IIS smtp邮件卡在inetpub/mailroot/queue中

IIS smtp邮件卡在inetpub/mailroot/queue中,smtp,iis-6,message,Smtp,Iis 6,Message,我已使用utl_mail.send发起了一封电子邮件 begin utl_mail.send( sender => <<sender mail>>, recipients => <<recipient mail>>, message => 'Hello World' ); commit; end; / 开始 utl_mail.send( 发送方=>,, 收件人=>,, message=>“


  sender     => <<sender mail>>,
  recipients => <<recipient mail>>,
  message    => 'Hello World'


我们验证了所有smtp服务器设置,看起来很好。 我们看到端口25也打开了。 此外,我们停止了smtp,清除了队列,然后再次启动smtp。但问题仍未解决





  • 为此,您需要打开事件查看器和转到窗口 记录,然后记录应用程序。
  • 如果是4.3.1错误,那么简单地说 表示\inetpud\mailroot\没有对mailroot文件夹的适当权限,因此请将IIS\u IUSRS和IIS AppPool\“您的应用程序池”
  • 如果问题仍然存在,请确保在本地服务器上安装了vmstp,为此,需要在服务器上安装smtpclient,然后转到IIS管理器(而不是inetpub)并添加新的VSMTP服务器。 在投递中,选择出站安全性,然后添加您的gmail或您使用的任何邮件。 还要确保允许端口25通过防火墙

  • 我最近在2016服务器上遇到了同样的问题。SMTP是使用IIS6管理器配置的。事实证明,SMTP也必须在IIS中正确配置。基本上,我从IIS服务器节点选择SMTP,输入SMTP服务器的凭据并保存它。卡在队列文件夹中的项目立即开始交付。不确定为什么有必要这样做,因为我是从控制台应用程序访问中继的,但解决方案确实有效。


    感谢您的回复。我试着通过telnet。我仍然面临同样的问题。邮件在C:\inetpub\mailroot\Queue中排队,但未被拾取。我想SMTP是否已设置并设置为在那里拾取?启用日志记录(请参阅“IIS SMTP服务?请启用日志记录”),发送一封测试电子邮件,然后在C:\windows\system32\logfiles\smtpsvc\..上查看IIS SMTP日志,抱歉响应延迟。我们看不到此路径中生成任何日志文件。最近的日志文件是在2014年4月22日。请确保启用它。这里有几个步骤,所以在duckduckgo上搜索“启用IIS SMTP日志记录”并按照步骤进行操作。如果它没有从队列中出来,它很可能会在那里报告它。嗨,请忽略之前的响应。PFB,日志SMTPSVC1 0你好-+邮件主机500 0 32 14 0 SMTP--邮件主机SMTPSVC1 0 HELO-+邮件主机250 0 66 13 0 SMTP--邮件主机SMTPSVC1 0--500 0 32 38 0 SMTP--邮件主机SMTPSVC1 0邮件-+发件人:+250 0 43 29 0 SMTP--邮件主机SMTPSVC1 0 RCPT-+收件人:+250 0 51 47 0 SMTP--邮件主机SMTPSVC1 0数据-250 0 151 106428437 SMTP---谢谢,我在系统下找到了我要查找的日志。SMTP在“IIS服务器节点”中的什么位置?在常规IIS管理器中?我在那里没有看到任何与SMTP相关的内容。我也遇到了同样的问题,我已经没有主意了。
    Step # 1: First, open a command prompt. To open a command prompt window, click Start, Run and then type in cmd and press Enter. You can also press the +R to open the Run prompt and then type in cmd in the open text box.
    Step # 2: You need to know a remote mail server. If you are still in school or working, there is the excellent opportunity to use your University mail server or your company’s mail server for this.
        type in telnet RemoteMailServer 25 at the command prompt. The Remote mail server here in this command is the mail server of your school or company. It is usually mailhost..edu or compmail..com or something on those lines. When you press enter, you are shown a quick prompt that you are connecting to the remote mail server.
    Step # 3: Introduce yourself to the mail server. Play around a bit.
        type in helo mailhost at the command prompt. The mail server responds back with something like this
        250 RemoteMailHost. Hello , pleased to meet you.
    Step # 4: You can now enter your email address.
        type in mail from: your email id @ blah.com
        The mail server responds back with a 250 … sender ok
    Step # 5: You can now enter your receipient’s email address
        type in rcpt to: recipient email id @ blah.com
        The mail server responds back with a “Recipient OK” message
    Step # 6: Now, you are ready to type in the body of the email message.
        type in data and press enter.
        Now, type your message and then finally press Enter. To end your message type in a single period “.” . Your message is now in the queue
    Step # 7: To complete and finish the process, type in quit and press enter. The mail server responds with a “Bye” after which you see a “Connection to host lost” message displaye