Visual studio 2013 DirectX VSIX安装程序安装失败

Visual studio 2013 DirectX VSIX安装程序安装失败,visual-studio-2013,directx,vsix,Visual Studio 2013,Directx,Vsix,我刚刚开始在Visual Studio Express 2013上进行DirectX编程。 我在网上搜索了如何开始。 我找到了一个资源 我下载了zip,运行VSIX文件时出现以下错误: 此扩展无法安装在任何当前安装的产品上 以下是安装日志: 13-06-2015 14:04:12 - Microsoft VSIX Installer 13-06-2015 14:04:12 - ------------------------------------------- 13-06-2015 14:04

我刚刚开始在Visual Studio Express 2013上进行DirectX编程。 我在网上搜索了如何开始。 我找到了一个资源




13-06-2015 14:04:12 - Microsoft VSIX Installer
13-06-2015 14:04:12 - -------------------------------------------
13-06-2015 14:04:13 - Initializing Install...
13-06-2015 14:04:14 - Extension Details...
13-06-2015 14:04:14 -   Identifier      : WDCGameTemplates..c3488525-c3e7-49c4-9619-e082f4a95772
13-06-2015 14:04:14 -   Name            : WDC Game Templates
13-06-2015 14:04:14 -   Author          : Microsoft Windows SDK
13-06-2015 14:04:14 -   Version         : 1.0
13-06-2015 14:04:14 -   Description     : Create realtime, graphics-intensive Windows Store games using DirectX and native code. Includes template code for graphics, sound effects, background music, and input.
13-06-2015 14:04:14 -   Locale          : en-US
13-06-2015 14:04:14 -   MoreInfoURL     : 
13-06-2015 14:04:14 -   InstalledByMSI  : False
13-06-2015 14:04:14 -   SupportedFrameworkVersionRange : [0.0,2147483647.2147483647]
13-06-2015 14:04:14 - 
13-06-2015 14:04:14 -   Supported Products : 
13-06-2015 14:04:14 -       Microsoft.VisualStudio.Pro
13-06-2015 14:04:14 -           Version : [12.0,13.0)
13-06-2015 14:04:14 -       Microsoft.VisualStudio.Premium
13-06-2015 14:04:14 -           Version : [12.0,13.0)
13-06-2015 14:04:14 -       Microsoft.VisualStudio.Ultimate
13-06-2015 14:04:14 -           Version : [12.0,13.0)
13-06-2015 14:04:14 -       Microsoft.VisualStudio.IntegratedShell
13-06-2015 14:04:14 -           Version : [12.0,13.0)
13-06-2015 14:04:14 -       Microsoft.VisualStudio.VSWinExpress
13-06-2015 14:04:14 -           Version : [12.0,13.0)
13-06-2015 14:04:14 - 
13-06-2015 14:04:14 -   References      : 
13-06-2015 14:04:14 -       -------------------------------------------------------
13-06-2015 14:04:14 -       Identifier   : Microsoft.Windows.DevelopmentKit.WindowsStore
13-06-2015 14:04:14 -       Name         : Windows Software Development Kit for Windows Store Apps
13-06-2015 14:04:14 -       Version      : [8.1,9.0)
13-06-2015 14:04:14 -       MoreInfoURL  : 
13-06-2015 14:04:14 -       Nested       : No
13-06-2015 14:04:14 - 
13-06-2015 14:04:14 - 
13-06-2015 14:04:14 - Searching for applicable products...
13-06-2015 14:04:15 - Found installed product - Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2012 for Web
13-06-2015 14:04:15 - Found installed product - Microsoft Visual Studio  Express 2013 for Windows Desktop
13-06-2015 14:04:15 - Found installed product - Global Location
13-06-2015 14:04:15 - VSIXInstaller.NoApplicableSKUsException: This extension is not installable on any currently installed products.
at VSIXInstaller.App.InitializeInstall()
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.InnerInvoke()
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Execute()


请告诉我我还需要做什么来解决这个问题。 我对DirectX完全陌生。


下载了Visual Studio Community 2013及其更新4。

没错。Express Edition不支持可扩展性功能,但Community(和Pro+)支持。OP也可能想检查一下。