Dart 是什么原因导致这款聚合物镖在Safari和Chrome中表现不好?

Dart 是什么原因导致这款聚合物镖在Safari和Chrome中表现不好?,dart,dart-polymer,Dart,Dart Polymer,(postpub build)应用程序位于 看看Safari和Chrome中的控制台。在前者中,有: [Error] Element name could not be inferred. b (polymer.js, line 12) (anonymous function) (mycommunity.org, line 5709) [Error] Element name could not be inferred. b (polymer.js, line 12)

pub build


[Error] Element name could not be inferred.
    b (polymer.js, line 12)
    (anonymous function) (mycommunity.org, line 5709)
[Error] Element name could not be inferred.
    b (polymer.js, line 12)
    (anonymous function) (mycommunity.org, line 5917)
[Error] Element name could not be inferred.
    b (polymer.js, line 12)
[Log] +WovenApp (index.html_bootstrap.dart.js, line 8353)
[Log] +AddStuff (index.html_bootstrap.dart.js, line 8353)
[Log] +InboxList (index.html_bootstrap.dart.js, line 8353)
[Error] SyntaxError: DOM Exception 12: An invalid or illegal string was specified. (platform.js, line 13)
[Error] Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) (current-user, line 0)
[Error] TypeError: 'null' is not an object (evaluating 'String(a.constructor).match(/^\s*function\s*(\S*)\s*\(/)[1]') (index.html_bootstrap.dart.js, line 1283)



什么版本的chrome和safari?查看Safari 7.05版。根据图表,它应该都是可用的。我应该注意到它在一些代码更改之前的某个时候起作用了。这是特定于我的设置的,与一般兼容性无关。