Java 提高性能一致性的方法

Java 提高性能一致性的方法,java,performance,memory,concurrency,jvm,Java,Performance,Memory,Concurrency,Jvm,在下面的示例中,一个线程通过用户使用的ByteBuffer发送“消息”。最佳性能非常好,但并不一致 public class Main { public static void main(String... args) throws IOException { for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) doTest(); } public static void doTest() { fina


public class Main {
    public static void main(String... args) throws IOException {
        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)

    public static void doTest() {
        final ByteBuffer writeBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(64 * 1024);
        final ByteBuffer readBuffer = writeBuffer.slice();
        final AtomicInteger readCount = new PaddedAtomicInteger();
        final AtomicInteger writeCount = new PaddedAtomicInteger();

        for(int i=0;i<3;i++)
            performTiming(writeBuffer, readBuffer, readCount, writeCount);

    private static void performTiming(ByteBuffer writeBuffer, final ByteBuffer readBuffer, final AtomicInteger readCount, final AtomicInteger writeCount) {

        Thread t = new Thread(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
                byte[] bytes = new byte[128];
                while (!Thread.interrupted()) {
                    int rc = readCount.get(), toRead;
                    while ((toRead = writeCount.get() - rc) <= 0) ;
                    for (int i = 0; i < toRead; i++) {
                        byte len = readBuffer.get();
                        if (len == -1) {
                            // rewind.
//                            rc++;
                        } else {
                            int num = readBuffer.getInt();
                            if (num != rc)
                                throw new AssertionError("Expected " + rc + " but got " + num) ;
                            readBuffer.get(bytes, 0, len - 4);
        long start = System.nanoTime();
        int runs = 30 * 1000 * 1000;
        int len = 32;
        byte[] bytes = new byte[len - 4];
        int wc = writeCount.get();
        for (int i = 0; i < runs; i++) {
            if (writeBuffer.remaining() < len + 1) {
                // reader has to catch up.
                while (wc - readCount.get() > 0) ;
                // rewind.
                writeBuffer.put((byte) -1);
            writeBuffer.put((byte) len);
        // reader has to catch up.
        while (wc - readCount.get() > 0) ;
        long time = System.nanoTime() - start;
        System.out.printf("Message rate was %.1f M/s offsets %d %d %d%n", runs * 1e3 / time
                , addressOf(readBuffer) - addressOf(writeBuffer)
                , addressOf(readCount) - addressOf(writeBuffer)
                , addressOf(writeCount) - addressOf(writeBuffer)

    // assumes -XX:+UseCompressedOops.
    public static long addressOf(Object... o) {
        long offset = UNSAFE.arrayBaseOffset(o.getClass());
        return UNSAFE.getInt(o, offset) * 8L;

    public static final Unsafe UNSAFE = getUnsafe();
    public static Unsafe getUnsafe() {
        try {
            Field field = Unsafe.class.getDeclaredField("theUnsafe");
            return (Unsafe) field.get(null);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new AssertionError(e);

    private static class PaddedAtomicInteger extends AtomicInteger {
        public long p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7;

        public long sum() {
//            return 0;
            return p2 + p3 + p4 + p5 + p6 + p7;



编辑:使用synchronized with wait and notify使结果更加一致。但不是更快

Message rate was 6.9 M/s
Message rate was 7.8 M/s
Message rate was 7.9 M/s
Message rate was 6.7 M/s
Message rate was 7.5 M/s
Message rate was 7.7 M/s
Message rate was 7.3 M/s
Message rate was 7.9 M/s
Message rate was 6.4 M/s
Message rate was 7.8 M/s


Message rate was 35.1 M/s offsets 136 200 216
Message rate was 34.0 M/s offsets 136 200 216
Message rate was 35.4 M/s offsets 136 200 216

Message rate was 35.6 M/s offsets 136 200 216
Message rate was 37.0 M/s offsets 136 200 216
Message rate was 37.2 M/s offsets 136 200 216

Message rate was 37.1 M/s offsets 136 200 216
Message rate was 35.0 M/s offsets 136 200 216
Message rate was 37.1 M/s offsets 136 200 216

If I use any two logical threads on different cores, I get the inconsistent behaviour

Message rate was 60.2 M/s offsets 136 200 216
Message rate was 68.7 M/s offsets 136 200 216
Message rate was 55.3 M/s offsets 136 200 216

Message rate was 39.2 M/s offsets 136 200 216
Message rate was 39.1 M/s offsets 136 200 216
Message rate was 37.5 M/s offsets 136 200 216

