Autohotkey 在自动热键中创建多个步骤

Autohotkey 在自动热键中创建多个步骤,autohotkey,Autohotkey,我是自动热键(AHK)新手。我需要通过自动创建一些手动步骤,比如当我上传CSV时,自动脚本将在上传CSV后运行。CSV将从CSV读取和获取账号,并在数据库中搜索此用户,从数据库中获取所有数据,还将搜索该用户的文件夹,这将在一个PDF中打印所有数据,并将新PDF保存在一个位置 Here is the process : 1 : Upload one CSV with multiple users like account #0001,#0002,#0003 etc 2 : After upl


Here is the process : 

1 : Upload one CSV with multiple users like account #0001,#0002,#0003 etc 
2 : After upload CSV automation script will run and start search user by account number one by one and get all record from folder and print on the PDF 
3 : create pdf for every user and store in my set location like user_0001.pdf , user_0002.pdf etc....

Loop, read, path/csv_read.csv
    LineNumber = %A_Index%
    Loop, parse, A_LoopReadLine, CSV

;        MsgBox, 4, , Field %LineNumber%-%A_Index% is:`n%A_LoopField%`n`nContinue?
;        IfMsgBox, No
;            return
   msgbox %field1% %field2% %field3% %field4% %field5% %field6%

