C++ 如何将节点值从一个数据结构复制到另一个数据结构

C++ 如何将节点值从一个数据结构复制到另一个数据结构,c++,C++,具体的任务是,我必须从二叉树复制整数值,并用这些数值创建一个链表。我遇到的问题是,当我遍历二叉树得到每个节点上的每个整数时,我无法将节点的值发送给链表分配函数 // Setting up the data structures: struct node // node for the binary tree: { int data; // variable to store each integer value in the tree node * left; // pointe


// Setting up the data structures:
struct node // node for the binary tree:
    int data; // variable to store each integer value in the tree
    node * left; // pointer for each right node
    node * right; // pointer for each left node
struct list_node // node for the linked list
    int list_data;
    list_node* next;

// Function for linked list insertion:
list_node * appendList(list_node *current, int newData)
    list_node *newNode = new list_node();
    newNode->list_data = newData;
    newNode->next = NULL; // now end of list
    current->next = newNode;
    return newNode;

void traverse(node* root)
    if (root == NULL)
    traverse(root->left); // first recursive
    // then send these values to the linked list
    //cout << root->data << " ";
    appendList(root, root->data);
    traverse(root->right); // second recusive

appendList(root, root->data);


In below function call:
 appendList(root, root->data);

You are passing the incorrect first parameter i.e. root which is node of binary tree i.e. 'struct node' not 'struct list_node'.

You have to pass the root of the list i.e. object 'struct list_node' as first parameter in function appendList.


struct list_node // node for the linked list
    int list_data;
    list_node* next;

// Function for linked list insertion:
list_node * appendList(list_node *root, int newData)
    list_node *newNode = new list_node();
    newNode->list_data = newData;
    newNode->next = NULL; // now end of list
    current->next = newNode;
    return newNode;

void traverse(node* root, list_node* rootList)
    if (root == NULL)
    traverse(root->left, rootList); // first recursive
    // then send these values to the linked list
    //cout << root->data << " ";
    rootList = appendList(rootList, root->data);
    traverse(root->right, rootList); // second recusive
附录列表(根,根->数据); 您传递的第一个参数不正确,即root,它是二叉树的节点,即“struct node”不是“struct list_node”。 **解决方案:** 必须将列表的根,即对象“struct list_node”作为函数appendList中的第一个参数传递。 **变化** 结构列表\节点//链接列表的节点 { int list_数据; 列出_节点*下一步; }; //用于插入链表的函数: 列表节点*附录列表(列表节点*根,int newData) { 列表_节点*新节点=新列表_节点(); newNode->list_data=newData; newNode->next=NULL;//现在列表结束 当前->下一步=新节点; 返回newNode; } 无效遍历(节点*根,列表\节点*根列表) { if(root==NULL) { 返回; } 遍历(根->左,根列表);//第一次递归 //然后将这些值发送到链接列表 //数据); 遍历(根->右,根列表);//第二次递归 }
In below function call:
 appendList(root, root->data);

You are passing the incorrect first parameter i.e. root which is node of binary tree i.e. 'struct node' not 'struct list_node'.

You have to pass the root of the list i.e. object 'struct list_node' as first parameter in function appendList.


struct list_node // node for the linked list
    int list_data;
    list_node* next;

// Function for linked list insertion:
list_node * appendList(list_node *root, int newData)
    list_node *newNode = new list_node();
    newNode->list_data = newData;
    newNode->next = NULL; // now end of list
    current->next = newNode;
    return newNode;

void traverse(node* root, list_node* rootList)
    if (root == NULL)
    traverse(root->left, rootList); // first recursive
    // then send these values to the linked list
    //cout << root->data << " ";
    rootList = appendList(rootList, root->data);
    traverse(root->right, rootList); // second recusive