Message rate was 75.3 M/s offsets 136 200 216
Message rate was 73.8 M/s offsets 136 200 216
Message rate was 66.8 M/s offsets 136 200 216


faster after GC

Message rate was 27.4 M/s offsets 136 200 216
Message rate was 27.8 M/s offsets 136 200 216
Message rate was 29.6 M/s offsets 136 200 216
Message rate was 27.7 M/s offsets 136 200 216
Message rate was 29.6 M/s offsets 136 200 216
[GC 14312K->1518K(244544K), 0.0003050 secs]
[Full GC 1518K->1328K(244544K), 0.0068270 secs]
Message rate was 34.7 M/s offsets 64 128 144
Message rate was 54.5 M/s offsets 64 128 144
Message rate was 54.1 M/s offsets 64 128 144
Message rate was 51.9 M/s offsets 64 128 144
Message rate was 57.2 M/s offsets 64 128 144

and slower

Message rate was 61.1 M/s offsets 136 200 216
Message rate was 61.8 M/s offsets 136 200 216
Message rate was 60.5 M/s offsets 136 200 216
Message rate was 61.1 M/s offsets 136 200 216
[GC 35740K->1440K(244544K), 0.0018170 secs]
[Full GC 1440K->1302K(244544K), 0.0071290 secs]
Message rate was 53.9 M/s offsets 64 128 144
Message rate was 54.3 M/s offsets 64 128 144
Message rate was 50.8 M/s offsets 64 128 144
Message rate was 56.6 M/s offsets 64 128 144
Message rate was 56.0 M/s offsets 64 128 144
Message rate was 53.6 M/s offsets 64 128 144

编辑:使用@BegemoT的库打印使用的核心id,我在3.8 GHz i7(家用PC)上获得以下信息




    final ByteBuffer writeBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(64 * 1024);
    final ByteBuffer readBuffer = writeBuffer.slice();
    new PaddedAtomicInteger();
    final AtomicInteger readCount = new PaddedAtomicInteger();
    final AtomicInteger writeCount = new PaddedAtomicInteger();
如果没有这个额外的填充(未使用的对象),结果在3.8 GHz i7上看起来是这样的

Message rate was 38.5 M/s offsets 3392 3904 4416
Message rate was 54.7 M/s offsets 3392 3904 4416
Message rate was 59.4 M/s offsets 3392 3904 4416

Message rate was 54.3 M/s offsets 1088 1600 2112
Message rate was 56.3 M/s offsets 1088 1600 2112
Message rate was 56.6 M/s offsets 1088 1600 2112

Message rate was 28.0 M/s offsets 1088 1600 2112
Message rate was 28.1 M/s offsets 1088 1600 2112
Message rate was 28.0 M/s offsets 1088 1600 2112

Message rate was 17.4 M/s offsets 1088 1600 2112
Message rate was 17.4 M/s offsets 1088 1600 2112
Message rate was 17.4 M/s offsets 1088 1600 2112

Message rate was 54.5 M/s offsets 1088 1600 2112
Message rate was 54.2 M/s offsets 1088 1600 2112
Message rate was 55.1 M/s offsets 1088 1600 2112

Message rate was 25.5 M/s offsets 1088 1600 2112
Message rate was 25.6 M/s offsets 1088 1600 2112
Message rate was 25.6 M/s offsets 1088 1600 2112

Message rate was 56.6 M/s offsets 1088 1600 2112
Message rate was 54.7 M/s offsets 1088 1600 2112
Message rate was 54.4 M/s offsets 1088 1600 2112

Message rate was 57.0 M/s offsets 1088 1600 2112
Message rate was 55.9 M/s offsets 1088 1600 2112
Message rate was 56.3 M/s offsets 1088 1600 2112

Message rate was 51.4 M/s offsets 1088 1600 2112
Message rate was 56.6 M/s offsets 1088 1600 2112
Message rate was 56.1 M/s offsets 1088 1600 2112

Message rate was 46.4 M/s offsets 1088 1600 2112
Message rate was 46.4 M/s offsets 1088 1600 2112
Message rate was 47.4 M/s offsets 1088 1600 2112

Message rate was 54.3 M/s offsets 3392 4416 4928
Message rate was 53.1 M/s offsets 3392 4416 4928
Message rate was 59.2 M/s offsets 3392 4416 4928

Message rate was 58.8 M/s offsets 1088 2112 2624
Message rate was 58.9 M/s offsets 1088 2112 2624
Message rate was 59.3 M/s offsets 1088 2112 2624

Message rate was 59.4 M/s offsets 1088 2112 2624
Message rate was 59.0 M/s offsets 1088 2112 2624
Message rate was 59.8 M/s offsets 1088 2112 2624

Message rate was 59.8 M/s offsets 1088 2112 2624
Message rate was 59.8 M/s offsets 1088 2112 2624
Message rate was 59.2 M/s offsets 1088 2112 2624

Message rate was 60.5 M/s offsets 1088 2112 2624
Message rate was 60.5 M/s offsets 1088 2112 2624
Message rate was 60.5 M/s offsets 1088 2112 2624

