C++ _递归删除链表后,块类型无效(pHead->nBlockUse)错误

C++ _递归删除链表后,块类型无效(pHead->nBlockUse)错误,c++,pointers,recursion,visual-studio-2013,linked-list,C++,Pointers,Recursion,Visual Studio 2013,Linked List,我已经成功地实现了递归打印列表方法,所以我不明白为什么递归析构函数不能工作: //recursively deleting nodes in a doubly linked list LinkedList::~LinkedList() { if (Head == 0) //base case { Tail = 0; //fixing the dangling Tail pointer doesn't seem to fix the error...


//recursively deleting nodes in a doubly linked list
    if (Head == 0) //base case
        Tail = 0; //fixing the dangling Tail pointer doesn't seem to fix the error...

        Node* temp = Head;
        Head = Head->getNext();
        cout << "deleting " << temp->getNumber() << endl;
        delete temp;
        delete this;

删除这就是问题所在。您的LinkedList类不是使用new创建的,因此不需要删除它。0x499602D2:1。如果不删除此项,您认为我如何进行递归调用?2.即使我用new创建了我的LinkedList,当我删除它时,我也会得到同样的错误,就像我在帖子中说的那样,如果我不删除,就不会有错误it@YiboYang-请发布节点类。此处不需要递归。您需要一个while循环,只要Head不为null,它就会继续循环。@YiboYang-while Head!=空移除头;如果您有一个从链表中删除单个节点的remove函数,那么这就是您的代码实际上需要做的全部工作。
//Specification file for BaseNode class
#ifndef BASENODE_H
#define BASENODE_H
#include <iostream>

class BaseNode
    char * name;
    int number;
    BaseNode * next;

    //default constructor
    //overloaded constructor
    BaseNode(const char *, int);

    ~BaseNode() {
        std::cout << "name is: " << name << '\n';
        delete[] name;

    //getter functions
    char * getName() const { return name; }
    int getNumber() const { return number; }
    BaseNode* getNext() { return next; }

    //setter functions
    void setNumber(int num){ number = num; };
    void setNext(BaseNode* ptr) { next = ptr; }

//Implementation file for BaseNode class
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#include <cstring>
#include "BaseNode.h"

//default constructor
    name = 0;
    number = 0;
    next = 0;

//overloaded constructor
BaseNode::BaseNode(const char * str, int num)
    roman = new char[strlen(str) + 1]; //set aside one more character for null terminator
    strcpy(name, str);
    number = num;
#ifndef Node_H
#define Node_H

#include "BaseNode.h" //include the base class for inheritance to work

class Node : public BaseNode
    Node * prev;
    Node * next;

    Node() : BaseNode()
    { prev = next = 0; }

    Node(const char * namestr, int num) : BaseNode(namestr, num)
    { prev = next = 0; }

    //empty destructor; the BaseNode destructor automatically gets called from here and does the job
    ~Node() { }

    //getter functions and setter functions are all inherited from BaseNode, except that....
    //the BaseNode version of getNext and setNext won't work for our Node class

    Node* getNext() const { return next; }
    void setnext(Node* pointer) { next = pointer; }

    Node* getPrev() const { return prev; }
    void setPrev(Node* pointer) { prev = pointer; }
