Swift 如何在ARKit中实现基于距离的动态缩放

Swift 如何在ARKit中实现基于距离的动态缩放,swift,scenekit,arkit,Swift,Scenekit,Arkit,我有一个简单的SCNNode,它被放置在真实世界的位置,节点对应于一个具有已知坐标的地标。就用户而言,我希望SCNNode具有相同的大小,尽管节点位置和用户/ARcamera之间的距离发生变化。这是到目前为止我的代码,它是一种基于距离计算刻度的非常粗糙的方法 func renderer(_ renderer: SCNSceneRenderer, didRenderScene scene: SCNScene, atTime time: TimeInterval) { self.update


func renderer(_ renderer: SCNSceneRenderer, didRenderScene scene: SCNScene, atTime time: TimeInterval) {
    self.updateScaleOfNodes(node: nodeAdded, fromPointOfView: self.sceneView.pointOfView!)

func updateScaleOfNodes(node: SCNNode, fromPointOfView pointofView: SCNNode){

    //Find the 3D objects position
    let nodePosition = SCNVector3ToGLKVector3(node.worldPosition)

    //Find the cameras current position
    let currentCameraPosition = SCNVector3ToGLKVector3(pointofView.worldPosition)

    //Find the distance between camera and 3D object
    let distanceBetweenCameraAndNode = GLKVector3Distance(nodePosition, currentCameraPosition)
    self.locationAcc.isHidden = false
    let distance_test = "Distance between camera and node:" + String(distanceBetweenCameraAndNode)
    self.locationAcc.text = distance_test
    //180 metres

    //NOTE: Do not calculate delta distance between node and current position because that focuses on the size of each step rather than how far away your current position is from the node

    //Begin animation
    SCNTransaction.animationDuration = 0.3

    //Multiply distance by scaling factor
    //Each metre you walk away the node scales down by 1cm
    let scale:Float = 1/1000 * distanceBetweenCameraAndNode

    //Calculate the scale difference (moving closer will make node larger)
    let scaleDiff:Float = 1 - scale

    //Assign the scale to 3D object
    node.scale = SCNVector3(scaleDiff * Float(scale_W), scaleDiff * Float(scale_H), scaleDiff * Float(scale_l))


