
Highcharts-柱形图可以向下钻取到条形图吗?,highcharts,Highcharts,我有一个项目,其中主图表中的数据最好用柱状图表示,而向下展开中的数据应该是条形图 然而,当我尝试向下钻取时,向下钻取仍然是一个柱状图,即使类型设置为bar 这是否可能与提供的Highcharts深入API有关?我希望有“返回”按钮,并支持多个向下钻取级别 下面是一个基本示例,演示了该问题: $(function () { // Create the chart $('#container').highcharts({ chart: { type: 'column





$(function () {    

// Create the chart
    chart: {
        type: 'column'
    title: {
        text: 'Basic drilldown'
    xAxis: {
        type: 'category'

    legend: {
        enabled: false

    plotOptions: {
        series: {
            borderWidth: 0,
            dataLabels: {
                enabled: true,

    series: [{
        name: 'Things',
        colorByPoint: true,
        data: [{
            name: 'Animals',
            y: 5,
            drilldown: 'animals'
        }, {
            name: 'Fruits',
            y: 2,
            drilldown: 'fruits'
        }, {
            name: 'Cars',
            y: 4,
            drilldown: 'cars'
    drilldown: {
        series: [{
            id: 'animals',
            type: 'bar',
            data: [
                ['Cats', 4],
                ['Dogs', 2],
                ['Cows', 1],
                ['Sheep', 2],
                ['Pigs', 1]
        }, {
            id: 'fruits',
            type: 'bar',
            data: [
                ['Apples', 4],
                ['Oranges', 2]
        }, {
            id: 'cars',
            type: 'bar',
            data: [
                ['Toyota', 4],
                ['Opel', 2],
                ['Volkswagen', 2]



 $(function () {

 (function (H) {

     H.wrap(H.Point.prototype, 'init', function (proceed, series, options, x) {
         var point = proceed.call(this, series, options, x),
             chart = series.chart,
             tick = series.xAxis && series.xAxis.ticks[x],
             tickLabel = tick && tick.label;

         if (point.drilldown) {

             if (tickLabel) {
                 if (!tickLabel._basicStyle) {
                     tickLabel._basicStyle = tickLabel.element.getAttribute('style');
                     'text-decoration': 'none',
                         'font-weight': 'normal',
                         'cursor': 'auto'
                 }).on('click', function () {
                     if (point.doDrilldown) {
                         return false;

         return point;

     H.wrap(H.Pointer.prototype, 'setDOMEvents', function (proceed) {
         var pointer = this,
             container = pointer.chart.container;
         container.onclick = function (e) {
             if (typeof pointer.onContainerClick === 'function') {

     H.wrap(H.Chart.prototype, 'drillUp', function (proceed) {
         if (!this.customDrilldown) {
         } else {
             var userOptions = this.userOptions;
             var drilldownLevels = this.drilldownLevels;
             var level = drilldownLevels.pop();
             var newChartConfig = level.userOptions;

             var newChart = $(userOptions.chart.renderTo).highcharts();
             newChart.drilldownLevels = drilldownLevels;
             if (drilldownLevels.length !== 0) {
             newChart.customDrilldown = true;

             HighchartsAdapter.fireEvent(newChart, 'drillup', {
                 seriesOptions: newChartConfig


     H.wrap(H.Point.prototype, 'doDrilldown', function (proceed, _holdRedraw) {

         if (!$.isPlainObject(this.drilldown)) {
             proceed.call(this, _holdRedraw);
         } else {
             var newChartConfig = this.drilldown;
             var oldChart = this.series.chart;
             var userOptions = oldChart.userOptions;
             var drilldownLevels = oldChart.drilldownLevels;
             if (!drilldownLevels) {
                 drilldownLevels = [];

             var oldSeries = this.series;
             var level = {
                 userOptions: userOptions,
                 seriesOptions: oldSeries.userOptions


             var newChart = $(userOptions.chart.renderTo).highcharts();
             newChart.drilldownLevels = drilldownLevels;
             newChart.customDrilldown = true;

