
什么';这是一种制作对象的非阻塞版本的python方法吗?,python,multithreading,multiprocessing,subprocess,nonblocking,Python,Multithreading,Multiprocessing,Subprocess,Nonblocking,我经常将python对象与阻塞直到完成的方法一起使用,并希望将这些方法转换为非阻塞版本。我发现自己经常执行以下模式: 定义对象 定义一个函数,该函数创建对象的实例,并解析命令以调用对象的方法 定义一个“父”对象,该对象创建一个运行步骤2中定义的函数的子流程,并复制原始对象的方法 这就完成了任务,但涉及到大量乏味的代码重复,而且对我来说似乎不是很像Python是否有一种标准的、更好的方法来做到这一点? 一个高度简化的示例来说明我所使用的模式: import ctypes import Queue


  • 定义对象
  • 定义一个函数,该函数创建对象的实例,并解析命令以调用对象的方法
  • 定义一个“父”对象,该对象创建一个运行步骤2中定义的函数的子流程,并复制原始对象的方法
  • 这就完成了任务,但涉及到大量乏味的代码重复,而且对我来说似乎不是很像Python是否有一种标准的、更好的方法来做到这一点?


    import ctypes
    import Queue
    import multiprocessing as mp
    class Hardware:
        def __init__(
            self.dll = ctypes.cll.LoadLibrary('hardware.dll')
        def blocking_command(self, arg_1, arg_2, arg_3):
            This command takes a long time to execute, and blocks while it
            executes. However, while it's executing, we have to coordinate
            other pieces of hardware too, so blocking is bad.
            self.dll.Takes_A_Long_Time(arg_1, arg_2, arg_3)
        def change_settings(self, arg_1, arg_2):
            Realistically, there's tons of other functions in the DLL we
            want to expose as methods. For this example, just one.
            self.dll.Change_Settings(arg_1, arg_2)
        def close(self):
    def hardware_child_process(
        hw = Hardware(other_init_args)
        while True:
            cmd, args = commands.recv()
            if cmd == 'start':
            elif cmd == 'change_settings':
            elif cmd == 'quit':
    class Nonblocking_Hardware:
        This class (hopefully) duplicates the functionality of the
        Hardware class, except now Hardware.blocking_command() doesn't
        block other execution.
        def __init__(
            self.commands, self.child_commands = mp.Pipe()
            self.child = mp.Process(
        def blocking_command(self, arg_1, arg_2, arg_3):
            Doesn't block any more!
                 {'arg_1': arg_1,
                  'arg_2': arg_2,
                  'arg_3': arg_3}))
        def change_settings(self, arg_1, arg_2):
                 {'arg_1': arg_1,
                  'arg_2': arg_2}))
        def close(self):
            self.commands.send(('quit', {}))
            return None



    class NB_Hardware(object):
        __metaclass__ = NonBlockBuilder
        delegate = Hardware
        nb_funcs = ['blocking_command']

