
rth你说的“不能调用”是什么意思?我的意思是我试图在select标记上进行一次更改,但没有成功。另一条建议是,不要继续使用include“koneksi.php”创建新的连接。只需包含它一次,然后重用同一个连接。传递给函数的“this”不是id,而是触发,php,mysql,ajax,Php,Mysql,Ajax,rth你说的“不能调用”是什么意思?我的意思是我试图在select标记上进行一次更改,但没有成功。另一条建议是,不要继续使用include“koneksi.php”创建新的连接。只需包含它一次,然后重用同一个连接。传递给函数的“this”不是id,而是触发事件的对象。您似乎正在使用jQuery。对吗?如果是,要获取select的值,只需使用返回所选选项值的$(this).val()。 <script> function pesanan() { // v

    function pesanan()
        // variabel dari nilai combo box provinsi
        var id_pesanan = $( "#pesanan" ).val();

        // mengirim dan mengambil data
        $.ajax( {
                    type     : "POST",
                    dataType : "html",
                    url      : "cari_produk.php",
                    data     : "pesanan = " +
                    success  : function( msg )
                                   // jika tidak ada data
                                   if ( msg == '' )
                                       alert( 'Tidak ada data Produk' );
                                   // jika dapat mengambil data,, tampilkan di combo box kota
                                       $( "#produk" ).html( msg );                                                     

<script src = "https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.12.4/jquery.min.js">

<h3 style = "font-size : 25px;">
        Tambah Data Pemakaian Bahan

<form name   = "input"
      action = "input_pemakaian.php"
      method = "post"
      role   = "form">                          
    <table border = "0">
        <div class = "form-group"
             style = "margin-top : 30px;">
            <label style = "margin-top : 10px; text-align : left;">

            <select id       = "pesanan"
                    class    = "form-control pesanan"
                    name     = "pesanan"
                    onChange = "pesanan();"
                    style    = "float : right; margin-right : 41%; width:45%;"> 
                <option value = "">
                    Pilih Pesanan...

                    include "koneksi.php";
                    $hasil = mysqli_query( $conn,
                                           "SELECT * FROM pesanan" ); 

                    while ( $bebas = mysqli_fetch_array( $hasil ) )

                <option value = "<?php echo $bebas[ 'kd_pesanan' ]?>">
                    <?php echo $bebas['kd_pesanan']?>
                <?php } ?>

        <div class = "form-group" >
            <label style = "margin-top:3px; text-align : left;">

            <input class = "form-control"
                   name  = "tanggal"
                   style = "float : right; margin-right : 41%; width : 45%;"
                   type  = "date">

        <!--the date shouldn't be exceed from "tanggal selesai" on the form_pesanan and shouldn't be less than "tanggal pesan" on the form_pesanan-->
        <div class = "form-group">
            <label style = "margin-top : 3px; text-align : left;">

            <select id       = "produk"
                    class    = "form-control produk"
                    name     = "produk"
                    onchange = "pesanan();"
                    style    = "float : right; margin-right : 41%; width : 45%;">
                <option value = "">
                    Pilih Produk...

                    include "koneksi.php";
                    $hasil = mysqli_query( $conn,
                                           "SELECT * FROM produk" ); 

                    while ( $bebas = mysqli_fetch_array( $hasil ) )

                <option value = "<?php echo $bebas['kd_produk']?>">
                    <?php echo $bebas['nama_produk']?>

                <?php } ?>

        <div class = "form-group" >
            <label style = "margin-top : 3px; text-align : left;">
                Jumlah Pesanan

            <input class = "form-control"
                   name  = "jumlah_pesan"
                   style = "float : right; margin-right : 41%; width : 45%;"
                   type  = "text">

        <!--this font shown the number of product that is being ordered-->
        <!--the amount of product should be appaer automatically right after we select pesanan dan produk-->
        <!--Belum bisa keluar angkanya-->

        <div class = "form-group">
            <label style = "margin-top : 3px; text-align : left;">
                Jumlah Produk

            <input class = "form-control"
                   name  ="jumlah_produk"
                   style = "width : 45%; float : right; margin-right : 41%;"
                   type  = "text">   <!--Onchange="load_jumlah(this)"-->

            <font style = "color : grey; margin-left : 14%;">
                    Masukan jumlah produk yang sedang diproduksi

