Javascript 在.NET3.5中,将ExtJS与Asp.net和WCF结合使用的最佳实践是什么?

Javascript 在.NET3.5中,将ExtJS与Asp.net和WCF结合使用的最佳实践是什么?,javascript,,extjs,Javascript, Ajax,Extjs,如何从ExtJS表单保存数据?将数据从业务层加载到表单或网格中?我仅通过web服务将ExtJs与ASP.NET结合使用。如果您愿意在没有“页面”和所有这些东西的情况下工作,它就可以正常工作。我很可能找到了最好的解决方案 对于我来说,我使用了ASHX页面来直接推送XML,然后使用ExtJS数据读取器来读取。。然后,假设使用表单等,我将表单数据直接推回到另一个ASHX页面,以询问/发布到DB。。如果我知道最好的方法,那就糟糕了——但它适合我,而且看起来非常快速和稳定,最重要的是它更容易遵循/调试 下






获取数据 正如您将看到的,获取数据的URL是一个简单的ASHX(GenericHandler).NET页面,该页面将直接返回XML

    // Define the core service page to get the data (we use this when reloading)
    var url = '/pagedata/getbizzbox.ashx?duration=today';

    var store = new
        //  Define the source for the bizzbox grid (see above url def). We can pass (via the slider)
        //  the days param as necessary to reload the grid
        url: url,

        //  Define an XML reader to read /pagedata/getbizzbox.ashx XML results
        reader: new
            //  Define the RECORD node (i.e. in the XML <record> is the main row definition), and we also
            //  need to define what field is the ID (row index), and what node returns the total records count
            record: 'record',
            id: 'inboxID',
            totalRecords: 'totalrecords'
            //  Setup mapping of the fields                         
        ['inboxID', 'messageCreated', 'subject', 'message', 'messageOpened', 'messageFrom', 'messageFromID', 'groupedMessageDate']),

        //  Set the default sort scenario, and which column will be grouped
        sortInfo: { field: 'groupedMessageDate', direction: "DESC" },
        groupField: 'groupedMessageDate'

    }); // end of
将数据从表单发布到后端 同样,请注意定义的第一部分中的url。。要将已发布的表单数据发送回另一个ASHX页面,然后发送到DB

        //  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        //  This is used to show the existing message details, and allows the user to respond
        //  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        var frmReply = new Ext.form.FormPanel(
            baseCls: 'x-plain',
            labelWidth: 55,
            method: 'POST',
            url: '/postdata/bizzbox_message_reply.ashx',

            items: [
                xtype: 'textfield',
                readOnly: true,
                fieldLabel: 'From',
                name: 'messageFrom',
                value: selectedRow.get('messageFrom'),
                anchor: '100%'  // anchor width by percentage
                xtype: 'textfield',
                readOnly: true,
                fieldLabel: 'Sent',
                name: 'messageCreated',
                value: selectedRow.get('messageCreated'),
                anchor: '100%'  // anchor width by percentage
                xtype: 'textarea',
                selectOnFocus: false,
                hideLabel: true,
                name: 'msg',
                value: replyMessage,
                anchor: '100% -53'  // anchor width by percentage and height by raw adjustment

            //  The next couple of fields are hidden, but provide FROM ID etc which we need to post a new/reply
            //  message to
                xtype: 'textfield',
                readOnly: true,
                fieldLabel: 'subject',
                name: 'subject',
                hidden: true,
                hideLabel: true,
                value: selectedRow.get('subject')
                xtype: 'textfield',
                readOnly: true,
                fieldLabel: 'FromID',
                name: 'messageFromID',
                hidden: true,
                hideLabel: true,
                value: selectedRow.get('messageFromID')
                xtype: 'textfield',
                readOnly: true,
                fieldLabel: 'InboxID',
                name: 'inboxID',
                hidden: true,
                hideLabel: true,
                value: selectedRow.get('inboxID')
        });  // end of frmReply
最后一位实际将上述表单汇总到后端。。。 此窗口使用上面的表单定义实际提交数据。。在ASHX页面中,数据只是作为一个已发布的表单传递-即,您可以通过普通的Request.form对象进行访问。。我知道有一种方法可以将表单数据以XML的形式发布到ASHX页面,尽管出于我的目的,它不是必需的——非常简单的表单

        //  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        //  REPLY WINDOW - uses the frmReply as defined previously on stargate atlantis
        //  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        var win = new Ext.Window(
            title: selectedRow.get("subject"),
            width: 500,
            height: 300,
            minWidth: 300,
            minHeight: 200,
            layout: 'fit',
            plain: false,
            bodyStyle: 'padding:5px;',
            buttonAlign: 'right',
            items: frmReply,

            //  Add the action buttons for the message form
            buttons: [
                //  When the user replies, we send the form results to the posting ashx which updates
                //  the DB etc, and returns the result
                text: 'reply',
                handler: function()
                    frmReply.getForm().submit({ waitMsg: 'Sending your message now...' });
                text: 'close',
                handler: function()
                    //  We need to close the message window

        //  Show the message detail window                     ;





如果您有兴趣通过gwt使用java开发Extjs,您可以在这个Extjs gwt gxt博客上了解更多信息。也许对你有帮助

        //  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        //  REPLY WINDOW - uses the frmReply as defined previously on stargate atlantis
        //  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        var win = new Ext.Window(
            title: selectedRow.get("subject"),
            width: 500,
            height: 300,
            minWidth: 300,
            minHeight: 200,
            layout: 'fit',
            plain: false,
            bodyStyle: 'padding:5px;',
            buttonAlign: 'right',
            items: frmReply,

            //  Add the action buttons for the message form
            buttons: [
                //  When the user replies, we send the form results to the posting ashx which updates
                //  the DB etc, and returns the result
                text: 'reply',
                handler: function()
                    frmReply.getForm().submit({ waitMsg: 'Sending your message now...' });
                text: 'close',
                handler: function()
                    //  We need to close the message window

        //  Show the message detail window                     ;