Arrays Excel VBA-确定数组UDF的列或行目标

Arrays Excel VBA-确定数组UDF的列或行目标,arrays,excel,vba,user-defined-functions,Arrays,Excel,Vba,User Defined Functions,我有一个简单的excel UDF,用于将质量值数组转换为摩尔分数。大多数情况下,输出将是一个n行乘1列的列数组 在VBA环境中,我如何确定工作表上目标单元格的尺寸,以确保它应以n行乘1列而不是n列乘1行的形式返回 Function molPct(chemsAndMassPctsRng As Range) Dim chemsRng As Range Dim massPctsRng As Range Dim molarMasses() Dim molPcts() Set chemsRng = c

我有一个简单的excel UDF,用于将质量值数组转换为摩尔分数。大多数情况下,输出将是一个n行乘1列的列数组


Function molPct(chemsAndMassPctsRng As Range)

Dim chemsRng As Range
Dim massPctsRng As Range
Dim molarMasses()
Dim molPcts()

Set chemsRng = chemsAndMassPctsRng.Columns(1)
Set massPctsRng = chemsAndMassPctsRng.Columns(2)

chems = oneDimArrayZeroBasedFromRange(chemsRng) 
massPcts = oneDimArrayZeroBasedFromRange(massPctsRng)

'oneDimArrayZeroBasedFromRange is a UDF to return a zero-based array from a range.

ReDim molarMasses(UBound(chems))
ReDim molPcts(UBound(chems))

totMolarMass = 0

For chemNo = LBound(chems) To UBound(chems)

    molarMasses(chemNo) = massPcts(chemNo) / mw(chems(chemNo))
    totMolarMass = totMolarMass + molarMasses(chemNo)

Next chemNo

For chemNo = LBound(chems) To UBound(chems)

    molPcts(chemNo) = Round(molarMasses(chemNo) / totMolarMass, 2)

Next chemNo

molPct = Application.WorksheetFunction.Transpose(molPcts)

End Function




Redim molPcts(1, Ubound(chems) + 1)


molPcts(1, chemNo + 1)


Redim molPcts(0 To 0, 0 To Ubound(chems))
Redim molPcts(0 To Ubound(chems), 0 To 0)


接受可变数量的输入范围 提取这些范围内的唯一值 创建合适的输出数组列、行或块 将唯一值转储到该区域
molPcts(chemNo + 1, 1)
Redim molPcts(0 To 0, 0 To Ubound(chems))
Redim molPcts(0 To Ubound(chems), 0 To 0)
Public Function ExtractUniques(ParamArray Rng()) As Variant
    Dim i As Long, r As Range, c As Collection, OutPut
    Dim rr As Range, k As Long, j As Long

    Set c = New Collection
    '   First grab all the data and make a Collection of uniques
    On Error Resume Next
        For i = LBound(Rng) To UBound(Rng)
            Set r = Rng(i)
            For Each rr In r
                c.Add rr.Value, CStr(rr.Value)
            Next rr
        Next i
    On Error GoTo 0
   '    next create an output array the same size and shape
   '    as the worksheet output area
    k = 1
    With Application.Caller
        ReDim OutPut(1 To .Rows.Count, 1 To .Columns.Count)
    End With

    For i = LBound(OutPut, 1) To UBound(OutPut, 1)
        For j = LBound(OutPut, 2) To UBound(OutPut, 2)
            If k < c.Count + 1 Then
                OutPut(i, j) = c.Item(k)
                k = k + 1
                OutPut(i, j) = ""
            End If
        Next j
    Next i
    '   put the data on the sheet

    ExtractUniques = OutPut
End Function