Windows server 2008 编写Windows共享脚本-VBS

Windows server 2008 编写Windows共享脚本-VBS,windows-server-2008,scripting,network-share,vbscript,Windows Server 2008,Scripting,Network Share,Vbscript,所以我对VBS完全陌生,从未使用过。我正在尝试创建多个共享,发现一个Microsoft VBS脚本可以执行此操作()我的问题是,此脚本只允许添加一个域组或用户以获得权限,而我需要添加两个具有不同权限的域组或用户(已解决此问题)下面是我根据需要修改的脚本,但只需要添加到具有其他权限的第二个组中。如果有更简单的方法,请让我知道 'ShareSetup.vbs '=====================================================================

所以我对VBS完全陌生,从未使用过。我正在尝试创建多个共享,发现一个Microsoft VBS脚本可以执行此操作()我的问题是,此脚本只允许添加一个域组或用户以获得权限,而我需要添加两个具有不同权限的域组或用户(已解决此问题)下面是我根据需要修改的脚本,但只需要添加到具有其他权限的第二个组中。如果有更简单的方法,请让我知道

Option Explicit  
Const FILE_SHARE = 0 
Dim strComputer 
Dim objWMIService 
Dim objNewShare 

strComputer = "." 
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" & "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" &              strComputer & "\root\cimv2") 
Set objNewShare = objWMIService.Get("Win32_Share") 

Call sharesec ("C:\Published Apps\Logs01", "Logs01", "Log01", "Support")
Call sharesec2 ("C:\Published Apps\Logs01", "Logs01", "Log01", "Domain Admins")  

Sub sharesec(Fname,shr,info,account) 
'Fname = Folder path, shr = Share name, info = Share Description, account = account or       group you are assigning share permissions to 
Dim FSO 
Dim Services 
Dim SecDescClass 
Dim SecDesc 
Dim Trustee 
Dim ACE 
Dim Share 
Dim InParam 
Dim Network 
Dim FolderName 
Dim AdminServer 
Dim ShareName 

FolderName = Fname 
AdminServer = "\\" & strComputer 
ShareName = shr 

Set Services = GetObject("WINMGMTS:{impersonationLevel=impersonate,(Security)}!" &     AdminServer & "\ROOT\CIMV2") 
Set SecDescClass = Services.Get("Win32_SecurityDescriptor") 
Set SecDesc = SecDescClass.SpawnInstance_() 

'Set Trustee = Services.Get("Win32_Trustee").SpawnInstance_ 
'Trustee.Domain = Null 
'Trustee.Name = "EVERYONE" 
'Trustee.Properties_.Item("SID") = Array(1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0) 

Set Trustee = SetGroupTrustee("domain", account) 'Replace ACME with your domain name.  
'To assign permissions to individual accounts use SetAccountTrustee rather than     SetGroupTrustee  

Set ACE = Services.Get("Win32_Ace").SpawnInstance_ 
ACE.Properties_.Item("AccessMask") = 1179817 
ACE.Properties_.Item("AceFlags") = 3 
ACE.Properties_.Item("AceType") = 0 
ACE.Properties_.Item("Trustee") = Trustee 
SecDesc.Properties_.Item("DACL") = Array(ACE)

Set Share = Services.Get("Win32_Share") 
Set InParam = Share.Methods_("Create").InParameters.SpawnInstance_() 
InParam.Properties_.Item("Access") = SecDesc 
InParam.Properties_.Item("Description") = "Public Share" 
InParam.Properties_.Item("Name") = ShareName 
InParam.Properties_.Item("Path") = FolderName 
InParam.Properties_.Item("Type") = 0 
Share.ExecMethod_ "Create", InParam 

End Sub  

Sub sharesec2(Fname,shr,info,account) 
'Fname = Folder path, shr = Share name, info = Share Description, account = account or     group you are assigning share permissions to 
Dim FSO 
Dim Services 
Dim SecDescClass 
Dim SecDesc 
Dim Trustee 
Dim ACE2 
Dim Share 
Dim InParam 
Dim Network 
Dim FolderName 
Dim AdminServer 
Dim ShareName 

