
jqGrid多复选框自定义编辑类型解决方案,jqgrid,multi-select,checkboxlist,Jqgrid,Multi Select,Checkboxlist,对于那些试图理解jqGrid自定义编辑类型的人 我创建了一个多复选框表单元素,并想与大家分享。这是使用版本3.6.4构建的。如果有人有更有效的解决方案,请把它传下去 在colModel中,相应的编辑字段如下所示: edittype:'custom' editoptions:{ custom_element:MultiCheckElem, custom_value:MultiCheckVal, list:'Check1,Check2,Check3,Check4' } 以下是javascript函




editoptions:{ custom_element:MultiCheckElem, custom_value:MultiCheckVal, list:'Check1,Check2,Check3,Check4' }

var ckboxAry=options.list.split(',');
'; } ctl=ctl.replace(/
$/,“”); 返回ctl; } //———————————————————— //说明: //MultiCheckVal是自定义多复选框输入元素的“自定义值”函数。信息技术 //似乎jqGrid在第一次提交表单时调用了此函数,而其余的 //启动表单(action=set)和提交表单(action=get)的时间。 //———————————————————— 函数MultiCheckVal(元素、动作、值) { var项目=“”; if(action='get')//表单已提交 { //———- //对于每个输入元素 //如果选中,则将其添加到项目列表中 //结束 //———- 用于(要素中的变量i) { if(elem[i]。标记名='INPUT'&&elem[i]。选中) items+=elem[i].值+','; } //项包含一个逗号分隔的列表,该列表作为元素的结果返回 项目=项目。替换(/,$/,''); } 否则//表单将启动 { //———- //对于每个输入元素 //根据输入值,设置检查状态 //结束 //———- 用于(要素中的变量i) { if(元素[i]。标记名=='INPUT') { if(val.indexOf(elem[i].value+'|')=-1) 元素[i]。选中=假; 其他的 元素[i]。选中=真; } }//结束 } 退货项目; }
// Description:
//   MultiCheckElem is the "custom_element" function that builds the custom multiple check box input
//   element. From what I have gathered, jqGrid calls this the first time the form is launched. After
//   that, only the "custom_value" function is called.
//   The full list of checkboxes is in the jqGrid "editoptions" section "list" tag (in the options
//   parameter).
function MultiCheckElem( value, options )
   // for each checkbox in the list
   //   build the input element
   //   set the initial "checked" status
   // endfor
   var ctl = '';
   var ckboxAry = options.list.split(',');

   for ( var i in ckboxAry )
      var item = ckboxAry[i];
      ctl += '<input type="checkbox" ';

      if ( value.indexOf(item + '|') != -1 )
         ctl += 'checked="checked" ';
      ctl += 'value="' + item + '"> ' + item + '</input><br />&nbsp;';

   ctl = ctl.replace( /<br />&nbsp;$/, '' );
   return ctl;

// Description:
//   MultiCheckVal is the "custom_value" function for the custom multiple check box input element. It
//   appears that jqGrid invokes this function the first time the form is submitted and, the rest of
//   the time, when the form is launched (action = set) and when it is submitted (action = 'get').
function MultiCheckVal(elem, action, val)
   var items = '';
   if (action == 'get') // the form has been submitted
      // for each input element
      //   if it's checked, add it to the list of items
      // endfor
      for (var i in elem)
         if (elem[i].tagName == 'INPUT' && elem[i].checked )
            items += elem[i].value + ',';

      // items contains a comma delimited list that is returned as the result of the element
      items = items.replace(/,$/, '');
   else // the form is launched
      // for each input element
      //   based on the input value, set the checked status
      // endfor
      for (var i in elem)
         if (elem[i].tagName == 'INPUT')
            if (val.indexOf(elem[i].value + '|') == -1)
               elem[i].checked = false;
               elem[i].checked = true;
      } // endfor

   return items;