
(函数)(变量)在javascript中是什么意思?,javascript,Javascript,我不懂上面代码中的语法。(函数)(变量)在javascript中是什么意思?如何使用这种符号? 如果可能,请给我一些其他示例。(函数)(变量)是一种表示生成函数然后立即使用变量调用它的方式。另一种书写方式是: var publisherSubscriber = {}; // we send in a container object which will handle the subscriptions and publishings (function(container) { //

我不懂上面代码中的语法。(函数)(变量)在javascript中是什么意思?如何使用这种符号? 如果可能,请给我一些其他示例。


var publisherSubscriber = {};

// we send in a container object which will handle the subscriptions and publishings
(function(container) {
    // the id represents a unique subscription id to a topic
    var id = 0;

    // we subscribe to a specific topic by sending in
    // a callback function to be executed on event firing
    container.subscribe = function(topic, f) {
        if (!(topic in container)) {
          container[topic] = [];

            "id": ++id,
            "callback": f

        return id;

    // each subscription has its own unique ID, which we use
    // to remove a subscriber from a certain topic
    container.unsubscribe = function(topic, id) {
        var subscribers = [];
        for (var subscriber of container[topic]) {
            if (subscriber.id !== id) {
        container[topic] = subscribers;

    container.publish = function(topic, data) {
        for (var subscriber of container[topic]) {
            // when executing a callback, it is usually helpful to read
            // the documentation to know which arguments will be
            // passed to our callbacks by the object firing the event


var subscriptionID1 = publisherSubscriber.subscribe("mouseClicked", function(data) {
    console.log("I am Bob's callback function for a mouse clicked event and this is my event data: " + JSON.stringify(data));

function doSomething(variable) {