Java 如果输入的数字为';那不是一个快乐的人吗?

Java 如果输入的数字为';那不是一个快乐的人吗?,java,math,primes,happy,Java,Math,Primes,Happy,*嗨,这是我对这个挑战的回答: 写一个算法来确定数字n是否“快乐” 快乐数是由以下过程定义的数字:从任何正整数开始,用其数字的平方和替换该数字,然后重复该过程,直到该数字等于1(它将保持不变),或者在不包括1的循环中无限循环。这个过程以1结尾的数字是快乐数字 我的代码可以工作,并且只有当数字是一个快乐的数字时才输出一个真值* public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) {





    public class Main {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
        public static boolean isHappy(int number) {
                while (number != 1 ) {
                    number = SumOfintegers(number); //to keep looping until It find sum=1
                 return true ; 
        public static int SumOfintegers(int number){
                    int sum =0;
                    int news = 0;
                    while (number > 0) {
                        int num = number % 10;
                        number /= 10;
                        news = num * num;
                        sum = sum + news;
                    return sum;

public static void main(String[] args) {
//method to find next happy number
static int nextHappyNum(int num){
    int x =num+1;
    if(isHappy(x) == true){ //base case where the next number is happy number
        return x;
    } else{
        return nextHappyNum(num+1); //recursively call the method to check

//method to check if number is happy or not
static boolean isHappy(int num){
    while(num != 1 && num != 4){
        num = calculateHappy(num); //this loop will call the checkHappy() method until it reach 1 or 4
    if(num == 1){ //if result is 1 -> happy number
        return true;
    } else if(num == 4 ){ //final result is 4 -> not happy number
        return false;
    } else{
        return false;

//method to calculate the sum of number digits
static int calculateHappy(int num){
    int sum = 0;
    int rem = 0;
    //create while loop to calculate the digit number, remainder of modulus 10 is the second digit
    //first digit is = the number/10 and the remainder of that int 
    while(num != 0){ 
        rem = num%10; //calculating the remainder 
        sum += (rem*rem); //calculate the square root of remainder and add it to the sum
        num = num/10; //divide the number by 10 - due to this data type is int, so the first digit will be taken
    return sum;
