Javascript 如何使用Web Worker加速文件传输

Javascript 如何使用Web Worker加速文件传输,javascript,web-worker,data-transfer,Javascript,Web Worker,Data Transfer,我尝试将视频文件传输到名为“INFURA”的公共服务器 但是比我想象的要慢。(关于您是否认为问题在于您的CPU无法计算要发送的数据?您的CPU在这里几乎没有任何作用。罪魁祸首是在网络中。您的服务器或ISP的带宽将是限制设置者。我真诚地怀疑并行请求是否会加快速度。请注意,请求不是在与你的js相同的线程,如果你不事先对数据进行任何处理,你将不会从工作人员那里获得任何好处。@Kaido非常感谢你的回复。因为我的英语很差,我不确定你的意思是低速不是与web工作人员无关,只是与带宽有关。那么,我可以尝试解



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  <h1 id="title">IPFS Client TEST (Infura)</h1>

  <select id="ipfs_client">
    <option value="infura" selected="selected">infura</option>
    <option value="private_gateway">private gateway</option>

  <select id="num_of_chunks">
    <option value="1" selected="selected">1</option>
    <option value="2">2</option>
    <option value="3">3</option>
    <option value="4">4</option>
    <option value="5">5</option>
    <option value="6">6</option>
    <option value="7">7</option>
    <option value="8">8</option>
    <option value="9">9</option>
    <option value="10">10</option>


  <div id="" style="margin-top:40px">
    <h2>file upload</h2>
    <input type="file" id="file" onchange="loadFile(event)" />
    <input type="button" value="upload" id="send_ipfs" onclick="javascript:sendIpfs();" />
    <input type="button" value="upload_webworker" id="send_ipfs_webworker" onclick="javascript:sendIpfsWebWorker();" />
    <a id="file_url"></a>


  <div id="" style="margin-top:40px">
    <h2> file download </h2>
    <input type="text" id="downloadHash" placeholder="download hash" onchange="" />
    <input type="button" value="get" id="get_ipfs" onclick="javascript:getIpfs();" />
    <a id="linkToDownload" href="" download=""></a>

  <div style="margin-top:80px">
    <h1>IPFS Node TEST (js-ipfs Node)</h1>
    <div id="" style="margin-top:40px">
      <h2>upload(browser Node) </h2>
      <input type="file" id="fileBrowserNode" onchange="loadFileForBrowserNode(event)" />
      <input type="button" value="upload" id="send_ipfs_to_browser_node" onclick="javascript:sendIpfsToBrowserNode()" />
      <a id="file_url"></a>


    <div id="" style="margin-top:40px">
      <h2> download(browser Node) </h2>
      <input type="text" id="downloadHashBrowserNode" placeholder="download hash" onchange="" />
      <input type="button" value="get" id="get_ipfs_from_browser_node" onclick="javascript:getIpfsFromBrowserNode()" />
      <a id="linkToDownloadBrowserNode" href="" download=""></a>


    <div id="" style="margin-top:40px">
      <h2> stat bandwidth </h2>
      TotalIn:<span id="bwTotalIn"></span><br>
      TotalOut:<span id="bwTotalOut"></span><br>
      RateIn:<span id="bwRateIn"></span><br>
      RateOut:<span id="bwRateOut"></span><br>

    <div id="web_worker_test" style="margin-top:40px">
      <h2> Webworker Test </h2>
      ouput: <span id="web_worker_output"></span>
      <button id="worker_run" value="run">run</button>

  var downloadedfiles
  var onloadfile
  var numOfChunks = 0;
  var uploadBuf = new Array(numOfChunks);
  var downloadBuf = new Array(numOfChunks);
  var fullLength
  var ipfs = new Array(numOfChunks)
  var uploadedChunkCnt = 0
  var hashBuffer = new Array(numOfChunks)
  var worker = new Array();
  var uploadStartTime
  $(document).ready(function() {
    numOfChunks = $('#num_of_chunks').val()

    chooseClient = function() {
      var selectedClient = $('#ipfs_client').val();
      if (selectedClient == 'infura') {
        for (var i = 0; i < numOfChunks; i++) {
          ipfs[i] = window.IpfsHttpClient({
            host: '',
            port: 5001,
            protocol: 'https'
        $('#title').html('IPFS Client TEST (Infura)');
      } else if (selectedClient == 'private_gateway') {
        ipfs = window.IpfsHttpClient({
          host: '',
          port: 5001,
          protocol: 'https'
        $('#title').html('IPFS Client TEST (devipfs Private Gateway)');

