Excel 代码未执行,因为对象不支持筛选器属性

Excel 代码未执行,因为对象不支持筛选器属性,excel,vba,outlook,Excel,Vba,Outlook,我无法按主题筛选所选邮件项目。 问题是 If TypeOf Items(1) Is Outlook.MailItem And Items(1).Restrict(sFilter) Then 正在触发错误 运行时错误438:对象不支持此属性或方法 步骤: 循环遍历不同主题名称的单元格 在收件箱和Senitem文件夹中搜索所选主题的最新电子邮件,因为有时人们不会回复您的电子邮件。因此,最新的电子邮件在已发送的邮件中,而不是在您的收件箱中 选择最新的电子邮件并回复所有邮件 对于邮件正文,我正在运行另

我无法按主题筛选所选邮件项目。 问题是

If TypeOf Items(1) Is Outlook.MailItem And Items(1).Restrict(sFilter) Then



循环遍历不同主题名称的单元格 在收件箱和Senitem文件夹中搜索所选主题的最新电子邮件,因为有时人们不会回复您的电子邮件。因此,最新的电子邮件在已发送的邮件中,而不是在您的收件箱中 选择最新的电子邮件并回复所有邮件 对于邮件正文,我正在运行另一个函数以获取所需信息。 守则:

Sub AccessInbox6()
'Early binding
    Dim Olook As Outlook.Application ' to access all the libraries of outlook

    Set Olook = New Outlook.Application
    Dim sFilter As String
    Dim sSubject As String

  ' Restrict items and running the loop


    Do Until ActiveCell.Value = "" 'Using this to loop over multiple cells containing subjects

        sSubject = ActiveCell.Value
        sFilter = "[Subject] = '" & sSubject & "'"

        Dim Items As Outlook.Items
        Set Items = Olook.GetNamespace("MAPI") _
                         .GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox).Items 'Checking the inbox

        Dim Items2 As Outlook.Items
        Set Items2 = Olook.GetNamespace("MAPI") _
                         .GetDefaultFolder(olFolderSentMail).Items 'Checking the sent items

        Items.Sort "ReceivedTime", True 'to put them in order by date
        Items2.Sort "ReceivedTime", True 'to put them in order by date or I should use "SentOn"
        'Items2.Sort "SentOn", True

        If Items.Item(1).ReceivedTime > Items2.Item(1).ReceivedTime Then 'Here I am checking which email is latest by date either in inbox or SentItems

            If TypeOf Items(1) Is Outlook.MailItem And Items(1).Restrict(sFilter) Then 'Getting error here - Here I am checking if the "Subject of the email matches with what I have in the excel sheet

                 Debug.Print Items(1).Subject ' Print on Immediate Window

                       With Items(1).ReplyAll
                            .Body = "Dear Someone" & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & GetPSMUpdate2 & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & "Sincerely," & vbNewLine & "XX-"

                            '.Attachments.Add Environ("UserProfile") & "\Desktop\Tracking Sheet.xlsx"

                            .To = "XXX@gmail.com"
                            .Subject = "PSM Report"
                        End With
                          MsgBox "No emails found with Subject:" & vbLf & "'" & sSubject & "'"

            End If


            If TypeOf Items2(1) Is Outlook.MailItem And Items2(1).Restrict(sFilter) Then

                 Debug.Print Items(1).Subject ' Print on Immediate Window

                       With Items(1).ReplyAll
                            .Body = "Dear Someone" & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & GetPSMUpdate2 & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & "Sincerely," & vbNewLine & "XX-"

                            '.Attachments.Add Environ("UserProfile") & "\Desktop\Tracking Sheet.xlsx"

                            .To = "XXX@gmail.com"
                            .Subject = "PSM Report"
                        End With
                          MsgBox "No emails found with Subject:" & vbLf & "'" & sSubject & "'"

            End If
        End If

        ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select


End Sub


Option Explicit

Sub AccessInbox6Fix()

