C++错误:在常量中有太多字符 对不起,如果它是简单的,但是我是C++的新手,还没有真正掌握它。我需要建立一个计算器,其唯一命名的变量是指针,这就是我目前所拥有的,但我不断地出错,我不知道为什么。但是,所有与我的if构造相关的错误 int main() { //Creating variables //Values to perform operations on float *aptr = new(nothrow)float; float *bptr = new(nothrow)float; float *ansptr = new(nothrow)float; int *endptr = new(nothrow)int; char *operationptr = new(nothrow)char; cout << "Simple Operation Calculator" << endl; //Displays program name cout << "Performs +, -, *, or / on any two real operands." << endl; //Describes nature of program to user *endptr = 1; while(*endptr = 1) //Creates a loop so that the user may perform as many operations as desired { //Prompts the user for the first operand cout << "First operand: " << endl; cin >> *aptr; //Prompts user for operator cout << "Operator(+,-,*,/): " << endl; cin >> *operationptr; //Prompts user for second operand cout << "Second operand: " << endl; cin >> *bptr; //Performs requested operation if(*operationptr == '+' || *operationptr == 'plus') { *ansptr = *aptr + *bptr; } else if(*operationptr == '-' || *operationptr == 'minus') { *ansptr = *aptr - *bptr; } else if(*operationptr == '*' || *operationptr == 'times') { *ansptr = *aptr * *bptr; } else if(*operationptr == '/' || *operationptr == 'divided by') { if(*bptr = 0) { cout << "Cannot divide by zero. Terminating program." << endl; *endptr = 2; break; } *ansptr = *aptr / *bptr; } else { cout << "Invalid operand input. Terminating program." << endl; *endptr = 2; break; } //Displays results cout << *aptr << *operationptr << *bptr << " = " << *ansptr << endl; //Asks user if they wish to perform another operation. If so, they stay in loop. If not, then break from loop. cout << "Do you wish to perform another operation? (1 = yes, 2 = no)" << endl; cin >> *endptr; //If 1, loop repeats. If 2, program ends. if (*endptr == 2) { cout << "Thank you for using my program. Goodbye!" << endl; } } //end while loop return 0; }//end main function

C++错误:在常量中有太多字符 对不起,如果它是简单的,但是我是C++的新手,还没有真正掌握它。我需要建立一个计算器,其唯一命名的变量是指针,这就是我目前所拥有的,但我不断地出错,我不知道为什么。但是,所有与我的if构造相关的错误 int main() { //Creating variables //Values to perform operations on float *aptr = new(nothrow)float; float *bptr = new(nothrow)float; float *ansptr = new(nothrow)float; int *endptr = new(nothrow)int; char *operationptr = new(nothrow)char; cout << "Simple Operation Calculator" << endl; //Displays program name cout << "Performs +, -, *, or / on any two real operands." << endl; //Describes nature of program to user *endptr = 1; while(*endptr = 1) //Creates a loop so that the user may perform as many operations as desired { //Prompts the user for the first operand cout << "First operand: " << endl; cin >> *aptr; //Prompts user for operator cout << "Operator(+,-,*,/): " << endl; cin >> *operationptr; //Prompts user for second operand cout << "Second operand: " << endl; cin >> *bptr; //Performs requested operation if(*operationptr == '+' || *operationptr == 'plus') { *ansptr = *aptr + *bptr; } else if(*operationptr == '-' || *operationptr == 'minus') { *ansptr = *aptr - *bptr; } else if(*operationptr == '*' || *operationptr == 'times') { *ansptr = *aptr * *bptr; } else if(*operationptr == '/' || *operationptr == 'divided by') { if(*bptr = 0) { cout << "Cannot divide by zero. Terminating program." << endl; *endptr = 2; break; } *ansptr = *aptr / *bptr; } else { cout << "Invalid operand input. Terminating program." << endl; *endptr = 2; break; } //Displays results cout << *aptr << *operationptr << *bptr << " = " << *ansptr << endl; //Asks user if they wish to perform another operation. If so, they stay in loop. If not, then break from loop. cout << "Do you wish to perform another operation? (1 = yes, 2 = no)" << endl; cin >> *endptr; //If 1, loop repeats. If 2, program ends. if (*endptr == 2) { cout << "Thank you for using my program. Goodbye!" << endl; } } //end while loop return 0; }//end main function,c++,C++,“加” 是字符常量,不能包含多个字符 “+”很好,因为它是常量中的单个字符 根据对这个答案的评论, 如果编译器不需要字符,则“plus”可以。有带“”的字符文本和带“”的字符串文本。字符文字有一个字符。字符串文字是字符数组。你不能写像“plus”这样的东西,因为它有不止一个字符,技术上你可以,但它是一个多字符的文字,但我们还是别说了 尽管如此,这没有任何意义,因为operationptr指向一个char对象。单个字符不能包含整个单词plus 如果您希望能够接受plus作为输入,那么我建议您开始使









float aptr;

