Tic Tac Toe:Java

Tic Tac Toe:Java,java,arrays,class,2d,Java,Arrays,Class,2d,我真的迷路了,我很难建立这个游戏。我需要你们的帮助。为了弄明白这一点,我已经挣扎了好几天了。我有三个班,司机,董事会和球员。我有司机,我认为董事会级别在控制之下。我主要是在与球员阶级斗争。这样做的目的是让计算机播放器能够随机输入数组,然后让播放器能够输入他们想要玩的地方的选择 public class Driver { public static void main(String[] args) { //new tic-tac-toe board


public class Driver
    public static void main(String[] args)
        //new tic-tac-toe board
        Board board = new Board();

        //two new players (conputer and human)
        Player computer = new Player(board, "X");   //Give computer player access to board and assign as X.
        Player human = new Player(board, "O");      //Give human player access to board and assign as O.

        //while the game is not over
            //let computer move first

            //print tic-tac-toe board

            //if the game is not over yet
            if (!board.gameOver())
                //let the human make a move

                //if the game is over
                if (board.gameOver())
                    //print the board

        //print out the winner (if there is one) of the game

public class Board
    private String player = "X";
    private String cpu = "O";
    int row = 3;
    int column = 3;
    private String[][] theBoard = new String[row][column] ;

    public Board()
        theBoard = theBoard;

    public boolean gameOver()
       if  (theBoard[0][0] == player && theBoard[0][1] == player && theBoard[0][2] == player || // 1st row
            theBoard[1][0] == player && theBoard[1][1] == player && theBoard[1][2] == player || // 2nd row
            theBoard[2][0] == player && theBoard[2][1] == player && theBoard[2][2] == player || // 3rd row
            theBoard[0][0] == player && theBoard[1][0] == player && theBoard[2][0] == player || // 1st col.
            theBoard[0][1] == player && theBoard[1][1] == player && theBoard[2][1] == player || // 2nd col.
            theBoard[0][2] == player && theBoard[1][2] == player && theBoard[2][2] == player || // 3rd col.
            theBoard[0][0] == player && theBoard[1][1] == player && theBoard[2][2] == player || // Diagonal          \ 
            theBoard[2][0] == player && theBoard[1][1] == player && theBoard[0][2] == player) //   Diagonal      /
                return false;
        else if (theBoard[0][0] == cpu && theBoard[0][1] == cpu && theBoard[0][2] == cpu || // 1st row
            theBoard[1][0] == cpu && theBoard[1][1] == cpu && theBoard[1][2] == cpu || // 2nd row
            theBoard[2][0] == cpu && theBoard[2][1] == cpu && theBoard[2][2] == cpu || // 3rd row
            theBoard[0][0] == cpu && theBoard[1][0] == cpu && theBoard[2][0] == cpu || // 1st col.
            theBoard[0][1] == cpu && theBoard[1][1] == cpu && theBoard[2][1] == cpu || // 2nd col.
            theBoard[0][2] == cpu && theBoard[1][2] == cpu && theBoard[2][2] == cpu || // 3rd col.
            theBoard[0][0] == cpu && theBoard[1][1] == cpu && theBoard[2][2] == cpu || // Diagonal          \ 
            theBoard[2][0] == cpu && theBoard[1][1] == cpu && theBoard[0][2] == cpu) //   Diagonal      /

                return false;

           return true;

    public void print()

        System.out.println(theBoard[0][0] + " | " + theBoard[0][1]+ " | " + theBoard[0][2] + "\n----------");

        System.out.println(theBoard[1][0] + " | " + theBoard[1][1]+ " | " + theBoard[1][2] + "\n----------");

        System.out.println(theBoard[2][0] + " | " + theBoard[2][1]+ " | " + theBoard[2][2] + "\n");


    public void printWinner()
       if  (theBoard[0][0] == player && theBoard[0][1] == player && theBoard[0][2] == player || // 1st row
            theBoard[1][0] == player && theBoard[1][1] == player && theBoard[1][2] == player || // 2nd row
            theBoard[2][0] == player && theBoard[2][1] == player && theBoard[2][2] == player || // 3rd row
            theBoard[0][0] == player && theBoard[1][0] == player && theBoard[2][0] == player || // 1st col.
            theBoard[0][1] == player && theBoard[1][1] == player && theBoard[2][1] == player || // 2nd col.
            theBoard[0][2] == player && theBoard[1][2] == player && theBoard[2][2] == player || // 3rd col.
            theBoard[0][0] == player && theBoard[1][1] == player && theBoard[2][2] == player || // Diagonal          \ 
            theBoard[2][0] == player && theBoard[1][1] == player && theBoard[0][2] == player) //   Diagonal      /
                System.out.println("X - won!");
        else if (theBoard[0][0] == cpu && theBoard[0][1] == cpu && theBoard[0][2] == cpu || // 1st row
            theBoard[1][0] == cpu && theBoard[1][1] == cpu && theBoard[1][2] == cpu || // 2nd row
            theBoard[2][0] == cpu && theBoard[2][1] == cpu && theBoard[2][2] == cpu || // 3rd row
            theBoard[0][0] == cpu && theBoard[1][0] == cpu && theBoard[2][0] == cpu || // 1st col.
            theBoard[0][1] == cpu && theBoard[1][1] == cpu && theBoard[2][1] == cpu || // 2nd col.
            theBoard[0][2] == cpu && theBoard[1][2] == cpu && theBoard[2][2] == cpu || // 3rd col.
            theBoard[0][0] == cpu && theBoard[1][1] == cpu && theBoard[2][2] == cpu || // Diagonal          \ 
            theBoard[2][0] == cpu && theBoard[1][1] == cpu && theBoard[0][2] == cpu) //   Diagonal      /

                System.out.println("O - won!");


import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Arrays;
public class Player

    String player = "X";
    String cpu = "O";
    private Board ticTac;
    public static Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in);
    public Player(Board board, String inBoard )
        ticTac = board;
public void randomPlace()
        for(int i = 0; i < 3; i ++)
            for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++)

    public void computerMove()


    public void humanMove()






import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Arrays;
public class Player

    String player = "X";
    String cpu = "O";

    int row = 3;
    int column = 3;

    private Board ticTac;

    public static Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in);
    public Player(Board board, String inBoard )
        //here you have the board in player
        tictac = board;

    public void computerMove()
    {   //here you can code something like this

    public void humanMove(Position position)
        tictac.put(position, human);




        //here you can set the value you want

        //here you can set the value you want