'Early binding
    Dim Olook As outlook.Application
    Dim ItemsRaw As outlook.Items
    Dim Items2Raw As outlook.Items
    Dim Items As outlook.Items
    Dim Items2 As outlook.Items
    Dim sFilter As String
    Dim sSubject As String
    Set Olook = New outlook.Application
    Do Until ActiveCell.Value = "" ' Loop over cells containing subjects
        'Checking the inbox
        Set ItemsRaw = Olook.Session.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox).Items
        Debug.Print "Raw counts"
        Debug.Print " ItemsRaw.Count: " & ItemsRaw.Count
        'Checking the sent items
        Set Items2Raw = Olook.Session.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderSentMail).Items 
        Debug.Print " Items2Raw.Count: " & Items2Raw.Count

        sSubject = ActiveCell.Value
        sFilter = "[Subject] = '" & sSubject & "'"
        Debug.Print sFilter
        Debug.Print "Subject counts"
        Set Items = ItemsRaw.Restrict(sFilter)
        Debug.Print " Items.Count: " & Items.Count
        Set Items2 = Items2Raw.Restrict(sFilter)
        Debug.Print " Items2.Count: " & Items2.Count
        Items.Sort "SentOn", True
        Items2.Sort "SentOn", True

        If Items.Item(1).ReceivedTime > Items2.Item(1).ReceivedTime Then
            If TypeOf Items.Item(1) Is MailItem Then
                Debug.Print Items.Item(1).Subject

                With Items.Item(1).ReplyAll
                    .To = "XXX@noplacenowhere.com"
                    .Subject = "PSM Report"
                End With
                MsgBox "Most recent item is not a mailitem:" & vbLf & "'" & sSubject & "'"

            End If


            If TypeOf Items2.Item(1) Is outlook.MailItem Then
                 Debug.Print Items2.Item(1).Subject ' Print on Immediate Window

                    With Items2.Item(1).ReplyAll
                        .To = "XXX@noplacenowhere.com"
                        .Subject = "PSM Report"
                    End With
                    MsgBox "Most recent item is not a mailitem:" & vbLf & "'" & sSubject & "'"
            End If
        End If

        ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select

    Debug.Print "Done."
End Sub


Option Explicit

Sub AccessInbox6Fix()

'Early binding
    Dim Olook As outlook.Application
    Dim ItemsRaw As outlook.Items
    Dim Items2Raw As outlook.Items
    Dim Items As outlook.Items
    Dim Items2 As outlook.Items
    Dim sFilter As String
    Dim sSubject As String
    Set Olook = New outlook.Application
    Do Until ActiveCell.Value = "" ' Loop over cells containing subjects
        'Checking the inbox
        Set ItemsRaw = Olook.Session.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox).Items
        Debug.Print "Raw counts"
        Debug.Print " ItemsRaw.Count: " & ItemsRaw.Count
        'Checking the sent items
        Set Items2Raw = Olook.Session.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderSentMail).Items 
        Debug.Print " Items2Raw.Count: " & Items2Raw.Count

        sSubject = ActiveCell.Value
        sFilter = "[Subject] = '" & sSubject & "'"
        Debug.Print sFilter
        Debug.Print "Subject counts"
        Set Items = ItemsRaw.Restrict(sFilter)
        Debug.Print " Items.Count: " & Items.Count
        Set Items2 = Items2Raw.Restrict(sFilter)
        Debug.Print " Items2.Count: " & Items2.Count
        Items.Sort "SentOn", True
        Items2.Sort "SentOn", True

        If Items.Item(1).ReceivedTime > Items2.Item(1).ReceivedTime Then
            If TypeOf Items.Item(1) Is MailItem Then
                Debug.Print Items.Item(1).Subject

                With Items.Item(1).ReplyAll
                    .To = "XXX@noplacenowhere.com"
                    .Subject = "PSM Report"
                End With
                MsgBox "Most recent item is not a mailitem:" & vbLf & "'" & sSubject & "'"

            End If


            If TypeOf Items2.Item(1) Is outlook.MailItem Then
                 Debug.Print Items2.Item(1).Subject ' Print on Immediate Window

                    With Items2.Item(1).ReplyAll
                        .To = "XXX@noplacenowhere.com"
                        .Subject = "PSM Report"
                    End With
                    MsgBox "Most recent item is not a mailitem:" & vbLf & "'" & sSubject & "'"
            End If
        End If

        ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select

    Debug.Print "Done."
End Sub