             HighchartsAdapter.fireEvent(newChart, 'drilldown', {
                 point: this,
                 seriesOptions: newChartConfig



 var pieDD1 = {
     chart: {
         type: 'pie'
     title: {
         text: 'Basic drilldown'
     subtitle: {
         text: 'colors'
     series: [{
         name: 'Color',
         data: [{
             name: 'Red',
             y: 5
         }, {
             name: 'Blue',
             y: 25


      var pieDD2 = {
     chart: {
         type: 'pie'
     title: {
         text: 'Basic drilldown'
     subtitle: {
         text: 'colors'
     series: [{
         name: 'Color',
         data: [{
             name: 'Red',
             y: 15
         }, {
             name: 'Blue',
             y: 25


      var pieDD3 = {
     chart: {
         type: 'pie'
     title: {
         text: 'Basic drilldown'
     subtitle: {
         text: 'colors'
     series: [{
         name: 'Color',
         data: [{
             name: 'Red',
             y: 3
         }, {
             name: 'Blue',
             y: 5


      var pieDD4 = {
     chart: {
         type: 'pie'
     title: {
         text: 'Basic drilldown'
     subtitle: {
         text: 'colors'
     series: [{
         name: 'Color',
         data: [{
             name: 'Red',
             y: 50
         }, {
             name: 'Blue',
             y: 3


      var pieDD5 = {
     chart: {
         type: 'pie'
     title: {
         text: 'Basic drilldown'
     subtitle: {
         text: 'colors'
     series: [{
         name: 'Color',
         data: [{
             name: 'Red',
             y: 13
         }, {
             name: 'Blue',
             y: 11


      var pieDD6 = {
     chart: {
         type: 'pie'
     title: {
         text: 'Basic drilldown'
     subtitle: {
         text: 'colors'
     series: [{
         name: 'Color',
         data: [{
             name: 'Red',
             y: 50
         }, {
             name: 'Blue',
             y: 25


      var pieDD7 = {
     chart: {
         type: 'pie'
     title: {
         text: 'Basic drilldown'
     subtitle: {
         text: 'colors'
     series: [{
         name: 'Color',
         data: [{
             name: 'Red',
             y: 5
         }, {
             name: 'Blue',
             y: 5


      var pieDD8 = {
     chart: {
         type: 'pie'
     title: {
         text: 'Basic drilldown'
     subtitle: {
         text: 'colors'
     series: [{
         name: 'Color',
         data: [{
             name: 'Red',
             y: 15
         }, {
             name: 'Blue',
             y: 5


      var pieDD9 = {
     chart: {
         type: 'pie'
     title: {
         text: 'Basic drilldown'
     subtitle: {
         text: 'colors'
     series: [{
         name: 'Color',
         data: [{
             name: 'Red',
             y: 4
         }, {
             name: 'Blue',
             y: 8


      var pieDD10 = {
     chart: {
         type: 'pie'
     title: {
         text: 'Basic drilldown'
     subtitle: {
         text: 'colors'
     series: [{
         name: 'Color',
         data: [{
             name: 'Red',
             y: 33
         }, {
             name: 'Blue',
             y: 66


      var pieDD11 = {
     chart: {
         type: 'pie'
     title: {
         text: 'Basic drilldown'
     subtitle: {
         text: 'colors'
     series: [{
         name: 'Color',
         data: [{
             name: 'Red',
             y: 9
         }, {
             name: 'Blue',
             y: 1


      var pieDD12 = {
     chart: {
         type: 'pie'
     title: {
         text: 'Basic drilldown'
     subtitle: {
         text: 'colors'
     series: [{
         name: 'Color',
         data: [{
             name: 'Red',
             y: 8
         }, {
             name: 'Blue',
             y: 13


