Python 3.x 使用Python3使用Faker屏蔽现有数据时出错

Python 3.x 使用Python3使用Faker屏蔽现有数据时出错,python-3.x,faker,data-masking,Python 3.x,Faker,Data Masking,我使用Python3使用Faker包屏蔽数据集。我在以下网址获得了一个代码: . 代码: 但我不断得到如下错误: C:\Anaconda3.4\lib\site packages\spyderlib\widgets\externalshell\start\U ipython\U警告:“U”模式已被弃用 #--编码:utf-8-- 回溯(最近一次呼叫最后一次): 文件“”,第5行,在 writer=csv.DictWriter(o,reader.f

我使用Python3使用Faker包屏蔽数据集。我在以下网址获得了一个代码: .



C:\Anaconda3.4\lib\site packages\spyderlib\widgets\externalshell\start\U ipython\U警告:“U”模式已被弃用 #--编码:utf-8-- 回溯(最近一次呼叫最后一次):

文件“”,第5行,在 writer=csv.DictWriter(o,reader.fieldnames)

文件“C:\Anaconda3.4\lib\”,第96行,字段名 self.\u fieldnames=next(self.reader)

文件“C:\Anaconda3.4\lib\site packages\unicodesv\”,第55行,在next 返回self.reader.下一步()

文件“C:\Anaconda3.4\lib\site packages\unicodesv\”,第51行,在 f=(对于f中的bs,bs.decode(编码,错误=错误)


有人能帮我用Python 3实现代码吗?非常感谢。



def anonymize_rows(rows):

Rows is an iterable of dictionaries that contain name and
email fields that need to be anonymized.
    # Load the faker and its providers
    faker  = Factory.create()

    # Create mappings of names & emails to faked names & emails.
    c1  = defaultdict(faker.CARD_NO_ID)
    c2 = defaultdict(faker.ISS_USER_NAME)

    # Iterate over the rows and yield anonymized rows.
    for row in rows:
        # Replace the name and email fields with faked fields.
        row['CARD_NO_ID']  = c1[row['CARD_NO_ID']]
        row['ISS_USER_NAME'] = c2[row['ISS_USER_NAME']]

        # Yield the row back to the caller
        yield row

    The source argument is a path to a CSV file containing data to 
    anonymize, while target is a path to write the anonymized CSV data to.

source = 'card_transaction_data_all.csv'
target = 'card_transaction_data_all_fake.csv'

with open(source, 'rU') as f:
    with open(target, 'w') as o:
    # Use the DictReader to easily extract fields
        reader = csv.DictReader(f)
        writer = csv.DictWriter(o, reader.fieldnames)
        # Read and anonymize data, writing to target file.
        for row in anonymize_rows(reader):
    import csv
    from faker import Faker
    from collections import defaultdict

    def anonymize_rows(rows):

    Rows is an iterable of dictionaries that contain name and
    email fields that need to be anonymized.
        # Load the faker and its providers
        faker  = Faker()

        # Create mappings of names & emails to faked names & emails.
        c1  = defaultdict(faker.msisdn)
        c2 = defaultdict(

        # Iterate over the rows and yield anonymized rows.
        for row in rows:
            # Replace the name and email fields with faked fields.
            row['CARD_NO_ID']  = c1[row['CARD_NO_ID']]
            row['ISS_USER_NAME'] = c2[row['ISS_USER_NAME']]

            # Yield the row back to the caller
            yield row

        The source argument is a path to a CSV file containing data to 
        anonymize, while target is a path to write the anonymized CSV data to.

    source = 'card_transaction_data_all.csv'
    target = 'card_transaction_data_all_fake.csv'

    with open(source, 'r') as f:
        with open(target, 'w', newline='') as o:
        # Use the DictReader to easily extract fields
            reader = csv.DictReader(f)
            writer = csv.DictWriter(o, reader.fieldnames)
            # Read and anonymize data, writing to target file
            # with header!
            for row in anonymize_rows(reader):