Objective c UIView坐标系-偏移和平移

Objective c UIView坐标系-偏移和平移,objective-c,uiview,translation,coordinates,coordinate-systems,Objective C,Uiview,Translation,Coordinates,Coordinate Systems,我很确定这更像是一个数学问题,但我会在UIView和iPad相关的objective C的上下文中表达它 我正在从从其他地方下载的一些公共域材料创建的映射文件中导入原始数据,然后分离以隔离映射中的各个区域。每个地区都有许多次区域,很像,例如,美国大陆,然后是美国境内出现的各个州,然后每个次区域又被分解成,比如说,县 每个州、每个县都有一个边界框,告诉我每个州的起点、宽度和高度 在我的初始设置中,我为每个州创建了一个单独的视图,然后为每个县创建了另一个视图。相对于我通过interface buil

我很确定这更像是一个数学问题,但我会在UIView和iPad相关的objective C的上下文中表达它



在我的初始设置中,我为每个州创建了一个单独的视图,然后为每个县创建了另一个视图。相对于我通过interface builder(称为mainContainerView)创建的视图,表示州/县区域的多边形被渲染(显然,县位于州的顶部,因此可见)。这个初始设置工作正常







-(void)didLoadMap:(NSNotification *)notification {

id region = [notification object];
ShapePolyline *polygon = [region polygon];

if ([notification name] == @"MapsLoadingForState") {

    // m_nBoundingBox is an array which contains the RAW northing and easting values for each subdivision.  [0] - west limit, [1] - south limit, [2] - east limit, [3] - north limit.

    // The code below, combined with the drawrect method in DrawMap.m (below) puts all the states on the map in precisely the right places, so for the state maps, it works just fine.

    CGFloat originX = ((polygon->m_nBoundingBox[0]-MASK_MIN_EASTING)*stateScaleMultiplier)+([mainContainerView frame].size.width/2);

    CGFloat originY = ((MASK_MAX_NORTHING-(polygon->m_nBoundingBox[3]))*stateScaleMultiplier)+[mainContainerView frame].origin.y;  
    CGFloat width = polygon->m_nBoundingBox[2] - polygon->m_nBoundingBox[0];
    CGFloat height = polygon->m_nBoundingBox[3] - polygon->m_nBoundingBox[1];

    CGFloat scaledWidth = width*stateScaleMultiplier;
    CGFloat scaledHeight = height*stateScaleMultiplier;
    UIColor *subViewColor = [UIColor colorWithRed:0.0 green:1.0 blue:1.0 alpha:0.0];

    stateMapView = [[DrawMap alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(originX, originY, scaledWidth, scaledHeight)];
    [stateMapView setBackgroundColor:subViewColor];

    [stateMapView setStateScale:stateScaleMultiplier];
    [stateMapView setCountyScale:countyScaleMultiplier];  // Not actually needed.

    [stateMapView setClippingMask:polygon];
    UIColor *colorMask = [UIColor colorWithWhite:1.0 alpha:1.0];
    [stateMapView setForeground:colorMask];

    [states addObject:stateMapView];                      // Add the state map view to an array (for future use)
    [mapView addSubview:stateMapView];  // MapView is a UIView of equivalent size and shape as mainContainerView.

} else {

    // This is where the problems occur.  

    CGFloat originX = (polygon->m_nBoundingBox[0]-DIST_MIN_EASTING);  // 4431590 (raw data)
    originX *= countyScaleMultiplier;  // 303.929108
    originX += ([mainContainerView frame].size.width/2);  // 815.929077

    CGFloat originY = (DIST_MAX_NORTHING-polygon->m_nBoundingBox[3]); 4328997 
    originY *= countyScaleMultiplier;  // 296.893036
    originY -= [mainContainerView frame].origin.y;  // 340.893036

    CGRect frame = [stateMapView frame];  // Dummy variable created for watches in the debugger.  x=856.237183, y=332.169922 width=34.3800087, height=28.7534008

    // When I was invoking DrawMap.h and the included drawrect method, the county map would easily be displayed in the right place, as you can see by the values above.

    // This is where I think the problem is.  The X value is WAY off as far as I can tell.
    originX -= frame.origin.x; // -40.3081055 
    originY -= frame.origin.y; // 8.72311401

    CGPoint countyOrigin = CGPointMake(originX,originY);

    // Translate the county's origin so it is relative to the origin of stateMapView, not MainContainerView (doesn't work)

    [stateMapView addCountyMap:[region polygon] withColor:winner translatedBy:countyOrigin];
    [stateMapView setNeedsDisplay];


- (void)drawRect:(CGRect)rect {

// Set up

for (int i=0;i<[countyMaps count];i++) {

    // Draw the polygon.

    [[countyColors objectAtIndex:i] setFill];

    [self drawPolygon:[countyMaps objectAtIndex:i]
         translatedBy:CGPointMake([[countyTranslations objectAtIndex:2*i] floatValue],
                                  [[countyTranslations objectAtIndex:2*i+1] floatValue])]; 


// Set the blend mode to multiply

CGContextSetBlendMode(context, kCGBlendModeMultiply);

// Draw a path with clippingMask

[[UIColor colorWithWhite:1.0 alpha:1.0] setFill];
// CGPoint translate = CGPointMake(0,0);

[self drawPolygon:clippingMask usingScale:stateScale translatedBy:CGPointMake(0,0)];


-(void)drawPolygon:(ShapePolyline *)aPolygon usingScale:(float)mapScale translatedBy:(CGPoint)trans {

for (int j=0;j<[aPolygon numParts];j++) {

    UIBezierPath *path = [UIBezierPath bezierPath];

    [path setLineJoinStyle:kCGLineJoinRound];

    int startIndex = [[[aPolygon m_Parts] objectAtIndex:j] intValue];
    int endIndex = [aPolygon numPoints];

    CGPoint startPoint;
    [[[aPolygon m_Points] objectAtIndex:startIndex] getValue:&startPoint];

    startPoint.x *=mapScale;
    startPoint.y *=mapScale;

    startPoint.x -= trans.x;
    startPoint.y -= trans.y;

    [path moveToPoint:startPoint];

    if (j+1 != [aPolygon numParts]){ 

        endIndex = [[[aPolygon m_Parts] objectAtIndex:j+1] intValue];

    for (int k=startIndex+1; k<endIndex; k++)
        CGPoint nextPoint;
        [[[aPolygon m_Points] objectAtIndex:k] getValue:&nextPoint];

        nextPoint.x *= mapScale;
        nextPoint.y *= mapScale;

        nextPoint.x -= trans.x;
        nextPoint.y -= trans.y;

        [path addLineToPoint:nextPoint];

    [path closePath];
    // [path stroke];
    [path fill];

对于(int i=0;i-已解决-




[stateMapView addCountyMap:[区域多边形]带颜色:winner translatedBy:countyOrigin]
这是原点的倒数吗?另外,看起来您可能没有对框架原点做出正确的假设,因为它们是局部原点,而不是窗口的全局原点。也就是说,您减去[mainContainerView frame].origin.y和frame.origin.y,不确定,但看起来不正确。我的理解是[view bounds]返回视图的局部坐标系,而[view frame]给出相对于superview的坐标系,在本例中,这就是我需要的坐标系。我不确定关于原点的倒数是什么。。。