
在SQL中循环行并匹配值,sql,Sql,感谢您对我的问题的任何帮助!我有一张所有员工的组织结构图,然后是他们主管的专栏。我试图为每个有3年以上工作经验的员工找到组织结构中的第一位主管。因此,如果主管1只有一年的时间,我将需要转到下一个专栏《超级visor 2》,看看他们是否有更多的经验。最后,我想返回一列主管ID[经验丰富的主管栏] 表:组织结构图 id | experience | supervisor_id_1| supervisor_id_2 | experienced_supervisor A |

感谢您对我的问题的任何帮助!我有一张所有员工的组织结构图,然后是他们主管的专栏。我试图为每个有3年以上工作经验的员工找到组织结构中的第一位主管。因此,如果主管1只有一年的时间,我将需要转到下一个专栏《超级visor 2》,看看他们是否有更多的经验。最后,我想返回一列主管ID[经验丰富的主管栏]


   id   |  experience   | supervisor_id_1| supervisor_id_2 | experienced_supervisor
    A   |      2        |     X          |    C            |    X
    C   |      5        |     V          |    D            |    D
    V   |      1        |     M          |    X            |    M
    X   |      3                            
    D   |      8
    M   |      11

  WHEN  experience >=3   THEN   supervisor_id_1 
       CASE WHEN  experience >=3   THEN   supervisor_id_2
       ELSE 'not found'
     END AS experienced_supervisor
FROM org_chart

这是解决这个问题的最好办法吗? 我可以通过将主管id\u 1、主管id\u 2与id匹配来查找主管的价值[经验年数]吗?或者我是否需要创建一个新的专栏主管\u id\u 1\u经验,并通过加入来填补多年的经验? 我用的是红移


SELECT (CASE WHEN (SELECT oc2.experience >=3 FROM org_chart oc2 WHERE oc2.id = supervisor_id_1) >= 3
             THEN supervisor_id_1 
             WHEN (SELECT oc2.experience >=3 FROM org_chart oc2 WHERE oc2.id = supervisor_id_2) >= 3
             THEN supervisor_id_2 
             . . .
        END) AS experienced_supervisor
FROM org_chart oc


-- Use common table expression to find job level for each supervisor from reporting levels 8 to 2
WITH cte1 AS
SELECT B.id as employee
      ,B.experience as employee_experience
      ,B.supervisor_id_1 as manager_1
      ,A.experience as supervisor_1_experience
      FROM org_chart
      INNER JOIN org_chart B ON B.supervisor_id_1 = A.id
cte2 AS
SELECT B.id as employee2
      ,B.experience as employee_experience
      ,B.supervisor_id_2 as manager_2
      ,A.experience as supervisor_2_experience
      FROM org_chart
      INNER JOIN org_chart B ON B.supervisor_id_2 = A.id
........-- Write as many statements as I have columns with reporting levels
-- Join all tables above
cte3 AS
SELECT employee
FROM cte1
JOIN cte2 ON cte2.employee2 = cte1.employee
....... -- Write as many statements as I have columns with reporting levels
-- Run through every row and evaluate if each supervisor has more than 3 years of experience 
WHEN cte3.supervisor_1_experience >= 3 THEN cte3.manager_1
WHEN cte3.supervisor_1_experience < 3
          AND cte3.supervisor_2_experience >=3
          THEN cte3.manager_2
........ -- Write as many statements as I have columns with reporting levels
END experienced_supervisor
FROM cte3
