C# 在使用异步/等待和多线程时保持响应UI

C# 在使用异步/等待和多线程时保持响应UI,c#,wpf,multithreading,async-await,C#,Wpf,Multithreading,Async Await,我正在做一个密集的计算,其中包括并行运行的代码。在并行方法中,我们等待对异步方法的调用。因为Parallel.For不能做到这一点,我们有一些基于通道的代码 问题是它似乎阻塞了UI线程,尽管我们正在设置处理程序来避免这种情况。如果我在worker中使用Task.Delay1,它似乎有效,但这只是治标不治本 如何防止UI线程被阻塞 以下是视图模型的代码: using Prism.Commands; using Prism.Mvvm; using Extensions.ParallelAsync;





using Prism.Commands;
using Prism.Mvvm;
using Extensions.ParallelAsync;
using System;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace MVVMAwaitUiThread
    public class MainWindowViewModel : BindableBase
        public MainWindowViewModel()
            DoSomethingGoodCommand = new DelegateCommand(DoSomethingGood);
            DoSomethingBadCommand = new DelegateCommand(DoSomethingBad);

        private ProgressViewModel _progressViewModel;
        public ProgressViewModel ProgressViewModel
            get => _progressViewModel;
            set => SetProperty(ref _progressViewModel, value);

        private bool _isBusy = false;
        public bool IsBusy
            get => _isBusy;
            set => SetProperty(ref _isBusy, value);

        private string _workText = "";
        public string WorkText
            get => _workText;
            set => SetProperty(ref _workText, value);

        public DelegateCommand DoSomethingGoodCommand { get; private set; }
        public async void DoSomethingGood()
            IsBusy = true;
                ProgressViewModel = new ProgressViewModel();

                double sum = await ReallyDoSomething(1, ProgressViewModel.Progress, ProgressViewModel.CancellationToken);

                WorkText = $"Did work {DateTime.Now} -> {sum}.";
            catch (OperationCanceledException)
                // do nothing
                IsBusy = false;

        public DelegateCommand DoSomethingBadCommand { get; private set; }
        public async void DoSomethingBad()
            IsBusy = true;
                ProgressViewModel = new ProgressViewModel();

                double sum = await ReallyDoSomething(0, ProgressViewModel.Progress, ProgressViewModel.CancellationToken);

                WorkText = $"Did work {DateTime.Now} -> {sum}.";
            catch (OperationCanceledException)
                // do nothing
                IsBusy = false;

        /// <summary>
        /// Calling this with 0 doesn't work, but 1 does
        /// </summary>
        private async Task<double> ReallyDoSomething(int delay, IProgress<double> progress, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            const double maxIterations = 250;
            const int sampleCount = 10;
            const int maxDegreeOfParallelism = -1; // this doesn't seem to have any effect

            const double totalIterations = sampleCount * maxIterations;
            int completedIterations = 0;

            ConcurrentBag<double> bag = new ConcurrentBag<double>();

            // In reality, I have calculations that make calls to async/await methods, but each iteration can be parallel
            // Can't make async calls in parallel.for, so this is what we have come up with

            await ParallelChannelsAsync.ForAsync(0, sampleCount, maxDegreeOfParallelism, cancellationToken, Eval).ConfigureAwait(false);

            async Task Eval(int seed, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
                double sum = seed;

                for (int i = 0; i < maxIterations; ++i)
                    sum += i * (i + 1.0); // simulate computation

                    await Task.Delay(delay); // simulate an async call

                    Interlocked.Increment(ref completedIterations);

                    progress?.Report(completedIterations / totalIterations);

                bag.Add(sum / maxIterations);

            return bag.Sum();



public Task<int> MyNotSoAsyncMethod()
    //I'm actually blocking...
    return Task.FromResult(0);



public Task<int> MyNotSoAsyncMethod()
    //I'm actually blocking...
    return Task.FromResult(0);




    /// <summary>
    /// Assuming a busy workload during progress reports, it's valuable to only keep the next most recent
    /// progress value, rather than back pressuring the application with tons of out-dated progress values,
    /// which can result in a locked up application.
    /// </summary>
    /// <typeparam name="T">Type of value to report.</typeparam>
    public class ThrottledProgress<T> : IProgress<T>, IAsyncDisposable
        private readonly IProgress<T> _progress;
        private readonly Channel<T> _channel;
        private Task _completion;

        public ThrottledProgress(Action<T> handleReport)
            _progress = new Progress<T>(handleReport);
            _channel = Channel.CreateBounded<T>(new BoundedChannelOptions(1)
                AllowSynchronousContinuations = false,
                FullMode = BoundedChannelFullMode.DropOldest,
                SingleReader = true,
                SingleWriter = true

            _completion = ConsumeAsync();

        private async Task ConsumeAsync()
            await foreach (T value in _channel.Reader.ReadAllAsync().ConfigureAwait(false))

        void IProgress<T>.Report(T value)

        public async ValueTask DisposeAsync()
            if (_completion is object)
                await _completion.ConfigureAwait(false);
                _completion = null;




    /// <summary>
    /// Assuming a busy workload during progress reports, it's valuable to only keep the next most recent
    /// progress value, rather than back pressuring the application with tons of out-dated progress values,
    /// which can result in a locked up application.
    /// </summary>
    /// <typeparam name="T">Type of value to report.</typeparam>
    public class ThrottledProgress<T> : IProgress<T>, IAsyncDisposable
        private readonly IProgress<T> _progress;
        private readonly Channel<T> _channel;
        private Task _completion;

        public ThrottledProgress(Action<T> handleReport)
            _progress = new Progress<T>(handleReport);
            _channel = Channel.CreateBounded<T>(new BoundedChannelOptions(1)
                AllowSynchronousContinuations = false,
                FullMode = BoundedChannelFullMode.DropOldest,
                SingleReader = true,
                SingleWriter = true

            _completion = ConsumeAsync();

        private async Task ConsumeAsync()
            await foreach (T value in _channel.Reader.ReadAllAsync().ConfigureAwait(false))

        void IProgress<T>.Report(T value)

        public async ValueTask DisposeAsync()
            if (_completion is object)
                await _completion.ConfigureAwait(false);
                _completion = null;
