Language agnostic 从文档的角度来看,通过测试用例组织功能相同的断言是必要的

Language agnostic 从文档的角度来看,通过测试用例组织功能相同的断言是必要的,language-agnostic,naming-conventions,bdd,methodology,Language Agnostic,Naming Conventions,Bdd,Methodology,我正在努力完善我的BDD实践,我已经解决了这个问题。下面是一个简单的数据结构类(为简洁起见,将其精简): 我用一些伪语言对它进行了以下测试: # "describe" are test suites # "it" are test cases # "when" are subtests describe geometry: describe constructor: it creates geometry object: expect `Geom



# "describe" are test suites
# "it" are test cases
# "when" are subtests

describe geometry:
    describe constructor:
        it creates geometry object:
            expect `Geometry(cnt = 390487680, bps = 512)` to be instance of
                                                            Geometry class

        describe bytes per sector argument: 
            it is required:
                when given:
                    expect `Geometry(cnt = 390487680, bps = 512)` not to raise

                when missing:
                    expect `Geometry(cnt = 390487680)` to raise TypeError

            it is okay (???):
                expect each of these not to raise:
                    # lower bound
                    `Geometry(cnt = 390487680, bps = 1)`

                    # higher bound
                    `Geometry(cnt = 390487680, bps = 65535)`

                    # non-power of 2
                    `Geometry(cnt = 390487680, bps = 42)`

                    # odd
                    `Geometry(cnt = 390487680, bps = 123)`

                    # typical
                    `Geometry(cnt = 390487680, bps = 512)`

                    # advanced format
                    `Geometry(cnt = 390487680, bps = 4096)`

            it cannot be zero:
                expect `Geometry(cnt = 390487680, bps = 0)` to raise ValueError

            it cannot be negative:
                expect each of these to raise ValueError:
                    `Geometry(cnt = 390487680, bps = -1)`
                    `Geometry(cnt = 390487680, bps = -512)`
                    `Geometry(cnt = 390487680, bps = -4096)`

            it cannot be larger than 16 bits:
                expect `Geometry(cnt = 390487680, bps = 65535)` not to raise

                expect each of these to raise ValueError:
                    `Geometry(cnt = 390487680, bps = 65536)`
                    `Geometry(cnt = 390487680, bps = 65537)`
                    `Geometry(cnt = 390487680, bps = 100000)`

            it cannot be of wrong type:
                expect each of these to raise TypeError:
                    when float:
                        `Geometry(cnt = 390487680, bps = 3.14)`
                        `Geometry(cnt = 390487680, bps = -3.14)`

                    when string:
                        `Geometry(cnt = 390487680, bps = '512')`
                        `Geometry(cnt = 390487680, bps = '')`

                    when none:
                        `Geometry(cnt = 390487680, bps = None)`

                    when list:
                        `Geometry(cnt = 390487680, bps = [])`
                        `Geometry(cnt = 390487680, bps = [512])`

                    when tuple:
                        `Geometry(cnt = 390487680, bps = ())`
                        `Geometry(cnt = 390487680, bps = (512, ))`

                    when dict:
                        `Geometry(cnt = 390487680, bps = {})`
                        `Geometry(cnt = 390487680, bps = {512: 1024})`




it should be okay:
    # lower bound
    `Geometry(cnt = 390487680, bps = 1)`

    # higher bound
    `Geometry(cnt = 390487680, bps = 65535)`

    # odd
    `Geometry(cnt = 390487680, bps = 123)`


it should not fail given lower bound:
    `Geometry(cnt = 390487680, bps = 1)`

it should not fail given upper bound:
    `Geometry(cnt = 390487680, bps = 65535)`

it should not fail given odd value:
    `Geometry(cnt = 390487680, bps = 123)`

it should not fail given lower bound:
    `Geometry(cnt = 390487680, bps = 1)`

it should not fail given upper bound:
    `Geometry(cnt = 390487680, bps = 65535)`

it should not fail given odd value:
    `Geometry(cnt = 390487680, bps = 123)`