Scala 扩展方法、生成器模式和fluent界面之间有什么区别?

Scala 扩展方法、生成器模式和fluent界面之间有什么区别?,scala,extension-methods,fluent-interface,builder-pattern,Scala,Extension Methods,Fluent Interface,Builder Pattern,在Scala中,我们使用如下扩展方法: object MyExtensions { implicit class RichInt(val i: Int) extends AnyVal { def square = i * i } } import MyExtensions._ Int i = 2; Val squared = i.square() Val cubed = i.square().square() sealed abstract class Preparation


object MyExtensions {
  implicit class RichInt(val i: Int) extends AnyVal {
    def square = i * i
import MyExtensions._
Int i = 2;
Val squared = i.square()
Val cubed = i.square().square()
sealed abstract class Preparation  
case object Neat extends Preparation
case object OnTheRocks extends Preparation
case object WithWater extends Preparation

sealed abstract class Glass
case object Short extends Glass
case object Tall extends Glass
case object Tulip extends Glass

case class OrderOfScotch(val brand:String, val mode:Preparation, val isDouble:Boolean, val glass:Option[Glass])

class ScotchBuilder {
  private var theBrand:Option[String] = None
  private var theMode:Option[Preparation] = None
  private var theDoubleStatus:Option[Boolean] = None
  private var theGlass:Option[Glass] = None

  def withBrand(b:Brand) = {theBrand = Some(b); this} /* returning this to enable method chaining. */
  def withMode(p:Preparation) = {theMode = Some(p); this}
  def isDouble(b:Boolean) = {theDoubleStatus = some(b); this}
  def withGlass(g:Glass) = {theGlass = Some(g); this}

  def build() = new OrderOfScotch(theBrand.get, theMode.get, theDoubleStatus.get, theGlass);

object BuilderPattern {
  class ScotchBuilder(theBrand:Option[String], theMode:Option[Preparation], theDoubleStatus:Option[Boolean], theGlass:Option[Glass]) {
    def withBrand(b:String) = new ScotchBuilder(Some(b), theMode, theDoubleStatus, theGlass)
    def withMode(p:Preparation) = new ScotchBuilder(theBrand, Some(p), theDoubleStatus, theGlass)
    def isDouble(b:Boolean) = new ScotchBuilder(theBrand, theMode, Some(b), theGlass)
    def withGlass(g:Glass) = new ScotchBuilder(theBrand, theMode, theDoubleStatus, Some(g))

    def build() = new OrderOfScotch(theBrand.get, theMode.get, theDoubleStatus.get, theGlass);

  def builder = new ScotchBuilder(None, None, None, None)
import BuilderPattern._

val order =  builder withBrand("Takes") isDouble(true) withGlass(Tall)  withMode(OnTheRocks) build()
class Person {
    protected var fname = ""
    protected var lname = ""
    def setFirstName(firstName: String): this.type = {
        fname = firstName
    def setLastName(lastName: String): this.type = {
        lname = lastName

class Employee extends Person {
  protected var role = ""
  def setRole(role: String): this.type = {
      this.role = role
  override def toString = {
      "%s, %s, %s".format(fname, lname, role)
object Main extends App {
    val employee = new Employee
    // use the fluent methods

object MyExtensions {
  implicit class RichInt(val i: Int) extends AnyVal {
    def square = i * i
import MyExtensions._
Int i = 2;
Val squared = i.square()
Val cubed = i.square().square()
sealed abstract class Preparation  
case object Neat extends Preparation
case object OnTheRocks extends Preparation
case object WithWater extends Preparation

sealed abstract class Glass
case object Short extends Glass
case object Tall extends Glass
case object Tulip extends Glass

case class OrderOfScotch(val brand:String, val mode:Preparation, val isDouble:Boolean, val glass:Option[Glass])

class ScotchBuilder {
  private var theBrand:Option[String] = None
  private var theMode:Option[Preparation] = None
  private var theDoubleStatus:Option[Boolean] = None
  private var theGlass:Option[Glass] = None

