Ms access 你想省钱

Ms access 你想省钱,ms-access,ms-access-2010,Ms Access,Ms Access 2010,让我知道这个解决方案是否适合您 拜拜:-)列表框的确切行源是什么?行源是一个名为Radius的表。行源类型为Table/Query。因此表半径有三行,值为“Local”、“Regional”和“National”?是的,这是正确的。列表框允许我从表中选择本地、地区或国家。Chris,tsk,tsk,你发了一篇重复的帖子-真的不是一个好主意。。。如果你不明白你得到的回答,请说出来。如果你想提出一个重复的问题,请在你以前的帖子中提及。 '-------------------------------



' Load configuration file if existing
' Return False if not loaded
' Each valid line is in the form <Keyword>=<Value>
Public Function LoadConfig(strCfgFilePath As String) As Boolean
    Dim fso As FileSystemObject
    Dim ts As TextStream
    Dim vnt As Variant
    Dim strReadLine As String
    Dim intNumParams As Integer

    LoadConfig = False                      ' Set default return value to False (w/ errors)

    ' Exit if config file not found
    Set fso = New FileSystemObject
    If Not fso.FileExists(strCfgFilePath) Then
        Set fso = Nothing
        Exit Function
    End If

    Set ts = fso.OpenTextFile(strCfgFilePath)           ' Open config file

    intNumParams =1                     ' Fixed number of parameters that must be read

    ' LOOP - Read all lines of the config file
    Do While Not ts.AtEndOfStream

        strReadLine = ts.ReadLine               ' Read a line
        vnt = Split(strReadLine, "=")               ' Extract the words from the line read

        ' IF - 2 words must be found
        If Not IsEmpty(vnt) Then
            If UBound(vnt) = 1 Then

                Select Case CStr(vnt(0))

                    Case "RegionalSetting"          ' Keyword of the parameter to be read
                        g_strRegionalSettings = vnt(1)      ' Assign parameters to global variables
                        intNumParams = intNumParams - 1

            'Add parameters here ....

                End Select

            End If
        End If
        ' END IF - 2 words must be found

    ' LOOP END - Read all lines of the config file

    If intNumParams = 0 Then
        LoadConfig = True                   ' Set result = TRUE if all params has been read
    End If

    ts.Close                            ' Close config file
    Set ts = Nothing                        ' Release memory
    Set fso = Nothing

End Function
' Write configuration file
' Return False in case of errors
' Lines are in the form <Keyword>=<Value>
Public Function WriteConfig(strCfgFilePath As String) As Boolean
On Error GoTo Err_WriteConfig

    Dim fso As FileSystemObject
    Dim ts As TextStream

    Set fso = New FileSystemObject
    Set ts = fso.CreateTextFile(strCfgFilePath, True)           ' Create text file (Overwrite if existing)
    ts.WriteLine "RegionalSetting" + "=" + g_strRegionalSettings    ' Write lines
    WriteConfig = True                          ' Set result = TRUE


    ts.Close                                ' Close file and release memory
    Set ts = Nothing
    Set fso = Nothing
    Exit Function


    WriteConfig = False                          ' Set result to FALSE in case of any errors

End Function