
Scala递归类型,scala,types,Scala,Types,我只是想了解Scala的类型系统。我偶然发现了一个代码,看起来像这样: trait A extends Something { type X <: XLike trait XLike { this: X => .... .... } } trait A扩展了某些东西{ X型 .... .... } } 这意味着什么?在哪些情况下,我希望这样编码?我知道我是嵌套类型,但是像这样的嵌套类型并使用它来引用嵌套类型有什么好处呢?这个A#XLike特性不能在A


trait A extends Something {
  type X <: XLike

  trait XLike { this: X =>
trait A扩展了某些东西{


val a = new A {}; import a._

scala> class KK extends XLike
<console>:21: error: illegal inheritance;
 self-type KK does not conform to a.XLike's selftype a.X
       class KK extends XLike

trait B extends A {type X = XLike}

val b = new B {}; import b._

scala> class KK extends XLike
defined class KK

trait B extends A {
  type X = XImpl1      
  trait XImpl1 extends XLike { this: X => }
  trait XImpl2 extends XLike { this: X => }

val b = new B {}; import b._

scala> class ZZ extends XImpl1
defined class ZZ

scala> class ZZ extends XImpl2
<console>:40: error: illegal inheritance;
 self-type ZZ does not conform to b.XImpl2's selftype b.XImpl2 with b.X
       class ZZ extends XImpl2
scala> class ZZ extends XImpl1 with XImpl2 // XImpl2 still can be mixed but only if XImpl1 present in linearization
defined class ZZ




vala=带有Hanler和OtherHandlerList的新逻辑;trait OtherHandlerList将MandatoryHandler扩展为带有H2的H1
trait B extends A {
  type X = XImpl1      
  trait XImpl1 extends XLike { this: X => }
  trait XImpl2 extends XLike { this: X => }

val b = new B {}; import b._

scala> class ZZ extends XImpl1
defined class ZZ

scala> class ZZ extends XImpl2
<console>:40: error: illegal inheritance;
 self-type ZZ does not conform to b.XImpl2's selftype b.XImpl2 with b.X
       class ZZ extends XImpl2
scala> class ZZ extends XImpl1 with XImpl2 // XImpl2 still can be mixed but only if XImpl1 present in linearization
defined class ZZ
trait A {
   type X1 <: XLike
   type X2 <: XLike

   trait XLike { this: X1 with X2 => }

trait B extends A {
    type X1 = XImpl1  
    type X2 = XImpl2

    trait XImpl1 extends XLike { this: X1 with X2 => }
    trait XImpl2 extends XLike { this: X1 with X2 => }
    trait XImpl3 extends XLike { this: X1 with X2 => }
 val a = new Logic with Hanler with Group0
 trait Group0 extends MandatoryHandler1 with Group1 with H2
 trait Group1 extends H3 with H4 with MandatoryHandler2
 trait Group2 extends H2 with H5
 abstract class B {
    val helper1: H1 //mandatory, exactly H1, not some H
    val helper2: H2 

 class C extends B {
    val helper1 = new H1 //mandatory, exactly H1, not some H
    val helper2 = new H2 
 class H1 extends H {...} 
 class H2 extends H {...}    
 trait B extends A {
   type helper1 = H1
   type helper2 = H2

   trait H1 extends H // no abstract members here just mix-in
   trait H2 extends H

 trait C extends H1 with H2