Python sphinx sphinx/reStructuredText-块引号内的数学模式

Python sphinx sphinx/reStructuredText-块引号内的数学模式,python-sphinx,restructuredtext,Python Sphinx,Restructuredtext,我试图引用我的文档中的一个源,该源包含数学符号。是否可以在块引号内使用latex数学符号?我在python文档字符串中尝试了以下内容,但没有成功 .. pull-quote:: `"As density perturbations behave differently in a radiation dominated universe versus a matter dominated one due to pressure


.. pull-quote::

            `"As density perturbations behave differently in a radiation
            dominated universe versus a matter dominated one due to pressure
            support, the scale of the particle horizon at the equality epoch
            :math:`z_{\rm eq}` "`

.. math::

            k_{\rm eq} = (2 \Omega_{\rm M} H_0^2 z_{\rm eq})^{1/2}


.. pull-quote::

            `"As density perturbations behave differently in a 
            radiation dominated universe versus a matter dominated one
            due to pressure support, the scale of the particle horizon
            at the equality epoch` :math:`z_{\rm eq}` `more quote text
            can go here"`

.. math::

            k_{\rm eq} = (2 \Omega_{\rm M} H_0^2 z_{\rm eq})^{1/2}