    function init() {
      numOfChunks = $('#num_of_chunks').val()

      worker = new Array()

      if (typeof(onloadfile) != 'undefined') {
        fullLength = onloadfile.result.byteLength;
        chunkLength = fullLength / numOfChunks
        for (var i = 0; i < numOfChunks; i++) {
          var chunk
          if (i == numOfChunks - 1) { // last chunk process
            chunk = onloadfile.result.slice(i * chunkLength, fullLength)
          } else {
            chunk = onloadfile.result.slice(i * chunkLength, (i + 1) * chunkLength)
          uploadBuf[i] = Ipfs.Buffer(chunk)

      for (var i = 0; i < numOfChunks; i++) {

        worker.push(new Worker("./IPFSUpload_worker.js"))

        worker[i].onmessage = function(event) {
          uploadedChunkCnt +=
          console.log("The number of Worker Thread which has done: ", uploadedChunkCnt);
          hashBuffer[] =
          if (uploadedChunkCnt == numOfChunks) {
            console.log("All chunks are downloaded. Creating indexHash on IPFS...")
            var chunkMap = ""
            for (var j = 0; j < numOfChunks; j++) {
              chunkMap = chunkMap + hashBuffer[j] + ','
            ipfs[0].add(Ipfs.Buffer.from(chunkMap)).then((res) => {
              indexHash = res[0].hash
              var uploadFileSize = fullLength // byte
              var uploadEndTime = new Date();
              var uploadInterval = uploadEndTime - uploadStartTime // ms
              var uploadSpeed = uploadFileSize / uploadInterval // byte / ms == kb/s
              console.log('* upload hash:', indexHash)
              console.log('* chunkMap:', chunkMap);
              console.log('* upload path:',
              console.log('* upload size:', formatSizeUnits(uploadFileSize))
              console.log('* upload speed:', uploadSpeed, 'kb/s')
              console.log('* upload interval:', uploadInterval / 1000, 'sec')

    $('#num_of_chunks').on('change', function() {
      for (var i = 0; i < numOfChunks; i++) {
        if (typeof(worker[i]) != 'undefined') {


  function sendIpfsWebWorker() {
    uploadStartTime = new Date();
    var path = $("#file").val().split("\\")[2]
    console.log("> start upload (api): ", path, uploadStartTime)
    uploadedChunkCnt = 0;
    var params = new Array()
    for (var i = 0; i < numOfChunks; i++) {
      data = {
        "thread_no": i,
        //"ipfs": ipfs, // 메소드는 직렬화 할수 없다..
        "functionToCall": "",
        "selectedClient": $('#ipfs_client').val(),
        "numOfChunksInThread": 1,
        "uploadBuf": uploadBuf[i],
        "downloadBuf": downloadBuf[i],
        "fullLength": fullLength,
        "path": path,
        "uploadedChunkCnt": uploadedChunkCnt


      params[i] = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(params[i]));
      //console.log("stringify params:", params[i])
    //console.log("stringify params:", params[0])

  async function getBandWidth() {
    bw = await

    $('#bwTotalIn').html(formatSizeUnits(bw.totalIn.toString().slice(0, 5)));
    $('#bwTotalOut').html(formatSizeUnits(bw.totalOut.toString().slice(0, 5)));
    $('#bwRateIn').html(formatSizeUnits(bw.rateIn.toString().slice(0, 5)) + '/s');
    $('#bwRateOut').html(formatSizeUnits(bw.rateOut.toString().slice(0, 5)) + '/s');

  const reader = new FileReader();

  var loadFile = function(event) {

    const reader = new FileReader();
    reader.onload = function() {

      onloadfile = reader
      //buf = Ipfs.Buffer(reader.result); // Convert data into buffer