    from multiprocessing import cpu_count
    from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor
    def runner(self, cb, *args, **kwargs):
        return getattr(self, cb)(*args, **kwargs)
    class _ExecutorMixin():
        """ A Mixin that provides asynchronous functionality.
        This mixin provides methods that allow a class to run
        blocking methods in a ProcessPoolExecutor.
        It also provides methods that attempt to keep the object
        picklable despite having a non-picklable ProcessPoolExecutor
        as part of its state.
        pool_workers = cpu_count()
        def run_in_executor(self, callback, *args, **kwargs):
            """  Runs a function in an Executor.
            Returns a concurrent.Futures.Future
            if not hasattr(self, '_executor'):
                self._executor = self._get_executor()
            return self._executor.submit(runner, self, callback, *args, **kwargs)
        def _get_executor(self):
            return ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=self.pool_workers)
        def __getattr__(self, attr):
            if (self._obj and hasattr(self._obj, attr) and
                not attr.startswith("__")):
                return getattr(self._obj, attr)
            raise AttributeError(attr)
        def __getstate__(self):
            self_dict = self.__dict__
            self_dict['_executor'] = None
            return self_dict
        def __setstate__(self, state):
            self._executor = self._get_executor()
    class NonBlockBuilder(type):
        """ Metaclass for adding non-blocking versions of methods to a class.  
        Expects to find the following class attributes:
        nb_funcs - A list containing methods that need non-blocking wrappers
        delegate - The class to wrap (add non-blocking methods to)
        pool_workers - (optional) how many workers to put in the internal pool.
        The metaclass inserts a mixin (_ExecutorMixin) into the inheritence
        hierarchy of cls. This mixin provides methods that allow
        the non-blocking wrappers to do their work.
        def __new__(cls, clsname, bases, dct, **kwargs):
            nbfunc_list = dct.get('nb_funcs', [])
            existing_nbfuncs = set()
            def find_existing_nbfuncs(d):
                for attr in d:
                    if attr.startswith("nb_"):
            # Determine if any bases include the nb_funcs attribute, or
            # if either this class or a base class provides an actual
            # implementation for a non-blocking method.
            for b in bases:
                b_dct = b.__dict__
                nbfunc_list.extend(b_dct.get('nb_funcs', []))
            # Add _ExecutorMixin to bases.
            if _ExecutorMixin not in bases:
                bases += (_ExecutorMixin,)
            # Add non-blocking funcs to dct, but only if a definition
            # is not already provided by dct or one of our bases.
            for func in nbfunc_list:
                nb_name = 'nb_{}'.format(func)
                if nb_name not in existing_nbfuncs:
                    dct[nb_name] = cls.nbfunc_maker(func)
            return super(NonBlockBuilder, cls).__new__(cls, clsname, bases, dct)
        def __init__(cls, name, bases, dct):
            """ Properly initialize a non-blocking wrapper.
            Sets pool_workers and delegate on the class, and also
            adds an __init__ method to it that instantiates the
            delegate with the proper context.
            super(NonBlockBuilder, cls).__init__(name, bases, dct)
            pool_workers = dct.get('pool_workers')
            delegate = dct.get('delegate')
            old_init = dct.get('__init__')
            # Search bases for values we care about, if we didn't
            # find them on the child class.
            for b in bases:
                if b is object:  # Skip object
                b_dct = b.__dict__
                if not pool_workers:
                    pool_workers = b_dct.get('pool_workers')
                if not delegate:
                    delegate = b_dct.get('delegate')
                if not old_init:
                    old_init = b_dct.get('__init__')
            cls.delegate = delegate
            # If we found a value for pool_workers, set it. If not,
            # ExecutorMixin sets a default that will be used.
            if pool_workers:
                cls.pool_workers = pool_workers
            # Here's the __init__ we want every wrapper class to use.
            # It just instantiates the delegate object.
            def init_func(self, *args, **kwargs):
                # Be sure to call the original __init__, if there
                # was one.
                if old_init:
                    old_init(self, *args, **kwargs)
                if self.delegate:
                    self._obj = self.delegate(*args, **kwargs)
            cls.__init__ = init_func
        def nbfunc_maker(func):
            def nb_func(self, *args, **kwargs):
                return self.run_in_executor(func, *args, **kwargs)
            return nb_func
    class Hardware:
        def __init__(self, stuff):
            self.stuff = stuff
        def blocking_command(self, arg1):

    from nb_helper import NonBlockBuilder
    import time
    class Hardware:
        def __init__(self, other_init_args):
            self.other = other_init_args
        def blocking_command(self, arg_1, arg_2, arg_3):
            print("start blocking")
            return "blocking"
        def normal_command(self):
            return "normal"
    class NBHardware(object):
        __metaclass__ = NonBlockBuilder
        delegate = Hardware
        nb_funcs = ['blocking_command']
    if __name__ == "__main__":
        h = NBHardware("abc")
        print "doing blocking call"
        print h.blocking_command(1,2,3)
        print "done"
        print "doing non-block call"
        x = h.nb_blocking_command(1,2,3)  # This is non-blocking and returns concurrent.future.Future
        print h.normal_command()  # You can still use the normal functions, too.
        print x.result()  # Waits for the result from the Future

