6 e2kc3sl0">Likewise, Keith Gessen&#x2019;s signature sentence structure &#x2014; &#x201C;not X, but also not not X&#x201D; &#x2014; suggests an entire worldview. It is a universe of in-betweenness, in which the most basic facts of life, the things we absolutely expect to understand, spill and scatter like toast crumbs into the gaps between the floorboards. It is a world of embarrassingly trivial category errors. The sentences above come from Gessen&#x2019;s new novel, &#x201C;A Terrible Country,&#x201D; the story of a 30-something American man who goes to Russia to care for his elderly grandmother. He falls into the gaps between huge concepts: youth and age, purpose and purposelessness, progress and stasis. He is not Russian but also not not Russian, not smart but also not not smart, not heroic but also not not heroic. Such is the way of the world. No matter how much we try, none of us is ever only one thing. None of us is ever pure.</p></div><aside class="css-14jsv4e"><span></span></aside></div><div class="bottom-of-article"><div class="css-k8fkhk"><p>Sam Anderson is a staff writer for the magazine.</p> <p><i>Sign up for </i><a href="http://www.nytimes.com/newsletters/magazine"><i>our newsletter</i></a><i> to get the best of The New York Times Magazine delivered to your inbox every week.</i></p></div><div class="css-3glrhn">A version of this article appears in print on , on Page 11 of the Sunday Magazine with the headline: From Keith Gessen&#x2019;s &#x2018;A Terrible Country&#x2019;<span>. <a href="http://www.nytreprints.com/">Order Reprints</a> | <a href="http://www.nytimes.com/pages/todayspaper/index.html">Today&#x2019;s Paper</a> | <a href="https://www.nytimes.com/subscriptions/Multiproduct/lp8HYKU.html?campaignId=48JQY">Subscribe</a></span></div></div><span></span></article></div>
"Sentence structures are not simply sentence structures, of course — they are miniature philosophies"
 var contentDecoded = he.decode(this.props.content);

 var highlightedHtml = contentDecoded.replace(
    '<span class="annotator-hl">$1</span>'