      // split the file it will be uploaded

      fullLength = reader.result.byteLength;
      chunkLength = fullLength / numOfChunks

      for (var i = 0; i < numOfChunks; i++) {
        var chunk
        if (i == numOfChunks - 1) { // last chunk process
          chunk = reader.result.slice(i * chunkLength, fullLength)
        } else {
          chunk = reader.result.slice(i * chunkLength, (i + 1) * chunkLength)
        uploadBuf[i] = Ipfs.Buffer(chunk)


    const file = document.getElementById("file");
    reader.readAsArrayBuffer(file.files[0]); // Read Provided File


  async function sendIpfs() {

    var uploadStartTime = new Date();
    console.log("> start upload (api): ", uploadStartTime)

    var path = $("#file").val().split("\\")[2]

    results = new Array(numOfChunks)
    hashBuffer = new Array(numOfChunks)
    uploadedChunkCnt = 0;

    for (var i = 0; i < numOfChunks; i++) {
      var chunkStartTime = new Date();
      console.log("start upload chunk[", i, "](api): ", chunkStartTime)

        path: path + '.nemo.' + i,
        content: uploadBuf[i],
      }], {
        recursive: true,
        wrapWithDirectory: true
        //progress: (length) => {
        //  console.log(length);
      }).then((res) => {
        var token = res[0].path.split('.')
        var chunkNum = token[token.length - 1]
        results[chunkNum] = res;

        var chunkEndTime = new Date();
        var chunkInterval = chunkEndTime - chunkStartTime // ms
        var chunkSize = uploadBuf[chunkNum].length // byte
        var speed = chunkSize / chunkInterval // byte / ms == kb/s
        console.log('interval upload chunk[', chunkNum, '](api): ', chunkInterval / 1000, 'size:', chunkSize / 1000, 'kb', speed, 'kb/s')

        hashBuffer[chunkNum] = results[chunkNum][1].hash;
        if (uploadedChunkCnt == numOfChunks) {
          var chunkMap = ""
          for (var j = 0; j < numOfChunks; j++) {
            chunkMap = chunkMap + hashBuffer[j] + ','
          ipfs[0].add(Ipfs.Buffer.from(chunkMap)).then((res) => {
            indexHash = res[0].hash
            var uploadFileSize = fullLength // byte

            var uploadEndTime = new Date();
            var uploadInterval = uploadEndTime - uploadStartTime // ms
            var uploadSpeed = uploadFileSize / uploadInterval // byte / ms == kb/s
            console.log('* upload hash:', indexHash)
            console.log('* chunkMap:', chunkMap);
            console.log('* upload path:', path)
            console.log('* upload size:', formatSizeUnits(uploadFileSize))
            console.log('* upload speed:', uploadSpeed, 'kb/s')
            console.log('* upload interval:', uploadInterval / 1000, 'sec')

  function formatSizeUnits(bytes) {
    if (bytes >= 1073741824) {
      bytes = (bytes / 1073741824).toFixed(2) + " GB";
    } else if (bytes >= 1048576) {
      bytes = (bytes / 1048576).toFixed(2) + " MB";
    } else if (bytes >= 1024) {
      bytes = (bytes / 1024).toFixed(2) + " KB";
    } else if (bytes > 1) {
      bytes = bytes + " bytes";
    } else if (bytes == 1) {
      bytes = bytes + " byte";
    } else {
      bytes = "0 bytes";
    return bytes;


var window = {}
self.IpfsHttpClient = window.IpfsHttpClient
self.Ipfs = window.Ipfs

 function createClient(context) {

  context.ipfs = new Array(context.numOfChunksInThread)

  if (context.selectedClient == 'infura') {
    for (var i = 0; i < context.numOfChunksInThread; i++) {
      context.ipfs[i] = self.IpfsHttpClient({
        host: '',
        port: 5001,
        protocol: 'https'

async function sendIpfsWebWorker(context) {
  console.log("context in worker: ", context)

  context.results = new Array(context.numOfChunksInThread)
  context.hashBuffer = new Array(context.numOfChunksInThread)
  context.uploadedChunkCnt = 0;

  for (var i = 0; i < context.numOfChunksInThread; i++) {
    var chunkStartTime = new Date();
    console.log("start upload chunk[", context.thread_no, "](api): ", chunkStartTime)

      path: context.path + '.nemo.' + context.thread_no,
      content: Ipfs.Buffer(,
    }], {
      recursive: true,
      wrapWithDirectory: true
      //progress: (length) => {
      //  console.log(length);
    }).then((res) => {
      var token = res[0].path.split('.')
      var chunkNum = token[token.length - 1]
      context.results[chunkNum] = res;

