Algorithm HITS算法与维基百科

Algorithm HITS算法与维基百科,algorithm,graph,Algorithm,Graph,请浏览以下连结: 我声称给出的伪代码是错误的。问题是它正在定义一个名为HubsAndAuthorities的函数,而该函数从未被调用。我认为修正算法的方法是删除第5行。这是第5行: function HubsAndAuthorities(G) 我说得对吗?我有什么遗漏吗 以下是来自维基百科的代码: 1 G := set of pages 2 for each page p in G do 3 p.auth = 1 // p.auth is the authority score of



function HubsAndAuthorities(G)


1 G := set of pages
 2 for each page p in G do
 3   p.auth = 1 // p.auth is the authority score of the page p
 4   p.hub = 1 // p.hub is the hub score of the page p
 5 function HubsAndAuthorities(G)
 6   for step from 1 to k do // run the algorithm for k steps
 7     norm = 0
 8     for each page p in G do  // update all authority values first
 9       p.auth = 0
10       for each page q in p.incomingNeighbors do // p.incomingNeighbors is the set of pages that link to p
11          p.auth += q.hub
12       norm += square(p.auth) // calculate the sum of the squared auth values to normalise
13     norm = sqrt(norm)
14     for each page p in G do  // update the auth scores 
15       p.auth = p.auth / norm  // normalise the auth values
16     norm = 0
17     for each page p in G do  // then update all hub values
18       p.hub = 0
19       for each page r in p.outgoingNeighbors do // p.outgoingNeighbors is the set of pages that p links to
20         p.hub += r.auth
21       norm += square(p.hub) // calculate the sum of the squared hub values to normalise
22     norm = sqrt(norm)
23     for each page p in G do  // then update all hub values
24       p.hub = p.hub / norm   // normalise the hub values

