C++ 如何创建当前函数的typedef,但删除一个参数并更改调用约定?

C++ 如何创建当前函数的typedef,但删除一个参数并更改调用约定?,c++,hook,calling-convention,C++,Hook,Calling Convention,我想知道是否有一种方法可以为当前正在执行的函数创建一个typedef,但是删除第二个参数将其调用约定更改为uu thiscall?目前我正在这样做: // Some other part of the application code will set this value to something valid void* real_function_addr = (void*)0xdeadbeef; int __fastcall a_hooked_thiscall_function( voi

我想知道是否有一种方法可以为当前正在执行的函数创建一个typedef,但是删除第二个参数将其调用约定更改为uu thiscall?目前我正在这样做:

// Some other part of the application code will set this value to something valid
void* real_function_addr = (void*)0xdeadbeef;

int __fastcall a_hooked_thiscall_function( void *thisPtr, void* not_used, int param)
    // Cast a known address to the same signature as the current function, but change
    // the calling convention to __thiscall and remove the not_used param.
    typedef int (__thiscall* func_ptr_t)(void *thisPtr, int param);
    func_ptr_t real_function_addr_typed = reinterpret_cast< func_ptr_t >( real_function_addr );
    return real_function_addr_typed( thisPtr, param );

real\u function\u addr
// Some other part of the application code will set this value to something valid
void* real_function_addr = (void*)0xdeadbeef;

int __fastcall a_hooked_thiscall_function( void *thisPtr, void* not_used, int param)
    // Where MAKE_THISCALL somehow fixes up real_function_addr to be a function pointer of type a_hooked_thiscall_function but with __fastcall replaced with __thiscall and the 2nd argument removed
    return MAKE_THISCALL(a_hooked_thiscall_function, real_function_addr)( thisPtr, param );