      var chunkEndTime = new Date();
      var chunkInterval = chunkEndTime - chunkStartTime // ms
      var chunkSize = // byte
      var speed = chunkSize / chunkInterval // byte / ms == kb/s
      console.log('interval upload chunk[', chunkNum, '](api): ', chunkInterval / 1000, 'size:', chunkSize / 1000, 'kb', speed, 'kb/s')

      context.hashBuffer = context.results[chunkNum][1].hash;

      var resultForMainThread = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(context));


function formatSizeUnits(bytes) {
  if (bytes >= 1073741824) {
    bytes = (bytes / 1073741824).toFixed(2) + " GB";
  } else if (bytes >= 1048576) {
    bytes = (bytes / 1048576).toFixed(2) + " MB";
  } else if (bytes >= 1024) {
    bytes = (bytes / 1024).toFixed(2) + " KB";
  } else if (bytes > 1) {
    bytes = bytes + " bytes";
  } else if (bytes == 1) {
    bytes = bytes + " byte";
  } else {
    bytes = "0 bytes";
  return bytes;

onmessage = function(event){


index.html:275 upload::
index.html:279 onload::
index.html:197 > start upload (api):  harry_potter_hermione_growth_spurt_snl_720p.mp4 Fri Aug 16 2019 09:48:28 GMT+0900 (한국 표준시)
IPFSUpload_worker.js:39 context in worker:  {thread_no: 0, functionToCall: "", selectedClient: "infura", numOfChunksInThread: 1, uploadBuf: {…}, …}
IPFSUpload_worker.js:52 start upload chunk[ 0 ](api):  Fri Aug 16 2019 09:48:45 GMT+0900 (한국 표준시)
IPFSUpload_worker.js:68 (2) [{…}, {…}]
IPFSUpload_worker.js:73 interval upload chunk[ 0 ](api):  15.69 size: 51340.408 kb 3272.1738687061825 kb/s
IPFSUpload_worker.js:76 QmNqHoM9cyNeXH1QLUZt2sZtBY8DgoYB8aD7WFBHccK5VD
index.html:154 The number of Worker Thread which has done:  1
index.html:157 All chunks are downloaded. Creating indexHash on IPFS...
index.html:168 * upload hash: QmPYTrBBZVHPusoUP3oRsaD3T25ccY2LFbUYCgAUvkWuFP
index.html:169 * chunkMap: QmNqHoM9cyNeXH1QLUZt2sZtBY8DgoYB8aD7WFBHccK5VD,
index.html:170 * upload path: harry_potter_hermione_growth_spurt_snl_720p.mp4
index.html:171 * upload size: 48.96 MB
index.html:172 * upload speed: 904.9797817771589 kb/s
index.html:173 * upload interval: 56.731 sec
index.html:275 upload::
index.html:279 onload::
index.html:197 > start upload (api):  harry_potter_hermione_growth_spurt_snl_720p.mp4 Fri Aug 16 2019 09:55:30 GMT+0900 (한국 표준시)
IPFSUpload_worker.js:39 context in worker:  {thread_no: 0, functionToCall: "", selectedClient: "infura", numOfChunksInThread: 1, uploadBuf: {…}, …}
IPFSUpload_worker.js:52 start upload chunk[ 0 ](api):  Fri Aug 16 2019 09:55:33 GMT+0900 (한국 표준시)
IPFSUpload_worker.js:39 context in worker:  {thread_no: 1, functionToCall: "", selectedClient: "infura", numOfChunksInThread: 1, uploadBuf: {…}, …}
IPFSUpload_worker.js:52 start upload chunk[ 1 ](api):  Fri Aug 16 2019 09:55:35 GMT+0900 (한국 표준시)
IPFSUpload_worker.js:39 context in worker:  {thread_no: 2, functionToCall: "", selectedClient: "infura", numOfChunksInThread: 1, uploadBuf: {…}, …}