  def withBrand(b:Brand) = {theBrand = Some(b); this} /* returning this to enable method chaining. */
  def withMode(p:Preparation) = {theMode = Some(p); this}
  def isDouble(b:Boolean) = {theDoubleStatus = some(b); this}
  def withGlass(g:Glass) = {theGlass = Some(g); this}

  def build() = new OrderOfScotch(theBrand.get, theMode.get, theDoubleStatus.get, theGlass);

object BuilderPattern {
  class ScotchBuilder(theBrand:Option[String], theMode:Option[Preparation], theDoubleStatus:Option[Boolean], theGlass:Option[Glass]) {
    def withBrand(b:String) = new ScotchBuilder(Some(b), theMode, theDoubleStatus, theGlass)
    def withMode(p:Preparation) = new ScotchBuilder(theBrand, Some(p), theDoubleStatus, theGlass)
    def isDouble(b:Boolean) = new ScotchBuilder(theBrand, theMode, Some(b), theGlass)
    def withGlass(g:Glass) = new ScotchBuilder(theBrand, theMode, theDoubleStatus, Some(g))

    def build() = new OrderOfScotch(theBrand.get, theMode.get, theDoubleStatus.get, theGlass);

  def builder = new ScotchBuilder(None, None, None, None)
import BuilderPattern._

val order =  builder withBrand("Takes") isDouble(true) withGlass(Tall)  withMode(OnTheRocks) build()
class Person {
    protected var fname = ""
    protected var lname = ""
    def setFirstName(firstName: String): this.type = {
        fname = firstName
    def setLastName(lastName: String): this.type = {
        lname = lastName

class Employee extends Person {
  protected var role = ""
  def setRole(role: String): this.type = {
      this.role = role
  override def toString = {
      "%s, %s, %s".format(fname, lname, role)
object Main extends App {
    val employee = new Employee
    // use the fluent methods

object MyExtensions {
  implicit class RichInt(val i: Int) extends AnyVal {
    def square = i * i
import MyExtensions._
Int i = 2;
Val squared = i.square()
Val cubed = i.square().square()
sealed abstract class Preparation  
case object Neat extends Preparation
case object OnTheRocks extends Preparation
case object WithWater extends Preparation

sealed abstract class Glass
case object Short extends Glass
case object Tall extends Glass
case object Tulip extends Glass

case class OrderOfScotch(val brand:String, val mode:Preparation, val isDouble:Boolean, val glass:Option[Glass])

class ScotchBuilder {
  private var theBrand:Option[String] = None
  private var theMode:Option[Preparation] = None
  private var theDoubleStatus:Option[Boolean] = None
  private var theGlass:Option[Glass] = None

  def withBrand(b:Brand) = {theBrand = Some(b); this} /* returning this to enable method chaining. */
  def withMode(p:Preparation) = {theMode = Some(p); this}
  def isDouble(b:Boolean) = {theDoubleStatus = some(b); this}
  def withGlass(g:Glass) = {theGlass = Some(g); this}

  def build() = new OrderOfScotch(theBrand.get, theMode.get, theDoubleStatus.get, theGlass);

object BuilderPattern {
  class ScotchBuilder(theBrand:Option[String], theMode:Option[Preparation], theDoubleStatus:Option[Boolean], theGlass:Option[Glass]) {
    def withBrand(b:String) = new ScotchBuilder(Some(b), theMode, theDoubleStatus, theGlass)
    def withMode(p:Preparation) = new ScotchBuilder(theBrand, Some(p), theDoubleStatus, theGlass)
    def isDouble(b:Boolean) = new ScotchBuilder(theBrand, theMode, Some(b), theGlass)
    def withGlass(g:Glass) = new ScotchBuilder(theBrand, theMode, theDoubleStatus, Some(g))

    def build() = new OrderOfScotch(theBrand.get, theMode.get, theDoubleStatus.get, theGlass);

  def builder = new ScotchBuilder(None, None, None, None)
import BuilderPattern._

val order =  builder withBrand("Takes") isDouble(true) withGlass(Tall)  withMode(OnTheRocks) build()
class Person {
    protected var fname = ""
    protected var lname = ""
    def setFirstName(firstName: String): this.type = {
        fname = firstName
    def setLastName(lastName: String): this.type = {
        lname = lastName