Message rate was 60.5 M/s offsets 1088 2112 2624
Message rate was 60.9 M/s offsets 1088 2112 2624
Message rate was 60.6 M/s offsets 1088 2112 2624

Message rate was 59.6 M/s offsets 1088 2112 2624
Message rate was 60.3 M/s offsets 1088 2112 2624
Message rate was 60.5 M/s offsets 1088 2112 2624

Message rate was 60.9 M/s offsets 1088 2112 2624
Message rate was 60.5 M/s offsets 1088 2112 2624
Message rate was 60.5 M/s offsets 1088 2112 2624

Message rate was 60.7 M/s offsets 1088 2112 2624
Message rate was 61.6 M/s offsets 1088 2112 2624
Message rate was 60.8 M/s offsets 1088 2112 2624

Message rate was 60.3 M/s offsets 1088 2112 2624
Message rate was 60.7 M/s offsets 1088 2112 2624
Message rate was 58.3 M/s offsets 1088 2112 2624



  • 尝试。启动你的应用程序,当它运行时,在单独的终端窗口中键入
  • 基本上,你必须弄清楚速度变化和JVM所做的事情之间的关系。打开任务管理器,看看你的系统是否正忙于做其他事情(由于内存不足而分页到磁盘,忙于繁重的后台任务,等等),这也会很有帮助并将其与
  • 另一种选择是使用
  • 最后,还有,但这是一个商业工具,如果这对你很重要的话

    • 您正忙着等待。这在用户代码中总是一个坏主意


      while ((toRead = writeCount.get() - rc) <= 0) ;
      编辑:触发GC似乎会改变行为 使用手动触发器在相同的缓冲区+计数器上显示重复测试 半路

      faster after GC
      Message rate was 27.4 M/s offsets 136 200 216
      Message rate was 27.8 M/s offsets 136 200 216
      Message rate was 29.6 M/s offsets 136 200 216
      Message rate was 27.7 M/s offsets 136 200 216
      Message rate was 29.6 M/s offsets 136 200 216
      [GC 14312K->1518K(244544K), 0.0003050 secs]
      [Full GC 1518K->1328K(244544K), 0.0068270 secs]
      Message rate was 34.7 M/s offsets 64 128 144
      Message rate was 54.5 M/s offsets 64 128 144
      Message rate was 54.1 M/s offsets 64 128 144
      Message rate was 51.9 M/s offsets 64 128 144
      Message rate was 57.2 M/s offsets 64 128 144
      and slower
      Message rate was 61.1 M/s offsets 136 200 216
      Message rate was 61.8 M/s offsets 136 200 216
      Message rate was 60.5 M/s offsets 136 200 216
      Message rate was 61.1 M/s offsets 136 200 216
      [GC 35740K->1440K(244544K), 0.0018170 secs]
      [Full GC 1440K->1302K(244544K), 0.0071290 secs]
      Message rate was 53.9 M/s offsets 64 128 144
      Message rate was 54.3 M/s offsets 64 128 144
      Message rate was 50.8 M/s offsets 64 128 144
      Message rate was 56.6 M/s offsets 64 128 144
      Message rate was 56.0 M/s offsets 64 128 144
      Message rate was 53.6 M/s offsets 64 128 144



      我尝试在运行x64 linux的工作站上运行您的测试,该工作站使用2个稍旧的quadcore Xeon(E5504),在一次运行中(约17-18M/s)通常是一致的with Operation运行速度慢得多,这似乎与线程迁移相对应。我没有严格地对此进行描述。因此,您的问题可能与CPU架构有关。您提到您正在运行4.6GHz的i7,这是一个错误吗?我认为i7的最高版本为(早期版本为3.3GHz到3.6GHz turbo)。无论哪种方式,您确定没有看到涡轮模式启动然后退出的伪影吗?您可以尝试在禁用涡轮模式的情况下重复测试以确保


        <> LI>填充值都是0,您确定没有特殊的处理被赋予未初始化的值吗?您可以考虑使用<代码>日志编译< /代码>选项来理解JIT如何对待该方法。
      • 免费进行30天的评估,如果这是缓存线问题,那么您可以使用它来确定主机上的问题


      使用您的代码并制作一些MOD,我已经能够使性能保持一致(我的测试机器是Intel Core2 Quad CPU Q6600 2.4GHz w/Win7x64-虽然不完全相同,但希望足够接近,以获得相关的结果)。我用两种不同的方法完成了这项工作,这两种方法都具有大致相同的效果

      while ((toRead = writeCount.get() - rc) <= 0) ;
      while (wc - readCount.get() > 0) ;
      for ( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
          performTiming ( writeBuffer, readBuffer, readCount, writeCount );
      System.out.println ();
      System.gc ();