C++ 将matlab中的libsvm模型结构保存到.model文件中,该文件可以在C+中读取+;

C++ 将matlab中的libsvm模型结构保存到.model文件中,该文件可以在C+中读取+;,c++,matlab,libsvm,C++,Matlab,Libsvm,我有两个问题: 我按照邮局的指示去做 我尝试在Mac OSx El Capitan上构建svm_savemodel.c,使用: mex svm_savemodel.c发生了以下情况: 使用“带叮当声的Xcode”构建。为架构x86\u 64使用mex未定义符号时出错:“\u matlab\u matrix\u to\u model”,引用自:svm\u savemodel.o中的\u mexFunction“\u svm\u free\u and \u destroy\u model”,引用自:


  • 我按照邮局的指示去做 我尝试在Mac OSx El Capitan上构建svm_savemodel.c,使用: mex svm_savemodel.c发生了以下情况:
  • 使用“带叮当声的Xcode”构建。为架构x86\u 64使用mex未定义符号时出错:“\u matlab\u matrix\u to\u model”,引用自:svm\u savemodel.o中的\u mexFunction“\u svm\u free\u and \u destroy\u model”,引用自:svm\u savemodel中的\u mexFunction.o”\u svm\u savemodel中的\u mexFunction.o ld:symbol找不到体系结构x86_64 clang:错误:链接器命令失败,退出代码为1(使用-v查看调用) 有人能提出一些解决办法吗

    所以我想编写一个MATLAB代码,将MATLAB中的模型结构转换成可以在C++中读取的MyMealth.Moad文件。 这篇文章讨论了需要保存在.model文件中的参数 我正在处理回归问题,因此在我的情况下,标签条目将不存在。除此之外还有什么我需要照顾的吗



    { struct svm_parameter param;//由parse_命令行设置 struct svm_problem prob;//由read_problem设置 //结构svm_模型*模型; 结构svm_节点*x_空间

    int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
    char input_file_name[1024];
    char model_file_name[1024] = "MyModel" ;
    const char *error_msg;
    param.svm_type = EPSILON_SVR;
    param.eps = 1e-3;
    param.C = 1;
    //param.kernel_type = RBF;
    param.degree = 3;
    //Problem definition-------------------------------------------------------------
    prob.l = 8;
    //x values matrix of xor values
    double matrix[prob.l][2];
    matrix[0][0] = 0.1;
    matrix[0][1] = 0.2;
    matrix[1][0] = 0.2;
    matrix[1][1] = 0.3;
    matrix[2][0] = 0.4;
    matrix[2][1] = 0.5;
    matrix[3][0] = 0.8;
    matrix[3][1] = 0.9;
    matrix[4][0] = 0.6;
    matrix[4][1] = 0.7;
    matrix[5][0] = 0.55;
    matrix[5][1] = 0.65;
    matrix[6][0] = 0.45;
    matrix[6][1] = 0.55;
    matrix[7][0] = 0.65;
    matrix[7][1] = 0.75;
    svm_node** x = Malloc(svm_node*,prob.l);
    //Trying to assign from matrix to svm_node training examples
    for (int row = 0;row <prob.l; row++){
        svm_node* x_space = Malloc(svm_node,3);
        for (int col = 0;col < 2;col++){
            x_space[col].index = col;
            x_space[col].value = matrix[row][col];
        x_space[2].index = -1;      //Each row of properties should be terminated with a -1 according to the readme
        x[row] = x_space;
    prob.x = x;
    prob.y = Malloc(double,prob.l);
    prob.y[0] = 0.15;
    prob.y[1] = 0.25;
    prob.y[2] = 0.45;
    prob.y[3] = 0.85;
    prob.y[4] = 0.65;
    prob.y[5] = 0.6;
    prob.y[6] = 0.5;
    prob.y[7] = 0.7;
    //Train model---------------------------------------------------------------------
    svm_model *model = svm_train(&prob,&param);
    //svm_model *model = svm_load_model(model_file_name);
    //Test model----------------------------------------------------------------------
    svm_node* testnode = Malloc(svm_node,3);
    testnode[0].index = 0;
    testnode[0].value = 0.6;
    testnode[1].index = 1;
    testnode[1].value = 0.7;
    testnode[2].index = -1;
    //This works correctly:
    double retval = svm_predict(model,testnode);
        svm_save_model(model_file_name, model);
    printf("retval: %f\n",retval);
    return 0;
    结束 fclose(fid)



    { struct svm_parameter param;//由parse_命令行设置 struct svm_problem prob;//由read_problem设置 //结构svm_模型*模型; 结构svm_节点*x_空间

    int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
    char input_file_name[1024];
    char model_file_name[1024] = "MyModel" ;
    const char *error_msg;
    param.svm_type = EPSILON_SVR;
    param.eps = 1e-3;
    param.C = 1;
    //param.kernel_type = RBF;
    param.degree = 3;
    //Problem definition-------------------------------------------------------------
    prob.l = 8;
    //x values matrix of xor values
    double matrix[prob.l][2];
    matrix[0][0] = 0.1;
    matrix[0][1] = 0.2;
    matrix[1][0] = 0.2;
    matrix[1][1] = 0.3;
    matrix[2][0] = 0.4;
    matrix[2][1] = 0.5;
    matrix[3][0] = 0.8;
    matrix[3][1] = 0.9;
    matrix[4][0] = 0.6;
    matrix[4][1] = 0.7;
    matrix[5][0] = 0.55;
    matrix[5][1] = 0.65;
    matrix[6][0] = 0.45;
    matrix[6][1] = 0.55;
    matrix[7][0] = 0.65;
    matrix[7][1] = 0.75;
    svm_node** x = Malloc(svm_node*,prob.l);
    //Trying to assign from matrix to svm_node training examples
    for (int row = 0;row <prob.l; row++){
        svm_node* x_space = Malloc(svm_node,3);
        for (int col = 0;col < 2;col++){
            x_space[col].index = col;
            x_space[col].value = matrix[row][col];
        x_space[2].index = -1;      //Each row of properties should be terminated with a -1 according to the readme
        x[row] = x_space;
    prob.x = x;
    prob.y = Malloc(double,prob.l);
    prob.y[0] = 0.15;
    prob.y[1] = 0.25;
    prob.y[2] = 0.45;
    prob.y[3] = 0.85;
    prob.y[4] = 0.65;
    prob.y[5] = 0.6;
    prob.y[6] = 0.5;
    prob.y[7] = 0.7;
    //Train model---------------------------------------------------------------------
    svm_model *model = svm_train(&prob,&param);
    //svm_model *model = svm_load_model(model_file_name);
    //Test model----------------------------------------------------------------------
    svm_node* testnode = Malloc(svm_node,3);
    testnode[0].index = 0;
    testnode[0].value = 0.6;
    testnode[1].index = 1;
    testnode[1].value = 0.7;
    testnode[2].index = -1;
    //This works correctly:
    double retval = svm_predict(model,testnode);
        svm_save_model(model_file_name, model);
    printf("retval: %f\n",retval);
    return 0;
    结束 fclose(fid)
