Php 以下两种邮件功能的区别是什么?

Php 以下两种邮件功能的区别是什么?,php,Php,我似乎不明白为什么第一个代码的语法会出现t_字符串错误,因为它看起来与第二个代码相同: $htmlContent = "<h1>Congratulation Level 1 Promo Winner!</h1> <p>Dear $_SESSION['u_first'] $_SESSION['u_last'], &


 $htmlContent = "<h1>Congratulation Level 1 Promo Winner!</h1>
                                                                          <p>Dear $_SESSION['u_first'] $_SESSION['u_last'], <br /> Thank you for participating in our Level 1 Promo Competition recently. You have been selected as a winner in the following competition id: $row['entry_id']. You must activate your Level 1 Promo Code by clicking on the following link here <a href=".htmlspecialchars($to)."&activatetoken=".htmlspecialchars($level1promocode).">Click here to activate your Level 1 Promo Code.</a>Alternatively, you can use the following token to manually activate your Level 1 Promo Code by clicking on the Activate Membership Section Token:.$level1promocode


 $htmlContent = "<h1>Activate your Primer Level Membership Plan!</h1>
                                                                          <p>Dear $first $last, <br />Thank you for registering your Primer Level Membership Plan with PianoCourse101! You are receiving this e-mail because you or someone else claiming to be you has selected a Primer Level Membership Plan \n\nIf you believe that this is a mistake, please send us a ticket with the subject \"How to cancel my Primer Level Membership Plan?\" and allow at least 48 hours before receiving a reply.\n\nHowever, if this is correct, then you must activate your Primer Level Membership Plan by clicking on the link below: \n\n <a href=".htmlspecialchars($to)."&activatetoken=".htmlspecialchars($token4).">Click here to activate your Primer Level Membership Plan.</a>\n\nAlternatively, you can use the following token to manually activate your Level 3 Yearly Membership Plan by clicking on the 'Activate Membership\s Section:' \n\nToken:.$token4;



$_SESSION['u_first'] $_SESSION['u_last']
在这里,我们已经创建了会话并为变量赋值,以便用于在第一个代码上显示用户信息。使用$\u session[],这是一个数组。如果要将字符串与数组值连接起来,则需要放置适当的引号(“)



$htmlContent=“祝贺1级促销赢家 亲爱的“$\u SESSION['u_first'].$\u SESSION['u_last'.]”,

   $htmlContent = "<h1>Congratulation Level 1 Promo Winner!</h1><p>Dear ".$_SESSION['u_first'].$_SESSION['u_last'].", <br /> Thank you for participating in our Level 1 Promo Competition recently. You have been selected as a winner in the following competition id:". $row['entry_id']." You must activate your Level 1 Promo Code by clicking on the following link here <a href=".htmlspecialchars($to)."&activatetoken=".htmlspecialchars($level1promocode).">Click here to activate your Level 1 Promo Code.</a>Alternatively, you can use the following token to manually activate your Level 1 Promo Code by clicking on the Activate Membership Section Token:$level1promocode</p>";