class Employee extends Person {
  protected var role = ""
  def setRole(role: String): this.type = {
      this.role = role
  override def toString = {
      "%s, %s, %s".format(fname, lname, role)
object Main extends App {
    val employee = new Employee
    // use the fluent methods

object MyExtensions {
  implicit class RichInt(val i: Int) extends AnyVal {
    def square = i * i
import MyExtensions._
Int i = 2;
Val squared = i.square()
Val cubed = i.square().square()
sealed abstract class Preparation  
case object Neat extends Preparation
case object OnTheRocks extends Preparation
case object WithWater extends Preparation

sealed abstract class Glass
case object Short extends Glass
case object Tall extends Glass
case object Tulip extends Glass

case class OrderOfScotch(val brand:String, val mode:Preparation, val isDouble:Boolean, val glass:Option[Glass])

class ScotchBuilder {
  private var theBrand:Option[String] = None
  private var theMode:Option[Preparation] = None
  private var theDoubleStatus:Option[Boolean] = None
  private var theGlass:Option[Glass] = None

  def withBrand(b:Brand) = {theBrand = Some(b); this} /* returning this to enable method chaining. */
  def withMode(p:Preparation) = {theMode = Some(p); this}
  def isDouble(b:Boolean) = {theDoubleStatus = some(b); this}
  def withGlass(g:Glass) = {theGlass = Some(g); this}

  def build() = new OrderOfScotch(theBrand.get, theMode.get, theDoubleStatus.get, theGlass);

object BuilderPattern {
  class ScotchBuilder(theBrand:Option[String], theMode:Option[Preparation], theDoubleStatus:Option[Boolean], theGlass:Option[Glass]) {
    def withBrand(b:String) = new ScotchBuilder(Some(b), theMode, theDoubleStatus, theGlass)
    def withMode(p:Preparation) = new ScotchBuilder(theBrand, Some(p), theDoubleStatus, theGlass)
    def isDouble(b:Boolean) = new ScotchBuilder(theBrand, theMode, Some(b), theGlass)
    def withGlass(g:Glass) = new ScotchBuilder(theBrand, theMode, theDoubleStatus, Some(g))

    def build() = new OrderOfScotch(theBrand.get, theMode.get, theDoubleStatus.get, theGlass);

  def builder = new ScotchBuilder(None, None, None, None)
import BuilderPattern._

val order =  builder withBrand("Takes") isDouble(true) withGlass(Tall)  withMode(OnTheRocks) build()
class Person {
    protected var fname = ""
    protected var lname = ""
    def setFirstName(firstName: String): this.type = {
        fname = firstName
    def setLastName(lastName: String): this.type = {
        lname = lastName

class Employee extends Person {
  protected var role = ""
  def setRole(role: String): this.type = {
      this.role = role
  override def toString = {
      "%s, %s, %s".format(fname, lname, role)
object Main extends App {
    val employee = new Employee
    // use the fluent methods

object MyExtensions {
  implicit class RichInt(val i: Int) extends AnyVal {
    def square = i * i
import MyExtensions._
Int i = 2;
Val squared = i.square()
Val cubed = i.square().square()
sealed abstract class Preparation  
case object Neat extends Preparation
case object OnTheRocks extends Preparation
case object WithWater extends Preparation

sealed abstract class Glass
case object Short extends Glass
case object Tall extends Glass
case object Tulip extends Glass

case class OrderOfScotch(val brand:String, val mode:Preparation, val isDouble:Boolean, val glass:Option[Glass])

class ScotchBuilder {
  private var theBrand:Option[String] = None
  private var theMode:Option[Preparation] = None
  private var theDoubleStatus:Option[Boolean] = None
  private var theGlass:Option[Glass] = None

  def withBrand(b:Brand) = {theBrand = Some(b); this} /* returning this to enable method chaining. */
  def withMode(p:Preparation) = {theMode = Some(p); this}
  def isDouble(b:Boolean) = {theDoubleStatus = some(b); this}
  def withGlass(g:Glass) = {theGlass = Some(g); this}

  def build() = new OrderOfScotch(theBrand.get, theMode.get, theDoubleStatus.get, theGlass);

