Typescript 如何在ionic 3中将图像转换为字符串数据

Typescript 如何在ionic 3中将图像转换为字符串数据,typescript,ionic-framework,Typescript,Ionic Framework,目前我正在开发Ionic3项目。 现在我尝试将图像数据从UI存储到sqlite。 但我不确定该怎么做。 如果你已经做了,请帮助我 我该怎么做呢?首先,你需要学习如何拍照,为此你应该参考此链接 之后图像进入图像的路径如下file:///image_path,因此您必须像这样将此路径传递给base64插件 为此,您必须安装插件 $IONAL cordova插件添加com-badrit-base64 $npm安装--save@ionic native/base64 public present

目前我正在开发Ionic3项目。 现在我尝试将图像数据从UI存储到sqlite。 但我不确定该怎么做。 如果你已经做了,请帮助我




$IONAL cordova插件添加com-badrit-base64
$npm安装--save@ionic native/base64

    public presentActionSheet() {
    let actionSheet = this.actionSheetCtrl.create({
    title: 'Select Image Source',
    buttons: [
      text: 'Load from Library',
      handler: () => {
      text: 'Use Camera',
      handler: () => {
      text: 'Cancel',
      role: 'cancel'

public takePicture(sourceType) {

    let resUser: string = "res.users";

    // Create options for the Camera Dialog
    var options = {
        quality: 100,
        sourceType: sourceType,
        saveToPhotoAlbum: true,
        correctOrientation: true

    // Get the data of an image
    this.camera.getPicture(options).then((imagePath) => {
    // Special handling for Android library

    if (this.platform.is('android') && sourceType === this.camera.PictureSourceType.PHOTOLIBRARY) {

    this.base64.encodeFile(imagePath).then((base64String: string) => {
      // console.log("-----base64String-----" + base64String);
      let imageSrc = base64String.split(",");
      console.log("---Splitted image string----" + imageSrc[1]);
      this.src = imageSrc[1]

      let args = {
        image: imageSrc[1]

      this.odooRpc.updateRecord(resUser, this.data[0].id, args).then((res: any) => {
        console.log("----res of updation---" + res);
      }).catch((err: any) => {
        this.presentToast("There is some problem in uploading image")


      .then(filePath => {
        let correctPath = filePath.substr(0, filePath.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
        let currentName = imagePath.substring(imagePath.lastIndexOf('/') + 1, imagePath.lastIndexOf('?'));
        this.copyFileToLocalDir(correctPath, currentName, this.createFileName());

    } else {

    this.base64.encodeFile(imagePath).then((base64String: string) => {
      // console.log("-----base64String-----" + base64String);
      let imageSrc = base64String.split(",");
      console.log("---Splitted image string----" + imageSrc[1]);
      this.src = imageSrc[1]

      let args = {
        image: imageSrc[1]

      this.odooRpc.updateRecord(resUser, this.data[0].id, args).then((res: any) => {
        console.log("----res of updation---" + res);
      }).catch((err: any) => {
        this.presentToast("There is some problem in uploading image")

    console.log("-------inside else IMage Path------" + imagePath);

    var currentName = imagePath.substr(imagePath.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
    var correctPath = imagePath.substr(0, imagePath.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
    this.copyFileToLocalDir(correctPath, currentName, this.createFileName());
    }, (err) => {
      this.presentToast('Error while selecting image.');

private createFileName() {
    var d = new Date(),
    n = d.getTime(),
    newFileName = n + ".jpg";
    return newFileName;

// Copy the image to a local folder
private copyFileToLocalDir(namePath, currentName, newFileName) {
    this.file.copyFile(namePath, currentName, cordova.file.dataDirectory, newFileName).then(success => {
    this.lastImage = newFileName;
    }, error => {
    this.presentToast('Error while storing file.');
