C# 在Windows Mobile中调整图像大小

C# 在Windows Mobile中调整图像大小,c#,.net,windows-mobile,compact-framework,C#,.net,Windows Mobile,Compact Framework,是否有人知道如何在.net 2.0Compact框架上调整图像大小 我希望能够从手机内存中获取手机摄像头拍摄的图像,调整图像大小,然后将其上载到Web服务,这样我就不需要将调整大小的图像存储在磁盘上。Graphics.FromImage适用于jpg图像,但您可能会遇到内存问题 看看这篇文章,了解一些想法。Graphics.FromImage应该适用于jpg图像,但是您可能会遇到内存问题 请看一看,了解一些想法。此vb.net可在Windows Mobile上运行。唯一限制:打开大型位图时会导致O

是否有人知道如何在.net 2.0Compact框架上调整图像大小






此vb.net可在Windows Mobile上运行。唯一限制:打开大型位图时会导致OutOfMemoryException:

   Private Function ResizedImage(ByVal image As Bitmap, ByVal maxW As Integer, ByVal maxH As Integer) As Bitmap
    Dim divideByH, divideByW As Double
    Dim width, height As Integer
    divideByW = image.Width / maxW
    divideByH = image.Height / maxH
    If divideByW > 1 Or divideByH > 1 Then
        If divideByW > divideByH Then
            width = CInt(CDbl(image.Width) / divideByW)
            height = CInt(CDbl(image.Height) / divideByW)
            width = CInt(CDbl(image.Width) / divideByH)
            height = CInt(CDbl(image.Height) / divideByH)
        End If
        Dim scaled As New Bitmap(width, height)
        Dim g As Graphics
        g = Graphics.FromImage(scaled)
        g.DrawImage(image, New Rectangle(0, 0, width, height), New Rectangle(0, 0, image.Width, image.Height), GraphicsUnit.Pixel)
        ResizedImage = scaled
        ResizedImage = image
    End If

End Function

此vb.net在Windows Mobile上工作。唯一限制:打开大型位图时会导致OutOfMemoryException:

   Private Function ResizedImage(ByVal image As Bitmap, ByVal maxW As Integer, ByVal maxH As Integer) As Bitmap
    Dim divideByH, divideByW As Double
    Dim width, height As Integer
    divideByW = image.Width / maxW
    divideByH = image.Height / maxH
    If divideByW > 1 Or divideByH > 1 Then
        If divideByW > divideByH Then
            width = CInt(CDbl(image.Width) / divideByW)
            height = CInt(CDbl(image.Height) / divideByW)
            width = CInt(CDbl(image.Width) / divideByH)
            height = CInt(CDbl(image.Height) / divideByH)
        End If
        Dim scaled As New Bitmap(width, height)
        Dim g As Graphics
        g = Graphics.FromImage(scaled)
        g.DrawImage(image, New Rectangle(0, 0, width, height), New Rectangle(0, 0, image.Width, image.Height), GraphicsUnit.Pixel)
        ResizedImage = scaled
        ResizedImage = image
    End If

End Function
这是我在.NET CF 2.0应用程序中用于调整图像大小的C#代码:

public static Image ResizePicture( Image image, Size maxSize )
  if( image == null )
    throw new ArgumentNullException( "image", "Null passed to ResizePictureToMaximum" );

  if( ( image.Width > maxSize.Width ) || ( image.Height > maxSize.Height ) )
    Image resizedImage = new Bitmap( maxSize.Width, maxSize.Height );

    using( Graphics graphics = Graphics.FromImage( resizedImage ) )
      graphics.Clear( Color.White );

      float widthRatio = maxSize.Width / image.Width;
      float heightRatio = maxSize.Height / image.Height;

      int width = maxSize.Width;
      int height = maxSize.Height;

      if( widthRatio > heightRatio )
        width = ( int )Math.Ceiling( maxSize.Width * heightRatio );
      else if( heightRatio > widthRatio )
        height = ( int )Math.Ceiling( maxSize.Height * widthRatio );

        new Rectangle( 0, 0, width, height ),
        new Rectangle( 0, 0, image.Width, image.Height ),
        GraphicsUnit.Pixel );

    return resizedImage;

  return image;
这是我在.NET CF 2.0应用程序中用于调整图像大小的C#代码:

public static Image ResizePicture( Image image, Size maxSize )
  if( image == null )
    throw new ArgumentNullException( "image", "Null passed to ResizePictureToMaximum" );

  if( ( image.Width > maxSize.Width ) || ( image.Height > maxSize.Height ) )
    Image resizedImage = new Bitmap( maxSize.Width, maxSize.Height );

    using( Graphics graphics = Graphics.FromImage( resizedImage ) )
      graphics.Clear( Color.White );

      float widthRatio = maxSize.Width / image.Width;
      float heightRatio = maxSize.Height / image.Height;

      int width = maxSize.Width;
      int height = maxSize.Height;

      if( widthRatio > heightRatio )
        width = ( int )Math.Ceiling( maxSize.Width * heightRatio );
      else if( heightRatio > widthRatio )
        height = ( int )Math.Ceiling( maxSize.Height * widthRatio );

        new Rectangle( 0, 0, width, height ),
        new Rectangle( 0, 0, image.Width, image.Height ),
        GraphicsUnit.Pixel );

    return resizedImage;

  return image;

float widthRatio = (float) maxSize.Width / image.Width;

  float heightRatio = (float) maxSize.Height / image.Height;

graphics.DrawImage(image, new Rectangle((maxSize.Width - width) / 2, (maxSize.Height -height ) / 2, width, height), new Rectangle(0, 0, image.Width, image.Height), GraphicsUnit.Pixel);

float widthRatio = (float) maxSize.Width / image.Width;

  float heightRatio = (float) maxSize.Height / image.Height;

graphics.DrawImage(image, new Rectangle((maxSize.Width - width) / 2, (maxSize.Height -height ) / 2, width, height), new Rectangle(0, 0, image.Width, image.Height), GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
