
Java中带堆栈的算术表达式求值,java,math,stack,expression,Java,Math,Stack,Expression,我想用java编写一个代码来计算表达式,比如括号和括号都是闭合的,但是我必须使用堆栈来完成。我已经创建了堆栈接口、StackEmptyException类和StackFullException类 public interface Stack { public int size( ); // Returns the size of the Stack public boolean isEmpty( ); // Returns true if the Stack is empty public


public interface Stack
public int size( );
// Returns the size of the Stack

public boolean isEmpty( );
// Returns true if the Stack is empty

public boolean isFull( );
// Returns true if the Stack is full

public Object top( ) throws StackEmptyException;
// Returns the top item of the Stack

public void push(Object item) throws StackFullException;
// Adds a new item into the Stack

public Object pop( ) throws StackEmptyException;
// Removes the top item of the Stack

}//End of interface Stack

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