        <!-- validation : the form jumlah produk shouldnt more than the number of order product -->

        <!-- the selection for produk should be appear depend on selection pesanan, thus select combobox according on combobox -->

        <!-- at this form, we shouldnt input any material/ bahan, but it appear and calculate the total automatically, right after  we select produk.  The data should be taken from bom.  And there should be an alert when we select produk, that didnt have bom -->

        <div class = "clone-wrapper">
            <div class = "toclone">
                <div class = "form-group">
                    <label style = "margin-top : 3px; text-align : left;">

                    <select id       = "bahan"
                            class    = "form-control"
                            name     = "bahan[]"
                            onchange = "load_harga( this )"
                            style    = "float : right; margin-right : 41%; width : 45%;">
                        <option value = "">
                            Pilih Bahan...

                            include "koneksi.php";
                            $hasil = mysqli_query( $conn,
                                                   "SELECT * FROM bahan" ); 

                            while ( $bebas = mysqli_fetch_array( $hasil ) )

                        <option value = "<?php echo $bebas['kd_bb']?>">
                            <?php echo $bebas[ 'nama_bb' ]?>

                        <?php }?>

                <div class="form-group">
                    <label style = "margin-top : 3px; text-align : left;">

                    <input id    = "harga"
                           class = "form-control harga"
                           name  = "harga[]"
                           style = "float:right; margin-right:41%;width:45%;"
                           type  = "text">

                <div class = "form-group">
                    <label style = "margin-top:3px; text-align : left;" >
                        Jumlah Bahan

                    <input id       = "jumlah"
                           class    = "form-control jumlah"
                           name     = "jumlah[]"
                           onchange = "menjumlahkan( this )"
                           style    = "float : right; margin-right : 41%; width : 45%;"
                           type     = "number">

                <div class = "form-group">
                    <label style = "margin-top : 3px; text-align : left;">

                    <input id    = "total"
                           class = "form-control total"
                           name  = "subtotal[]"
                           style = "width : 45%; float : right; margin-right : 41%;"
                           type  = "text">

                <div class = "clone">
                    Tambah Bahan

                <div class = "delete">

            <input class = "btn btn-primary"
                   name  = "input"
                   type  = "submit"
                   value = "Simpan">

    .clone, .delete
        background : #0099CC;   
        color      : black;
        display    : inline-block;
        font-size  : 12px;
        margin     : 2.5px;
        padding    : 7px 10px;

    .clone:hover, .delete:hover
        cursor : pointer;

<script src="jquery.1.11.1.min.js">

<script src = "jquery-cloneya.min.js">


    function load_harga( id )
        var theID = $( id ).attr( 'id' );
        var selected = " option : selected";
        var idselected = "#" +
                             theID.concat( selected );
        var idNo = theID.substring( 5, 15 );
        var harga = "#harga";
        var idHarga = harga.concat( idNo );
        var selected_option_value=$( idselected ).val();  //get the value of the current selected option.

        $.post( "get_harga_bahan.php",
                    option_value : selected_option_value
                function( data )
                    // this will be executed once the `script_that_receives_value.php` ends its execution, `data` contains everything said script echoed.

    function load_jumlah( id )
        var theID = $( id ).attr( 'id' );
        var selected = " option : selected";
        var idselected = "#" + theID.concat( selected );
        var idNo = theID.substring( 5, 15 );
        var jumlah_pesan = "#jumlah_pesan";
        var idJumlah = jumlah.concat( idNo );
        var selected_option_value = $( idselected ).val();   //get the value of the current selected option.

        $.post( "get_jumlah.php",
                    option_value : selected_option_value
                function( data )
                    // this will be executed once the `script_that_receives_value.php` ends its execution, `data` contains everything said script echoed.
                    $( idJumlah ).val( data );

    // fungsinya belum berjalan dengan baik, masih mengikuti data sebelumnya, dan untuk mengembalikan kodingan seperti kemarin malah gak bisa huhuhu :(((
    function menjumlahkan( id )
        var theID = $( id ).attr( 'id' );
        var idNo = theID.substring( 6, 15 );
        var idHarga = "#harga" + idNo;
        var idJumlah = "#jumlah" + idNo;
        var idTotal = "#total" + idNo;

        a = $( idHarga ).val();
        b = $( idJumlah ).val();
        c = a * b;
        $( idTotal ).val( c );