Ios 如何使用动态产品和动态价格的应用内购买?

Ios 如何使用动态产品和动态价格的应用内购买?,ios,in-app-purchase,app-store-connect,Ios,In App Purchase,App Store Connect,我是第一次使用应用内购买,我已经将IAP添加到我的应用中,可以很好地使用沙盒帐户。但我的应用被拒绝,因为 11.7 Details Additionally, we noticed that your In-App Purchase product was set to an incorrect Purchasability Type. Your app includes several products, however, only one Consumable In App Purcha


11.7 Details

Additionally, we noticed that your In-App Purchase product was set to an incorrect Purchasability Type.

Your app includes several products, however, only one Consumable In App Purchase has been submitted for review.

Next Steps

Based on product functionality, please use the Non-Consumable In-App Purchase type for each product.

1. Does I have to create manually different IAP for Different product because they are coming from server side with different price in ItunesConnect Account?

2. If I made product Non-Consumable then I have to add Restore button. How can i use and give restore button for all products?

3. My last question is My app successfully clear testflight beta app review process and ready to test but apple reject same build after submitted for review. I want to know testflight review process are differ from app submission review? 


  • 是的,您必须手动为产品创建iAP。提交应用程序时,您可以发送到审阅当前可用的IAP,稍后审阅后,您可以向审阅提交新的IAP,而无需更新应用程序。第一个IAP必须与应用程序的初始版本或新版本一起提交

  • 是的,您必须添加还原按钮。恢复后,所有非消耗性IAP都会恢复,每个IAP不需要单独的按钮

  • 是的,beta版和appstore版有很大不同。在beta版审查中,我认为他们只是测试应用程序的功能合格性,而在应用商店审查中,他们检查所有内容,而且,审查者可能会改变

  • 祝你好运

    谢谢。根据您的回答,如果我的应用程序批准了初始产品。之后,若我添加了新产品,那个么如何使用来自服务器端的新产品id在应用程序中检查我的新IAP产品id?从服务器获取新产品id后,从苹果服务器获取产品后,您使用product request