Arrays 变量中带有逗号的ColdFusion表单数组

Arrays 变量中带有逗号的ColdFusion表单数组,arrays,coldfusion,Arrays,Coldfusion,当前,表单中存在复选框,并且在提交表单时,所选复选框的值存储在DB中 <td><input type="Checkbox" name="valueList" value="Some value, with comma" >Some value, with comma</td> <td><input type="Checkbox" name="valueList" value="Another Value, with comma" &


<td><input type="Checkbox" name="valueList" value="Some value, with comma"   >Some value, with comma</td> 
<td><input type="Checkbox" name="valueList" value="Another Value, with comma"   >Another value, with comma</td> 
<td><input type="Checkbox" name="valueList" value="Yet another value"   >Yet another value</td>



<td><input type="Checkbox" name="valueList" value="Some value~ with comma"   >Some value, with comma</td> 
<td><input type="Checkbox" name="valueList" value="Another Value~ with comma"   >Another value, with comma</td> 
<td><input type="Checkbox" name="valueList" value="Yet another value"   >Yet another value</td>

  variables.myArrayList = ListToArray(form.valueList);
  for(i=1; i LTE ArrayLen(variables.myArrayList); i=i+1)
    variables.myArrayList[i] = ReplaceNoCase(variables.myArrayList[i],"~",",","all");

对于(i=1;i LTE ArrayLen(variables.myArrayList);i=i+1)


<cfset myArray = getPageContext().getRequest().getParameterValues('my_form_or_url_field_name')>

如果您的enctype是multipart/form data(这是上载文件时使用的类型),那么事情就稍微复杂一些。下面是我编写的一个函数,该函数将以数组形式返回给定名称的表单和url值,用于以下任一类型:

<cffunction name="FormFieldAsArray" returntype="array" output="false" hint="Returns a Form/URL variable as an array.">
    <cfargument name="fieldName" required="true" type="string" hint="Name of the Form or URL field" />

    <cfset var tmpPartsArray = Form.getPartsArray() />
    <cfset var returnArray = arrayNew(1) /> 
    <cfset var tmpPart = 0 />
    <cfset var tmpValueArray = "" >

    <!--- if the getPartsArray method did not return NULL, then this is a multipart/form-data request, which must be handled as such. --->
    <cfif IsDefined("tmpPartsArray")>
        <cfloop array="#tmpPartsArray#" index="tmpPart">
            <cfif tmpPart.isParam() AND tmpPart.getName() EQ arguments.fieldName>
                <cfset arrayAppend(returnArray, tmpPart.getStringValue()) />

    <!--- Add the values that maybe on the URL with the same name, also if this *wasn't* a multipart/form-data request then
    the above code did not get any of the data, and the method below will return all of it. --->
    <cfset tmpValueArray = getPageContext().getRequest().getParameterValues(arguments.fieldName) />

    <!--- that may have returned null, so need to test for it. --->
    <cfif IsDefined("tmpValueArray")>
        <cfloop array="#tmpValueArray#" index="tmpPart">
            <cfset arrayAppend(returnArray, tmpPart) />

    <cfreturn returnArray />

<cfset myArray = getPageContext().getRequest().getParameterValues('my_form_or_url_field_name')>
<cffunction name="FormFieldAsArray" returntype="array" output="false" hint="Returns a Form/URL variable as an array.">
    <cfargument name="fieldName" required="true" type="string" hint="Name of the Form or URL field" />

    <cfset var tmpPartsArray = Form.getPartsArray() />
    <cfset var returnArray = arrayNew(1) /> 
    <cfset var tmpPart = 0 />
    <cfset var tmpValueArray = "" >

    <!--- if the getPartsArray method did not return NULL, then this is a multipart/form-data request, which must be handled as such. --->
    <cfif IsDefined("tmpPartsArray")>
        <cfloop array="#tmpPartsArray#" index="tmpPart">
            <cfif tmpPart.isParam() AND tmpPart.getName() EQ arguments.fieldName>
                <cfset arrayAppend(returnArray, tmpPart.getStringValue()) />

    <!--- Add the values that maybe on the URL with the same name, also if this *wasn't* a multipart/form-data request then
    the above code did not get any of the data, and the method below will return all of it. --->
    <cfset tmpValueArray = getPageContext().getRequest().getParameterValues(arguments.fieldName) />

    <!--- that may have returned null, so need to test for it. --->
    <cfif IsDefined("tmpValueArray")>
        <cfloop array="#tmpValueArray#" index="tmpPart">
            <cfset arrayAppend(returnArray, tmpPart) />

    <cfreturn returnArray />