Hyperledger fabric 如何使用Hyperledger结构创建订购者和对等密钥及证书

Hyperledger fabric 如何使用Hyperledger结构创建订购者和对等密钥及证书,hyperledger-fabric,hyperledger,hyperledger-fabric-ca,Hyperledger Fabric,Hyperledger,Hyperledger Fabric Ca,我需要了解Hyperledger fabric和fabric CA 1. How to create the orderer and peer certificate and key pair using fabric-ca 2. How to query the affiliation and CA name using fabric, do we need to write chain code and query them, or can I query them without usi

我需要了解Hyperledger fabric和fabric CA

1. How to create the orderer and peer certificate and key pair using fabric-ca

2. How to query the affiliation and CA name using fabric, do we need to write chain code and query them, or can I query them without using chain code through fabric node js.

3. I see Domain in crypto-config file. Do I need run any domain service or need to buy some domain name. If I am using fabric ca is there anything equivalent to a cryoto-config domain?

4. Is it possible to update the member details once it's created? If it's possible, if I change the password of the member or affiliation of the member does the certificate will get reflect to?
  • 通过注册实体、注册MSP和TLS配置文件以及在文件夹之间复制丢失的内容。如果您愿意,可以制作自己的脚本

  • 正如您应该观察到的那样,crypto config中的该域用于复合对等方和订购方域名。一如既往,如果您愿意,您可以购买域、使用docker内部名称服务或直接使用IP地址。如果配置正确,一切正常。请注意,TLS证书包括CN或SAN字段中使用的域名或IP(

  • 您可以编辑标识,注册反映这些更改的新证书,并随时用它们更新节点。请注意,