object BuilderPattern {
  class ScotchBuilder(theBrand:Option[String], theMode:Option[Preparation], theDoubleStatus:Option[Boolean], theGlass:Option[Glass]) {
    def withBrand(b:String) = new ScotchBuilder(Some(b), theMode, theDoubleStatus, theGlass)
    def withMode(p:Preparation) = new ScotchBuilder(theBrand, Some(p), theDoubleStatus, theGlass)
    def isDouble(b:Boolean) = new ScotchBuilder(theBrand, theMode, Some(b), theGlass)
    def withGlass(g:Glass) = new ScotchBuilder(theBrand, theMode, theDoubleStatus, Some(g))

    def build() = new OrderOfScotch(theBrand.get, theMode.get, theDoubleStatus.get, theGlass);

  def builder = new ScotchBuilder(None, None, None, None)
import BuilderPattern._

val order =  builder withBrand("Takes") isDouble(true) withGlass(Tall)  withMode(OnTheRocks) build()
class Person {
    protected var fname = ""
    protected var lname = ""
    def setFirstName(firstName: String): this.type = {
        fname = firstName
    def setLastName(lastName: String): this.type = {
        lname = lastName

class Employee extends Person {
  protected var role = ""
  def setRole(role: String): this.type = {
      this.role = role
  override def toString = {
      "%s, %s, %s".format(fname, lname, role)
object Main extends App {
    val employee = new Employee
    // use the fluent methods

object MyExtensions {
  implicit class RichInt(val i: Int) extends AnyVal {
    def square = i * i
import MyExtensions._
Int i = 2;
Val squared = i.square()
Val cubed = i.square().square()
sealed abstract class Preparation  
case object Neat extends Preparation
case object OnTheRocks extends Preparation
case object WithWater extends Preparation

sealed abstract class Glass
case object Short extends Glass
case object Tall extends Glass
case object Tulip extends Glass

case class OrderOfScotch(val brand:String, val mode:Preparation, val isDouble:Boolean, val glass:Option[Glass])

class ScotchBuilder {
  private var theBrand:Option[String] = None
  private var theMode:Option[Preparation] = None
  private var theDoubleStatus:Option[Boolean] = None
  private var theGlass:Option[Glass] = None

  def withBrand(b:Brand) = {theBrand = Some(b); this} /* returning this to enable method chaining. */
  def withMode(p:Preparation) = {theMode = Some(p); this}
  def isDouble(b:Boolean) = {theDoubleStatus = some(b); this}
  def withGlass(g:Glass) = {theGlass = Some(g); this}

  def build() = new OrderOfScotch(theBrand.get, theMode.get, theDoubleStatus.get, theGlass);

object BuilderPattern {
  class ScotchBuilder(theBrand:Option[String], theMode:Option[Preparation], theDoubleStatus:Option[Boolean], theGlass:Option[Glass]) {
    def withBrand(b:String) = new ScotchBuilder(Some(b), theMode, theDoubleStatus, theGlass)
    def withMode(p:Preparation) = new ScotchBuilder(theBrand, Some(p), theDoubleStatus, theGlass)
    def isDouble(b:Boolean) = new ScotchBuilder(theBrand, theMode, Some(b), theGlass)
    def withGlass(g:Glass) = new ScotchBuilder(theBrand, theMode, theDoubleStatus, Some(g))

    def build() = new OrderOfScotch(theBrand.get, theMode.get, theDoubleStatus.get, theGlass);

  def builder = new ScotchBuilder(None, None, None, None)
import BuilderPattern._

val order =  builder withBrand("Takes") isDouble(true) withGlass(Tall)  withMode(OnTheRocks) build()
class Person {
    protected var fname = ""
    protected var lname = ""
    def setFirstName(firstName: String): this.type = {
        fname = firstName
    def setLastName(lastName: String): this.type = {
        lname = lastName

class Employee extends Person {
  protected var role = ""
  def setRole(role: String): this.type = {
      this.role = role
  override def toString = {
      "%s, %s, %s".format(fname, lname, role)
object Main extends App {
    val employee = new Employee
    // use the fluent methods






val point = new Point2d().setX(3).setY(5)
正在使用fluent API

val point = new Point2d()

val point = new Point2d()