
需要关于java作业的帮助,标题为:时间比较,java,Java,这是指定的作业: 对于此作业,您将从作业1更新时间类。要开始,您可以复制作业1 Time.java,或者下载解决方案Time.java。 首先,您需要更新Time,以便它实现可比较的接口。这将需要向类声明以及compareTo方法添加implements语句。然后,需要向类添加一个差分方法。这两种方法的要求如下: compareTo(Object other) //Returns -1 if current time is less than other. //R


对于此作业,您将从作业1更新时间类。要开始,您可以复制作业1 Time.java,或者下载解决方案Time.java。 首先,您需要更新Time,以便它实现可比较的接口。这将需要向类声明以及compareTo方法添加implements语句。然后,需要向类添加一个差分方法。这两种方法的要求如下:

   compareTo(Object other)
     //Returns -1 if current time is less than other.
        //Returns 0 if current time is equal to other.
        //Returns 1 if current time is greater than other.

String difference(Time t)
    //Returns a String holding the difference between the current time and 
    //the Time t passed in via parameter. All values should be positive, 
    //and in the format: 
    //Time difference: 08:09 
    //Time difference: 10:35
要测试代码,请下载并运行runner类:student\u runner\u time.java。我们将使用一个不同但相似的测试类对该课程进行评分。您需要将runner更改为使用其他值进行测试,以确保您的程序符合所有要求

 Sample Run of student_runner_time.java:
    Greater than:
    Less than:
    Times equal:
    Hours equal:
    Time difference: 00:11
    Time difference: 00:11
    Time difference: 00:00


public class Time implements Comparable<Time> {
  private int hour;
  private int minute;
Sets the default time to 12:00.
  public Time() {
    this(12, 0);
Sets hour to h and minute to m.
  public Time(int h, int m) {
    hour = 0;
    minute = 0;
    if (h >= 1 && h <= 23)
      hour = h;
    if (m >= 1 && m <= 59)
      minute = m;
Returns the time as a String of length 4 in the format: 0819.
  public String toString() {
    String h = "";
    String m = "";
    if (hour < 10)
      h += "0";
    if (minute < 10)
      m += "0";
    h += hour;
    m += minute;
    return "" + h + "" + m;
  public String difference(Time that) {
    int thisMin = this.hour * 60 + this.minute;
    int thatMin = that.hour * 60 + that.minute;
    int diffMin = Math.abs(thisMin - thatMin);
    int diffH = diffMin / 60;
    int diffM = diffMin % 60;
    String h = "";
    String m = "";
    if (diffH < 10) {
      h += "0";
    if (diffM < 10) {
      m += "0";
    h += diffH;
    m += diffM;
    return h + ":" + m;
  public int compareTo(Time that) {
    int thisMin = this.hour * 60 + this.minute;
    int thatMin = that.hour * 60 + that.minute;
    if (thisMin < thatMin) {
      return -1;
    } else if (thisMin > thatMin) {
      return 1;
    } else {
      return 0;

Test2: difference()
    Incorrect: First Time Less
    Incorrect: First Time Greater
    Incorrect: Large Difference
    Incorrect: Small Difference