    doing blocking call
    start blocking
    < 5 second delay >
    doing non-block call
    start blocking
    < 5 second delay >

    class NonBlockBuilder(type):
        """ Metaclass for adding non-blocking versions of methods to a class.  
        Expects to find the following class attributes:
        nb_funcs - A list containing methods that need non-blocking wrappers
        delegate - The class to wrap (add non-blocking methods to)
        pool_workers - (optional) how many workers to put in the internal pool.
        The metaclass inserts a mixin (_ExecutorMixin) into the inheritence
        hierarchy of cls. This mixin provides methods that allow
        the non-blocking wrappers to do their work.
        def __new__(cls, clsname, bases, dct, **kwargs):
            nbfunc_list = dct.get('nb_funcs', [])
            # Add _ExecutorMixin to bases.
            if _ExecutorMixin not in bases:
                bases += (_ExecutorMixin,)
            # Add non-blocking funcs to dct, but only if a definition
            # is not already provided by dct or one of our bases.
            for func in nbfunc_list:
                nb_name = 'nb_{}'.format(func)
                dct[nb_name] = cls.nbfunc_maker(func)
            return super(NonBlockBuilder, cls).__new__(cls, clsname, bases, dct)
        def __init__(cls, name, bases, dct):
            """ Properly initialize a non-blocking wrapper.
            Sets pool_workers and delegate on the class, and also
            adds an __init__ method to it that instantiates the
            delegate with the proper context.
            super(NonBlockBuilder, cls).__init__(name, bases, dct)
            pool_workers = dct.get('pool_workers')
            cls.delegate = dct['delegate']
            # If we found a value for pool_workers, set it. If not,
            # ExecutorMixin sets a default that will be used.
            if pool_workers:
                cls.pool_workers = pool_workers
            # Here's the __init__ we want every wrapper class to use.
            # It just instantiates the delegate object.
            def init_func(self, *args, **kwargs):
                self._obj = self.delegate(*args, **kwargs)
            cls.__init__ = init_func
        def nbfunc_maker(func):
            def nb_func(self, *args, **kwargs):
                return self.run_in_executor(func, *args, **kwargs)
            return nb_func




