Ios 未处理Swift 3贝宝付款

Ios 未处理Swift 3贝宝付款,ios,swift,paypal,Ios,Swift,Paypal,Swift 2贝宝演示 迅速的变化 if (payment?.processable)! { let paymentViewController = PayPalPaymentViewController(payment: payment, configuration: payPalConfig, delegate: self) present(paymentViewController!, animated: true, completion:

Swift 2贝宝演示


    if (payment?.processable)!
        let paymentViewController = PayPalPaymentViewController(payment: payment, configuration: payPalConfig, delegate: self)
        present(paymentViewController!, animated: true, completion: nil)
      print("Payment not processalbe: \(payment)")
swift 3的反应是

  PayPal SDK: PayPalPayment not processable: if paymentDetails are provided, then subtotal must be positive.
Payment not processalbe: Optional(

   CurrencyCode: USD
   Amount: 8.49
   Short Description: Hipster Clothing
   Intent: sale
   Processable: No
   Display: $8.49
   Confirmation: (null)
   Details: Subtotal: 0, Shipping: 5.99, Tax: 2.5
   Shipping Address: (null)
   Invoice Number: (null)
   Custom: (null)
   Soft Descriptor: (null)
   BN code: (null)
   Item: 'Optional({2|Old jeans with holes|84.99|USD|Hip-0037})'
   Item: 'Optional({1|Free rainbow patch|0.00|USD|Hip-00066})'
   Item: 'Optional({1|Long-sleeve plaid shirt (mustache not   included)|37.99|USD|Hip-00291})')

if (payment.processable) 
它在swift 2中运行良好,但我根据swift 3更改为代码

if (payment?.processable)!

如果我按照swift 3使用此选项,则响应高于swift 3所做的更多更改

if (payment?.processable)!