      var pieDD13 = {
     chart: {
         type: 'pie'
     title: {
         text: 'Basic drilldown'
     subtitle: {
         text: 'colors'
     series: [{
         name: 'Color',
         data: [{
             name: 'Red',
             y: 70
         }, {
             name: 'Blue',
             y: 25


      var pieDD14 = {
     chart: {
         type: 'pie'
     title: {
         text: 'Basic drilldown'
     subtitle: {
         text: 'colors'
     series: [{
         name: 'Color',
         data: [{
             name: 'Red',
             y: 50
         }, {
             name: 'Blue',
             y: 10


      var pieDD15 = {
     chart: {
         type: 'pie'
     title: {
         text: 'Basic drilldown'
     subtitle: {
         text: 'colors'
     series: [{
         name: 'Color',
         data: [{
             name: 'Red',
             y: 8
         }, {
             name: 'Blue',
             y: 5


      var pieDD16 = {
     chart: {
         type: 'pie'
     title: {
         text: 'Basic drilldown'
     subtitle: {
         text: 'colors'
     series: [{
         name: 'Color',
         data: [{
             name: 'Red',
             y: 5
         }, {
             name: 'Blue',
             y: 8


 var drilldown = {
     chart: {
         type: 'column'
     title: {
         text: 'Basic drilldown'
     subtitle: {
         text: 'subtitle'
     xAxis: {
         type: 'category',
         title: {
             text: 'X Axis'
     yAxis: {
         title: {
             text: 'Y Axis'
     plotOptions: {
         column: {
             stacking: 'normal'
     series: [{
         name: 'Widget A',
         data: [{
             name: 'Qtr 1',
             y: 5,
             drilldown: pieDD1
         }, {
             name: 'Qtr 2',
             y: 25,
             drilldown: pieDD2
         }, {
             name: 'Qtr 3',
             y: 25,
             drilldown: pieDD3
         }, {
             name: 'Qtr 4',
             y: 20,
             drilldown: pieDD4
     }, {
         name: 'Widget B',
         data: [{
             name: 'Qtr 1',
             y: 25,
             drilldown: pieDD5
         }, {
             name: 'Qtr 2',
             y: 5,
             drilldown: pieDD6
         }, {
             name: 'Qtr 3',
             y: 5,
             drilldown: pieDD7
         }, {
             name: 'Qtr 4',
             y: 15,
             drilldown: pieDD8


 var drilldown2 = {
     chart: {
         type: 'column'
     title: {
         text: 'Basic drilldown'
     subtitle: {
         text: 'subtitle2'
     xAxis: {
         type: 'category',
         title: {
             text: 'X Axis'
     yAxis: {
         title: {
             text: 'Y Axis'
     plotOptions: {
         column: {
             stacking: 'normal'
     series: [{
         name: 'Widget A',
         data: [{
             name: 'Qtr 1',
             y: 15,
             drilldown: pieDD9
         }, {
             name: 'Qtr 2',
             y: 15,
             drilldown: pieDD10
         }, {
             name: 'Qtr 3',
             y: 30,
             drilldown: pieDD11
         }, {
             name: 'Qtr 4',
             y: 5,
             drilldown: pieDD12
     }, {
         name: 'Widget B',
         data: [{
             name: 'Qtr 1',
             y: 5,
             drilldown: pieDD13
         }, {
             name: 'Qtr 2',
             y: 25,
             drilldown: pieDD14
         }, {
             name: 'Qtr 3',
             y: 10,
             drilldown: pieDD15
         }, {
             name: 'Qtr 4',
             y: 20,
             drilldown: pieDD16


 // Create the chart
     chart: {
         type: 'bar'
     title: {
         text: 'Basic drilldown'
     xAxis: {
         type: 'category'
     plotOptions: {
         column: {
             stacking: 'normal'
     series: [{
         name: 'Yearly Orders',
         data: [{
             name: 'Location 1',
             y: 100,
             drilldown: drilldown
         }, {
             name: 'Location 2',
             y: 150,
             drilldown: drilldown2
