C++ OpenGL/ES 2.0及更高版本:如何一起编译多个着色器文件

C++ OpenGL/ES 2.0及更高版本:如何一起编译多个着色器文件,c++,opengl,glsl,qt5,C++,Opengl,Glsl,Qt5,这个问题以不同的方式被问了多次。我的问题是针对OpenGL 2.0/GLSL 1.10及更高版本,以及与OpenGL ES 2.0及其支持的GLSL版本的潜在兼容性: 建议使用哪些C/C++API将多个文件合并到一个着色器源中以传递到 例如,如果我有3个文件A.frag、B.frag、C.frag,它们具有以下内容: /* A.frag */ struct A { vec3 val; }; /* B.frag */ struct B { vec3 val; }; /* C.f

这个问题以不同的方式被问了多次。我的问题是针对OpenGL 2.0/GLSL 1.10及更高版本,以及与OpenGL ES 2.0及其支持的GLSL版本的潜在兼容性:



/* A.frag */
struct A
    vec3 val;

/* B.frag */
struct B
    vec3 val;

/* C.frag */
void main() {
    struct A a;
    a.val = vec3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);

    struct B b;
    b.val = vec3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);

    float f = dot(a.val, b.val);






GLchar**        fragment_code; // This must be initialized
GLint*          fragment_char_count;

void LoadFragment()
   //assuming fragment_filepath a vector<string> containing different shader filepaths
   for (size_t i = 0; i < fragment_filepath.size(); i++)
       Load(fragment_filepath[i], fragment_code[i], fragment_char_count[i]);

// source_path is the shader file path in the filesystem
// output will contain the source code of the shader being loaded
// fragment_char_count will contain the number of char for the shader being loaded
static void Load(string source_path,  GLchar*& output,GLint& fragment_char_count)
    string return_code;
        // Open files
        ifstream vShaderFile(source_path); 
        stringstream vShaderStream;
        // Read file's buffer contents into streams
        vShaderStream << vShaderFile.rdbuf(); 
        // close file handlers
        // Convert stream into GLchar array
        return_code = vShaderStream.str();  
    catch(exception e)
        cout << "ERROR::SHADER::FILE_NOT_SUCCESFULLY_READ: " << source_path << endl;

    fragment_char_count = return_code.length() ; 
    output = new GLchar[count + 1];
    std::size_t length = return_code.copy(output,fragment_char_count,0);
    output[length]= '\0';

// eventually when you compile you pass to glShaderSource the fragment_id, the number of shader program you are loading (fragment_filepath.size()), the double pointer of char containing the different source codes (fragment_code) and an array representing the char count for each source (fragment_char_count)
void CompileFragment()
    glShaderSource(fragment_shader_id, fragment_filepath.size(), fragment_code, fragment_char_count);


GLchar**        fragment_code; // This must be initialized
GLint*          fragment_char_count;

void LoadFragment()
   //assuming fragment_filepath a vector<string> containing different shader filepaths
   for (size_t i = 0; i < fragment_filepath.size(); i++)
       Load(fragment_filepath[i], fragment_code[i], fragment_char_count[i]);

// source_path is the shader file path in the filesystem
// output will contain the source code of the shader being loaded
// fragment_char_count will contain the number of char for the shader being loaded
static void Load(string source_path,  GLchar*& output,GLint& fragment_char_count)
    string return_code;
        // Open files
        ifstream vShaderFile(source_path); 
        stringstream vShaderStream;
        // Read file's buffer contents into streams
        vShaderStream << vShaderFile.rdbuf(); 
        // close file handlers
        // Convert stream into GLchar array
        return_code = vShaderStream.str();  
    catch(exception e)
        cout << "ERROR::SHADER::FILE_NOT_SUCCESFULLY_READ: " << source_path << endl;

    fragment_char_count = return_code.length() ; 
    output = new GLchar[count + 1];
    std::size_t length = return_code.copy(output,fragment_char_count,0);
    output[length]= '\0';

// eventually when you compile you pass to glShaderSource the fragment_id, the number of shader program you are loading (fragment_filepath.size()), the double pointer of char containing the different source codes (fragment_code) and an array representing the char count for each source (fragment_char_count)
void CompileFragment()
    glShaderSource(fragment_shader_id, fragment_filepath.size(), fragment_code, fragment_char_count);