Vba 如果某个工作表具有输入的日期,则尝试从该工作表复制行

Vba 如果某个工作表具有输入的日期,则尝试从该工作表复制行,vba,excel,Vba,Excel,我正在尝试将一个工作表中的行复制到另一个工作表中,如果它们有匹配的日期。我以前用过这种方法,效果很好。我一辈子都搞不清楚我到底哪里出了问题 Public Sub dayreport() Dim enteredday As Variant Dim clockinday As Variant Dim y As Integer Dim yreport As Integer Dim yrow As Integer Dim daystring As Stri


Public Sub dayreport()
    Dim enteredday As Variant
    Dim clockinday As Variant
    Dim y As Integer
    Dim yreport As Integer
    Dim yrow As Integer
    Dim daystring As String
    Dim datecheck As Boolean
    'Collect the entered date
    enteredday = CVar(Sheets("Process").Cells(3, 3)) 'get the datestring out of the date cell
    'Only progress if a date is entered
    If IsDate(enteredday) = True Then
        datecheck = True    'a usable date has been entered
        datecheck = False
        MsgBox "Entered date must be a real date of the format dd/mm/yyyy"
    End If
    If datecheck = True Then
        'Delete the day report if it already exists
        Call Delete_Sheet("Day Report")
        'create a new sheet
        Worksheets.Add.name = "Day Report"

        y = 7
        yreport = 7
        yrow = 7
        'While there is data in any of the cells of the investigated row, loop
        Do While Sheets("Process").Cells(y, 1) <> "" _
                    Or Sheets("Process").Cells(y, 2) <> "" _
                    Or Sheets("Process").Cells(y, 3) <> "" _
                    Or Sheets("Process").Cells(y, 4) <> "" _
                    Or Sheets("Process").Cells(y, 5) <> "" _
                    Or Sheets("Process").Cells(y, 6) <> "" _
                    Or Sheets("Process").Cells(y, 7) <> "" _
                    Or Sheets("Process").Cells(y, 8) <> "" _

            'breakdown entered date
            year = CInt(Right(enteredday, 4))   'take the year component from the date and convert it to an integer
            month = CInt(Mid(enteredday, 4, 2))     'take the month component from the date and convert it to an integer
            day = CInt(Left(enteredday, 2))     'take the day component from the date and convert it to an integer
            enteredday = DateSerial(year, month, day)

            'Breakdown investigated date
            clockinday = CVar(Sheets("Process").Cells(y, 2)) 'get the datestring out of the date cell
            sheetyear = CInt(Right(clockinday, 4))
            sheetmonth = CInt(Mid(clockinday, 4, 2))
            sheetday = CInt(Left(clockinday, 2))
            clockinday = DateSerial(sheetyear, sheetmonth, sheetday)

            'copy the row pairs into the day report sheet if the entered date matches the date in the row
            If enteredday = clockinday Then

                For i = 1 To 9

                    Sheets(“Day Report”).Cells(yreport, i) = Sheets(“Process”).Cells(y, i)
                    Sheets(“Day Report”).Cells(yreport + 1, i) = Sheets(“Process”).Cells(y + 1, i)
                    yreport = yreport + 2
                Next i
            End If
            yrow = yrow + 2
            y = y + 2

    End If

End Sub


Worksheets("Process").Range(CVar("A" & yrow & ":" & "I" & yrow + 1)).Copy Worksheets(“Day Report”).Range(CVar("A" & yreport & ":" & "I" & yreport + 1))