Python 3.x 如何让Python计算出用户给定半径的圆的面积

Python 3.x 如何让Python计算出用户给定半径的圆的面积,python-3.x,geometry,area,Python 3.x,Geometry,Area,我可以先说我对Python和编码这整件事还是新手吗 这是我的代码: pi = 3.14159265 choice = input ("Enter a number between 1-5:") choice = int (choice) if choice == 1: radius = (input ("Enter x:") area = ( radius ** 2 ) * pi print ("The Area of the circle is, " =area)



pi = 3.14159265

choice = input ("Enter a number between 1-5:")
choice = int (choice)

if choice == 1:
    radius = (input ("Enter x:")
    area = ( radius ** 2 ) * pi
    print ("The Area of the circle is, " =area)

if choice == 2:
    radius = (input ("Enter x:")
    area = ( radius ** 2 ) * pi
    print ("The Area of the circle is, " =area)

if choice == 3:
    radius = (input ("Enter x:")
    area = ( radius ** 2 ) * pi
    print ("The Area of the circle is, " =area)
我在area=radius**2*pi的每一个位置都不断得到一个语法错误 我想知道为什么会发生这种情况,解决办法是什么,因为我对这种情况很陌生,可能很快就会发生,我真的很愚蠢




import math
pi = math.pi

choice = input ("Enter a number between 1-5:")
choice = int (choice)

if choice == 1:
    radius = float(input ("Enter x:"))
    area = ( radius ** 2 ) * pi
    print ("The Area of the circle is, " + str(area))

if choice == 2:
    radius = float(input ("Enter x:"))
    area = ( radius ** 2 ) * pi
    print ("The Area of the circle is, " + str(area))

if choice == 3:
    radius = float(input ("Enter x:"))
    area = ( radius ** 2 ) * pi
    print ("The Area of the circle is, " + str(area))



radius=input Enter x:的行不正确,您可能需要radius=FLOAT input Enter x:。哦,=区域也是无效的。删除=。当你只测试3个选项时,为什么是1-5?