Java 从另一个类设置参数

Java 从另一个类设置参数,java,Java,我想做的是对复数有不同的计算方法。我已经创建了有理数的所有计算,需要使用我以前使用的有理数类来创建复数。下面是我如何创建RationalPart不完整版本的 public class Rational { int numerator; int denominator; // Task 3: add the missing fields public Rational(int numerator, int denominator){ this.numerator = numerator;


public class Rational {
int numerator;
int denominator;
// Task 3: add the missing fields

public Rational(int numerator, int denominator){
    this.numerator = numerator;
    this.denominator = denominator;
    // Task 4: complete the constructor

public Rational add(Rational other){
    Rational result = new Rational(0,0);
    result.denominator = denominator * other.denominator;
    result.numerator = (numerator * other.denominator) + (denominator * other.numerator);
    return result;



public Rational divide(Rational other){
    Rational result = new Rational(0,0);
    result.denominator = denominator * other.numerator;
    result.numerator = numerator * other.denominator;
    return result;
    // Task 4: complete the method


public class Complex {
Rational real;
Rational imag;
// Task 6: add the missing fields

public Complex(Rational real, Rational imag){
    this.real = real;
    this.imag = imag;
    // Task 7: complete the constructor

public Complex add(Complex other){
    Complex result = new Complex(); ///Here is the problem!!!
    result.real = real.add(other.real);
    result.imag = imag.add(other.imag);
    return result;
    // Task 7: complete the method



public Complex add(Complex other){
    Complex result = new Complex(other.real, other.imag);
    return result;