IPFSUpload_worker.js:52 start upload chunk[ 2 ](api):  Fri Aug 16 2019 09:55:37 GMT+0900 (한국 표준시)
IPFSUpload_worker.js:39 context in worker:  {thread_no: 3, functionToCall: "", selectedClient: "infura", numOfChunksInThread: 1, uploadBuf: {…}, …}
IPFSUpload_worker.js:52 start upload chunk[ 3 ](api):  Fri Aug 16 2019 09:55:39 GMT+0900 (한국 표준시)
IPFSUpload_worker.js:39 context in worker:  {thread_no: 4, functionToCall: "", selectedClient: "infura", numOfChunksInThread: 1, uploadBuf: {…}, …}
IPFSUpload_worker.js:52 start upload chunk[ 4 ](api):  Fri Aug 16 2019 09:55:42 GMT+0900 (한국 표준시)
IPFSUpload_worker.js:68 (2) [{…}, {…}]
IPFSUpload_worker.js:73 interval upload chunk[ 2 ](api):  16.813 size: 10268.081 kb 610.7227145661095 kb/s
IPFSUpload_worker.js:76 QmNzJqR3snVWQexVQA7crYNV4bJEjxMT9EHzhL5bSrBB5W
index.html:154 The number of Worker Thread which has done:  1
IPFSUpload_worker.js:68 (2) [{…}, {…}]
IPFSUpload_worker.js:73 interval upload chunk[ 0 ](api):  23.512 size: 10268.081 kb 436.71661279346716 kb/s
IPFSUpload_worker.js:76 QmSoruLfXkR51MVRUrcbBetGW4StkjfvxPAdn7yDoHdBUV
IPFSUpload_worker.js:68 (2) [{…}, {…}]
IPFSUpload_worker.js:73 interval upload chunk[ 3 ](api):  18.422 size: 10268.082 kb 557.3815003799805 kb/s
IPFSUpload_worker.js:76 QmY9KdJwnLsWcjYQCxNUECTFx82EhJf9CYBEZhQxqa38Ev
index.html:154 The number of Worker Thread which has done:  2
index.html:154 The number of Worker Thread which has done:  3
IPFSUpload_worker.js:68 (2) [{…}, {…}]
IPFSUpload_worker.js:73 interval upload chunk[ 1 ](api):  25.713 size: 10268.082 kb 399.3342667133357 kb/s
IPFSUpload_worker.js:76 Qmbx4svY1z6LhTje2gJinwQqNaDwjgt8fJsiNJh9fmSjnT
index.html:154 The number of Worker Thread which has done:  4
IPFSUpload_worker.js:68 (2) [{…}, {…}]
IPFSUpload_worker.js:73 interval upload chunk[ 4 ](api):  23.085 size: 10268.082 kb 444.79454191033136 kb/s
IPFSUpload_worker.js:76 QmeVYG86BNcqfhy6RjtGEM6dSFo33cfNFM4Ebniop4cAmf
index.html:154 The number of Worker Thread which has done:  5
index.html:157 All chunks are downloaded. Creating indexHash on IPFS...
index.html:168 * upload hash: QmdnbFQQJ4HhbvE2nNcJ9jhJmajGd83qdNxFkcQkgAXeNk
index.html:169 * chunkMap: QmSoruLfXkR51MVRUrcbBetGW4StkjfvxPAdn7yDoHdBUV,Qmbx4svY1z6LhTje2gJinwQqNaDwjgt8fJsiNJh9fmSjnT,QmNzJqR3snVWQexVQA7crYNV4bJEjxMT9EHzhL5bSrBB5W,QmY9KdJwnLsWcjYQCxNUECTFx82EhJf9CYBEZhQxqa38Ev,QmeVYG86BNcqfhy6RjtGEM6dSFo33cfNFM4Ebniop4cAmf,
index.html:170 * upload path: harry_potter_hermione_growth_spurt_snl_720p.mp4
index.html:171 * upload size: 48.96 MB
index.html:172 * upload speed: 1189.9503534592652 kb/s
index.html:173 * upload interval: 43.145 sec
for (var i = 0; i < numOfChunks; i++) {
          ipfs[i] = window.IpfsHttpClient({
            host: '',
            port: 5001,
            protocol: 'https',

for (var i = 0; i < numOfChunks; i++) {

        path: path + '.nemo.' + i,
        content: uploadBuf[i],
      }], {
        recursive: true,
        wrapWithDirectory: true
      }).then((res) => {
        ... // do the job I intended.