FolderName = Fname 
AdminServer = "\\" & strComputer 
ShareName = shr 

Set Services = GetObject("WINMGMTS:{impersonationLevel=impersonate,(Security)}!" &     AdminServer & "\ROOT\CIMV2") 
Set SecDescClass = Services.Get("Win32_SecurityDescriptor") 
Set SecDesc = SecDescClass.SpawnInstance_() 

'Set Trustee = Services.Get("Win32_Trustee").SpawnInstance_ 
'Trustee.Domain = Null 
'Trustee.Name = "EVERYONE" 
'Trustee.Properties_.Item("SID") = Array(1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0) 

Set Trustee = SetGroupTrustee("domain", account) 'Replace ACME with your domain name.  
'To assign permissions to individual accounts use SetAccountTrustee rather than     SetGroupTrustee  
Set ACE2 = Services.Get("Win32_Ace").SpawnInstance_ 
ACE2.Properties_.Item("AccessMask") = 1179817 
ACE2.Properties_.Item("AceFlags") = 3 
ACE2.Properties_.Item("AceType") = 0 
ACE2.Properties_.Item("Trustee") = Trustee 
SecDesc.Properties_.Item("DACL") = Array(ACE2) 

End Sub

Function SetAccountTrustee(strDomain, strName)  
     set objTrustee = getObject("Winmgmts:     {impersonationlevel=impersonate}!root/cimv2:Win32_Trustee").Spawninstance_  
     set account = getObject("Winmgmts:    {impersonationlevel=impersonate}!root/cimv2:Win32_Account.Name='" & strName & "',Domain='"    & strDomain &"'")  
     set accountSID = getObject("Winmgmts:    {impersonationlevel=impersonate}!root/cimv2:Win32_SID.SID='" & account.SID &"'")  
     objTrustee.Domain = strDomain  
     objTrustee.Name = strName  
     objTrustee.Properties_.item("SID") = accountSID.BinaryRepresentation  
     set accountSID = nothing  
     set account = nothing  
     set SetAccountTrustee = objTrustee  
End Function  

Function SetGroupTrustee(strDomain, strName)  
Dim objTrustee 
Dim account 
Dim accountSID 
set objTrustee = getObject("Winmgmts:    {impersonationlevel=impersonate}!root/cimv2:Win32_Trustee").Spawninstance_  
set account = getObject("Winmgmts:{impersonationlevel=impersonate}!root/cimv2:Win32_Group.Name='" & strName & "',Domain='" &    strDomain &"'")  
set accountSID = getObject("Winmgmts:    {impersonationlevel=impersonate}!root/cimv2:Win32_SID.SID='" & account.SID &"'")  
objTrustee.Domain = strDomain  
objTrustee.Name = strName  
objTrustee.Properties_.item("SID") = accountSID.BinaryRepresentation  
set accountSID = nothing  
set account = nothing  
set SetGroupTrustee = objTrustee  
End Function  



将来,我们将能够使用cmdlet new-smbshare在powershell中执行此操作:-)




' loop over the list of users
    ` create ACE for single user/group
    Set Trustee = SetGroupTrustee("domain", account) 'Replace ACME with your domain name.  
    'To assign permissions to individual accounts use SetAccountTrustee rather than SetGroupTrustee  
    Set ACE2 = Services.Get("Win32_Ace").SpawnInstance_ 
    ACE2.Properties_.Item("AccessMask") = 1179817 
    ACE2.Properties_.Item("AceFlags") = 3 
    ACE2.Properties_.Item("AceType") = 0 
    ACE2.Properties_.Item("Trustee") = Trustee
    ` add ace to an array that represents the dacl
` end loop
` add the DACL_array
SecDesc.Properties_.Item("DACL") = DACL_array


' loop over the list of users
    ` create ACE for single user/group
    Set Trustee = SetGroupTrustee("domain", account) 'Replace ACME with your domain name.  
    'To assign permissions to individual accounts use SetAccountTrustee rather than SetGroupTrustee  
    Set ACE2 = Services.Get("Win32_Ace").SpawnInstance_ 
    ACE2.Properties_.Item("AccessMask") = 1179817 
    ACE2.Properties_.Item("AceFlags") = 3 
    ACE2.Properties_.Item("AceType") = 0 
    ACE2.Properties_.Item("Trustee") = Trustee
    ` add ace to an array that represents the dacl
` end loop
` add the DACL_array
SecDesc.Properties_.Item("DACL") = DACL_array