    from multiprocessing import cpu_count
    from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor
    def runner(self, cb, *args, **kwargs):
        return getattr(self, cb)(*args, **kwargs)
    class _ExecutorMixin():
        """ A Mixin that provides asynchronous functionality.
        This mixin provides methods that allow a class to run
        blocking methods in a ProcessPoolExecutor.
        It also provides methods that attempt to keep the object
        picklable despite having a non-picklable ProcessPoolExecutor
        as part of its state.
        pool_workers = cpu_count()
        def run_in_executor(self, callback, *args, **kwargs):
            """  Runs a function in an Executor.
            Returns a concurrent.Futures.Future
            if not hasattr(self, '_executor'):
                self._executor = self._get_executor()
            return self._executor.submit(runner, self, callback, *args, **kwargs)
        def _get_executor(self):
            return ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=self.pool_workers)
        def __getattr__(self, attr):
            if (self._obj and hasattr(self._obj, attr) and
                not attr.startswith("__")):
                return getattr(self._obj, attr)
            raise AttributeError(attr)
        def __getstate__(self):
            self_dict = self.__dict__
            self_dict['_executor'] = None
            return self_dict
        def __setstate__(self, state):
            self._executor = self._get_executor()
    class NonBlockBuilder(type):
        """ Metaclass for adding non-blocking versions of methods to a class.  
        Expects to find the following class attributes:
        nb_funcs - A list containing methods that need non-blocking wrappers
        delegate - The class to wrap (add non-blocking methods to)
        pool_workers - (optional) how many workers to put in the internal pool.
        The metaclass inserts a mixin (_ExecutorMixin) into the inheritence
        hierarchy of cls. This mixin provides methods that allow
        the non-blocking wrappers to do their work.
        def __new__(cls, clsname, bases, dct, **kwargs):
            nbfunc_list = dct.get('nb_funcs', [])
            existing_nbfuncs = set()
            def find_existing_nbfuncs(d):
                for attr in d:
                    if attr.startswith("nb_"):
            # Determine if any bases include the nb_funcs attribute, or
            # if either this class or a base class provides an actual
            # implementation for a non-blocking method.
            for b in bases:
                b_dct = b.__dict__
                nbfunc_list.extend(b_dct.get('nb_funcs', []))
            # Add _ExecutorMixin to bases.
            if _ExecutorMixin not in bases:
                bases += (_ExecutorMixin,)
            # Add non-blocking funcs to dct, but only if a definition
            # is not already provided by dct or one of our bases.
            for func in nbfunc_list:
                nb_name = 'nb_{}'.format(func)
                if nb_name not in existing_nbfuncs:
                    dct[nb_name] = cls.nbfunc_maker(func)
            return super(NonBlockBuilder, cls).__new__(cls, clsname, bases, dct)
        def __init__(cls, name, bases, dct):
            """ Properly initialize a non-blocking wrapper.
            Sets pool_workers and delegate on the class, and also
            adds an __init__ method to it that instantiates the
            delegate with the proper context.
            super(NonBlockBuilder, cls).__init__(name, bases, dct)
            pool_workers = dct.get('pool_workers')
            delegate = dct.get('delegate')
            old_init = dct.get('__init__')
            # Search bases for values we care about, if we didn't
            # find them on the child class.
            for b in bases:
                if b is object:  # Skip object
                b_dct = b.__dict__
                if not pool_workers:
                    pool_workers = b_dct.get('pool_workers')
                if not delegate:
                    delegate = b_dct.get('delegate')
                if not old_init:
                    old_init = b_dct.get('__init__')
            cls.delegate = delegate
            # If we found a value for pool_workers, set it. If not,
            # ExecutorMixin sets a default that will be used.
            if pool_workers:
                cls.pool_workers = pool_workers
            # Here's the __init__ we want every wrapper class to use.
            # It just instantiates the delegate object.
            def init_func(self, *args, **kwargs):
                # Be sure to call the original __init__, if there
                # was one.
                if old_init:
                    old_init(self, *args, **kwargs)
                if self.delegate:
                    self._obj = self.delegate(*args, **kwargs)
            cls.__init__ = init_func
        def nbfunc_maker(func):
            def nb_func(self, *args, **kwargs):
                return self.run_in_executor(func, *args, **kwargs)
            return nb_func
    class Hardware:
        def __init__(self, stuff):
            self.stuff = stuff
        def blocking_command(self, arg1):

    def _blocking_command(Hardware_obj, arg1):
        return Hardware_obj.blocking_command(Hardware_obj, arg1)

    import multiprocessing
    hw_obj = Harware(stuff)
    pool = multiprocessing.Pool()
    results_obj = pool.apply_async(_blocking_command, (hw_obj, arg1))


  • 对于需要修改对象属性的方法,不要使用此选项,但如果在设置了所有类的属性之后使用此选项,则效果良好,可以有效地将类属性视为“只读”

  • 您也可以在类方法中使用这种方法来启动其他类方法,您只需显式地传递“self”。这可以让您将浮动的“hardware\u child\u process”函数移动到类中。它仍然可以充当一组异步进程的调度器,但它会将该功能集中在硬件类中

  • ctypes
    run\u in\u executor()